If you have ever researched the Rhesus blood grouping system, you probably already know that there is something mighty peculiar about the rhesus negative status. The Rhesus blood grouping system is differentiated from the ABO system, dealing with separate groups of antigens. First, to give some foundation information on blood grouping: the ABO blood grouping system reflects whether a person has the antigen "A", or the antigen "B", or has both, or neither. O simply stands for zero, or "null", having no A or B antigens.

The Rhesus blood group system contains some 50 different antigens, but the one of great importance is the "D" antigen. It is the D which determines the rh status of an individual. This, the most immunogenic of the Rhesus factors is key in knowing what individuals can donate blood or tissue to another without complications. The presence of a D antigen will not be tolerated by a body which does not have it, just as an A or B will not be tolerated by a type O.

Most people do have the D antigen, the function of which is said to not be fully understood in the medical field, though there is sufficient evidence to suggest that it plays a role in cellular respiration facilitation, or the transference of oxygen from the red blood cell to tissue and co2 from tissue to red blood cell. If you live in the U.S. , you have about a 15% chance of not having the D antigen present on the surface of your red blood cells. This next statistic is highly speculative, (as i have no way of measuring this) but i will venture a guess that if you live in the U.S. and are reading this article, the chances that you are rh negative are better than 70%. I'll explain that speculation a bit more further on.

The supposition that the scientific community has expected you to believe about the origins of this strange deletion of an blood antigen in some people is that it derives from a completely random mutation of unknown origin. The blood being as highly resistant to random mutation as it is, it would not seem likely that this accounts for it. Furthermore...there is no other known anomaly in all of nature that can literally turn a mother's body against it's unborn offspring as if it were a foreign entity. Where it is found in nature, (not referred to as rh status in all species) the absence of a blood antigen in a parent animal which can destroy it's own fetus that is positive for the antigen, occurs in novelty and hybridized strains, such as mules. In other words, where man has done some selective breeding of animals or the breeding of animals which would not naturally breed together, there arises the potential for haemolytic disease. When we see the body reject some tissue, as it would in the case of organ transplant, we automatically understand that the reason is because the body does not recognize the tissue as it's own.

Rhesus factor Haemolytic disease is offset these days by a drug called Rhogam, which, just as in the case of organ transplant, is an anti-rejection agent designed to stop the rh negative mother's body from attacking the rh positive fetus' body. In the most dire of circumstances, haemolytic disease will cause the rh positive fetus to be killed by it's mother's antibodies...in lesser circumstances, the baby is subject to the possibility of a number a serious congenital deficiencies which might manifest as mental disabilities like schizophrenia.

It has been often reported that there is a list of odd circumstances surrounding rh negative individuals...it's really very unfortunate that the scientific community does not offer the public great quantities of answers related to these things...though it's not impossible to research some of the findings which relate rh status to certain other characteristics...just try it, more often than not, you will run into documents that are provided by medical journals which you will have to pay to read. Not all data requires the input of the medical field to observe though..so i will mention a few that the average person can verify for themselves in everyday life.

Rh negative individuals tend to be "Caucasian"...though it is not impossible to find people of African descent with an rh negative status, these people usually have what is referred to a "weak" or inactive D antigen...a D antigen is present but it is dormant and non-functional. People of Asian origin with rh negative status are almost non-existent. Perhaps in obvious relation to that, rh negatives tend to have blue, green or hazel eye color...though you will find that those eye colors are far more common in rh negative Caucasians than in rh positive ones.

RH negatives think differently....this is where my speculation on the percentage of those who are reading this comes from. Even if you are unaware of your blood type and you did not access this subject because you are already aware you are rh negative, chances are... you are. The reason for this is because it is the nature of the rh negative brain to think in an unconventional way. These individuals seek out subject matters which are beyond the scope of average information, socially accepted answers and assumptions. They tend to gravitate towards challenging information and are not deterred by a sense of "too weird" to look into. They accept the "abnormal" and delve into the unknown with fervor and yet not without a serious bent towards the analytical and technical.

Rh negative people don't assimilate well...this can be looked at in one of two ways. Some might see these types in society as individuals who are difficult to get along with, do not follow rules well or fit into the the mainstream of society. On the other hand, they are greatly resistant to propaganda and do not readily believe the status quo answer to many questions in life. They might seek beyond the teaching of the normal educational system and rh negative children tend to become incredibly bored by the structure of teaching in public schools. The result of this lack of assimilation into "normal" society either seems to produce people who really achieve beyond the norm or become a complete societal "drop out".

Rh negative people have strength but little stamina...there is a tendency in connection with cellular respiration and an endocrine system which functions differently and the rh negative status. These people might very well find that they can produce bursts of strength and speed that seem disproportionate to their size, but for a very limited time. The ability of the adrenals to be kicked into a hyper-drive at the drop of a hat accounts for the bursts of strength and speed, but the lack of a well facilitated system of cellular respiration means that the body exhausts itself quickly. RH negative people might be more likely to lift a car off of a victim pinned beneath it than run a marathon.

RH negatives have hyper-acute sensory perception...while it might seem magical or mystical to talk about such a thing as "ESP"..in reality what accounts for the ability to perceive beyond what seems normal is simply a brain which receives at a conscious level, the very smallest stimuli of a normal sense, such as hearing, vision, touch, etc.. Whereas most would only receive these small stimuli on a subconscious level and not process it to be "surface aware" of it...the rh negative individual will more likely recognize these little cues. Brain waves, as we know, are electrical...they can be heard and they can be felt..but they are not normally perceived. Those who do perceive them would be called "telepathic".

RH negatives have an innate draw towards spirituality, but also an innate reluctance towards YHWH and Christian scripture...Those with an Rh negative factor will often find themselves incredibly interested, in an almost instinctive way, in all things "mythological", pagan and new age. At the same time, there is a pull back from all things which relate to Judeo-Christian teaching. It is interesting to note that a proven phenomenon called genetic memory might be at work here. The process by which the memory of a hundreds of ancestors throughout history will imprint upon their descendant in their very DNA has been called "The Monarch Effect". This makes a tendency toward pagan tradition coming from a bloodline which is the Origin of such, a sensible result. Also interesting to note, is that those rh negatives who do make a decision to follow YHWH often end up being the most zealous and faithful of followers. I have personally never met any confirmed rh negative individual who called themselves an atheist...a belief in some spiritual reality seems to be ingrained in them.

Rh negative people are drawn to one another...it is incredibly interesting to observe. It would seem that whether you might attribute it to subtle chemical signals humans unconsciously perceive through smell..or whether it is the recognition of the similar pattern of brain wave stimuli or simply a case of "birds of a feather"....people of an rh negative status find each other, and stick together. Perhaps the need to find others who understand them in a world which makes them feel so very different from the "norm" is a great driving force that brings them into each other's lives.

There are quite a few other curiosities which surround this blood type...though most of them are much harder to observe or otherwise research. One of those is the connection between the rh negative status and reports of "alien" abduction, another is the reports of certain whistle-blowers who have accused the CIA and other agencies of keeping a database and tracking those with the negative status throughout their lives.

Understanding that world is rife with pride and every person alive has had a pride problem since the fall of man, obviously this often leads those who know they have a negative rh status to find proof of their "specialness". I'm not here to uphold anyone's ego, though...there is nothing "special" about the lack of the D antigen in one's blood...there is something anomalous about it however. This blood abnormality derives from angels who "crossed the line". In all aspects..physically, mentally, spiritually...the result of being rh negative has certain seeming advantages and some disadvantages but one is not despised by their Creator based on the origin of their birth, even if that origin was not in His will....in the same way He would not despise the person who was a child born of rape or unmarried parents. We all have the same choices to make for or against Him. What knowing your rh negative status and what it means is able do for you though...is to help you come to terms with the reasons you have felt "different" all along and to come to understand that your Creator can use what is different about you to work great things in your life for His name's sake. From my perspective..i find it particularly awesome when i come across rh negatives who are called to faith in Him.

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Here's another interesting thought...how did rh negatives survive the thousands of years prior to this shot? I just have to wonder if there is an ulterior motive to the vaccine.

Gayle K. Horn said:

What the doctors told me was that Rhogam would prevent me from developing antibodies against Rh+ blood that would crossover in the placenta.  I was told that most crossover does not occur until the first delivery and then would remain resident in the mother's blood and would go into effect in subsequent pregnancies.  I also have problems with medical practitioners, particularly those that push lots of meds from big Pharma.  When I had my first child, 36 years ago, they tried to force me to have a spinal block and not give birth naturally.

Cyprium said:

It is deeply troubling, i think. I always seriously question the decisions of medical practitioners. If you think about this...why is a vaccine to prevent miscarriage being given After the baby is delivered alive and well?

Ouch, that thought has been bothering me for about the past 72 hours.  I do know this, without that shot our son would not have survived.  He is now a grown man in his early 30's, a Godly man and Christ-centered.  I believe that he will do much in the service of our Lord, for that is his own desire.  I cannot imagine the world without him and he was also one of the main means through which the Lord brought me back to His fold.  (The other was his sister who is 15 months his junior.)

Again, I go back to the sovereignty of God.  I believe in it and I trust in it especially when I don't understand it.  Even if there was an ulterior motive to the vaccine, I trust that the Lord has used it to His will and purposes as well.  Satan has been checkmated, our role is to finish the game.

This post describes me to a T but I am B+ and both of my parents are B+. I stumbled on the concept of genetic memory while doing genealogy. I was raised in the Eastern Bloc portion of Chicago but I never fit in culturally. While I was doing our family's genealogy, I discovered that I was manifesting the Celtic culture even though I had never been exposed to it! I assumed this had something to do with genes and I googled genetic memory and sure enough, that would account for my bent towards the Celtic culture. I am 50% Scottish. I also assumed that my sensitivity towards people was a result of becoming hyper vigilant due to the violent home I was raised in and I further assumed that how my brain worked was because of my intelligence level. This was a very good post. Thank you for sharing. I have always been close to The Lord but admittedly I had a period where I was very angry with God for not protecting me when I was a child.

Due to your ancestry, you are very likely a child of one parent who was rh negative or two who were carriers and thus you are as well. Both genetic memory and bloodline were areas of research and application in some of the government mind control projects which have been carried out, such as Monarch.

Hi prodigal son,
I've never heard of monarch. I will have to research that. Thank you!

We have covered it in a number of articles as a side topic but we don't have an article just dedicated to it (that i recall at the moment), so here is a link to a site that has a detailed description of it.


Hi Laura,

Two videos on this site that covers some things about Monarch style mind control:

Interview with a victim: http://timenolonger.ning.com/video/bases-7-britain-s-supersoldiers-...

The Black Awakening (Manchurian Candidate type sleepers set to activate in a universal trigger): http://timenolonger.ning.com/video/the-black-awakening-end-times-th...

Laura Ing said:

Hi prodigal son,
I've never heard of monarch. I will have to research that. Thank you!

"Could injecting yourself with blood of the young reverse the aging process?

It would appear that the Slovak-Hungarian "Blood Countess" Elizabeth Báthory may have been on to something: Researchers have shown that it is possible to reverse cognitive decline in old mice by injecting them with blood from the young. Elderly mice who were given transfusions of young blood were shown to exhibit improved learning skills and memory — and at a level comparable to much younger mice. Should the same effect apply to humans, it could represent a novel way to treat neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's....

He first made this discovery two years ago when he injected the blood of an older mouse into a younger one and vice versa. Villeda did this by connecting the circulatory systems of two mice so that their blood could mix (what's called heterochronic parabiosis). Soon after the transfusion he noticed that the younger mouse's brain started to age much more rapidly. And when he analyzed the older mouse, he observed that the number of stem cells had increased. His study led to a research paper that was later published in Nature.


The Illuminati Controlled Red Cross

"The American Red Cross or the International Red Cross, like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or the World Bank, is an Illuminati-controlled front organization whose true purpose is completely opposite from their stated purpose. The IMF tells the world that they are there to "help" counties recover from economic difficulties (which the IMF and World Bank helped to create in the first place), but in reality, the IMF breaks counties and ruins their economies. The same could be said of the Red Cross..."

"The dust from the World Trade Center collapses hadn't even settled before the call went out immediately from the Red Cross to give blood  and money to help the victims and the families of the 'terrorist' attack. Thousands of people gave blood and even more gave millions upon millions of dollars to the Red Cross. The first question that occurred to me when the Red Cross started asking for blood was: "Blood for whom?". Everyone was dead! We knew everyone was dead from the very beginning, so why is the Red Cross asking for blood donations day and night for about a week or more?

The answer is reflective of the true purpose of the the Red Cross: the Red Cross is a disaster racket which is in the business of making money from disasters-especially from engineered disasters. They sell the blood, of course, but they apparently also use the blood for other things which the public is generally not privy to..."



I am a 39 years old. I am an A- (negative) and so is my mum, my sister and my sister's two children. As a child, I remember having difficult times blending with others... as if I was different... I also remember having some kind of recurring lucid dream with a demon attacking me when falling asleep as a kid, which was very scary at that time. I also could hear whispers in the house sometimes and often had déjà-vu experiences as a child (it stopped at around 15 years old)... I was a very sensitive child and I wandered in this life asking myself "is this all there is?!".. I was not very intrigued by all the things available on this planet's menu-card... Other people seemed to really love all kinds of hobbies and things, but to me it was all not so very interesting. I also remember that I felt very targeted by a certain old horrible female teacher when I was 4 years old... I left that class utterly traumatized but do not have good memory of it.  I also remember that my tonsils had to be removed at a very young age since they were incredibly swollen all the time so I could not swallow anything. (must be allergic food reactions due to RH- blood)

I remember being very curious towards subjects like ghosts, paranormal things and UFO's as a child.. but that info was not so widely available back then since there was no internet yet. As a teenager, I was easily attacked by the "bullies" in school. I was a very sensitive guy and I remember that I was always observing others... without really participating...

When I was about 15 years old, I felt as lonely, misunderstood and desperate as one could get... my life had been one in which I had never felt understood or loved and all cards seemed against me. I was utterly depressed and had been observing people for such a long time, that I decided that I should just copy every kind of behavior and lifestyle that made people "popular". I soon became "successful" and started to live the life of the "prodigal son"... going to extravagant parties and nightclubs, consuming lots of pornography, having one girlfriend after another, party drugs, alcohol, smoking, working in media, driving nice cars... between my 20's and 30's that is what my life looked like. On the outside, I looked as if I was on top of the world, but I was still broken, lonely and empty inside. No amount of drugs or anything could fill the hole and kill the pain.

It was in 2008 that I was suddenly struck with chronic illness which would make me housebound for the next 7 years... A sudden panic attack resulted in a very severe panic disorder... I was hyperventilating all the time and did not dare to be among people, nor leave the house. From that moment on, I realized that I was in deep trouble and that I would use every moment to search for truth and healing, as well emotional as physical... since the normal doctors did not really have answers and I reacted way too sensitive to pharmaceutical drugs (anti-depressants, xanax), I had to find other ways.. so I soon ended up with alternative practitioners and this was the entrance to all kinds of religions and practices that I would now describe as occult... the list is endless... You name it and I've done it, at least most of it. This search revived my "early youth's" interest for the supernatural, but now I had all the time in the world + the internet at my fingertips.

Apart from all the new age beliefs I was adopting as a truthseeker, I also let all kinds of distant healers do their thing, hoping to get fixed. I wanted to look into everything, as long as it wasn't Christianity. While experimenting with all these occult therapies, I had several supernatural things happening to me that were not very pleasant.. I knew I was going downhill... after years of panic disorder, I started to have all kinds of food allergies, thyroid problems, gastro-intestinal problems and finally ended up with a severe chronic fatigue... I still do not know if it was adrenal fatigue or CFS, but I just was so easily exhausted that I could barely stand upon my feet..

It was in 2012 that the whole new age community expected something major to happen and it didn't. That is when I started to doubt my beliefs and everything I had tried had only cost me tons of money with no results (except from spiritual activity around me... It was at the end of 2013 that I was confronted with "christian documentaries" on youtube of people who connected the right dots ... that is when I discovered the true face of "new age", the deception in the truth-seeker movement (UFO's and ET's from "outer space" that were actually demonic) and I even saw how the "illuminati" plans to take over the world tied in with the bible book of Revelation... bottom line:. everything that I had ever believed or done had been schemes of the devil to keep me away from the truth that Yeshua Ha'Masschiach is the only way to the Father.

It was in the beginning of 2014 -after some months of mental resistance- that I gave my life to Christ. It was a radical conversion and I knew that I had found the last puzzle peace and that I would never ever divert from that path. I destroyed all the occult and worldly materials around the house and started confessing all my sins in a first prayer that lasted some hours... during those first prayers, I remember that I had to gag very often..it is only later during a deliverance conference that I understood that this was spontaneous deliverance taking place as a result of all the occult doors I had opened in the past.

I bought a bible and it came alive immediately... I studied day and night, prayed, cried a lot (in the previous 20 years, I had only been able to cry at funerals).. I was instantly delivered completely from pornography-addiction... I sooooo wanted to serve the Lord... after 6 months of studying the word and listening to sermons, I felt inspired to pray for a boy with an obvious illness.. I laid hands on that person and prayed and the first miracle happened... after that, many healings followed... people felt warmth going through their body when I laid hands and prayed for them and they got healed from many illnesses. It took me 10 months before I first entered a church and was baptized. After water baptism, my physical healing starting to improve drastically... The panic disorder went away and the chronic fatigue diminished gradually... the food allergies and other symptoms went away too. Today, I still have to deal with chronic fatigue but it's far better than it used to be.. I still believe that God can and will heal me completely... I strongly think that my physical healing will go hand in hand with the emotional healing...

I have had people with a strong gift of prophecy from different continents prophesying that God will make me operate in signs and wonders.

I was very intrigued by the info I found in this article... During my medical examinations when becoming ill, I found out that was RH-... and when I was still a new age truth movement guy, I knew that there might be some link between the chemtrails I saw above my head every day and RH- .. I had once heard that the elites (who were pure RH-) were targeting the RH-... When I became a born again believer, I was so relieved that there was Someone above all that, Who was able to restore my health and protect me despite all these things going on. But still... when I looked into RH- blood types recently, I saw that christians either concluded that they were the bloodline of Jesus (holy grail, the pure bloodline) or the bloodline of fallen angels and therefor unredeemable.  I must that the adversary tried to put thoughts of fear in my mind about this last option and the consequences for salvation. Despite all the wonderful things I had seen since my conversion, I still had not experienced this true outburst of speaking in tongues the way others did, and due to the difficult relationship with my earthly father, I still had a kind of  an orphan spirit towards God. (instead of feeling like a beloved child of His)  Reading this article and reading all the responses from other born again RH- people gave me the assurance that I needed: There are other RH- people that are obviously converted and that serve the Kingdom. So thank you guys for making it more clear to me. And thank you Lord for your incredible grace... your love truly goes beyond any physical makeup!

There is yet another thing I want to share... when I converted, I left all my homeopatic and other remedies... I said: "God, if you are my God, I trust that you will honor that I will not get involved with these therapies that have occult origins, and I trust you that you will be my Healer".. and that trust has not been shamed! God is indeed doing a great work in me and I trust that He will enable me to to the works He has provided for me in His timing and in His strength. Nevertheless, during all those years of illness, I have been guided by many specialized orthomolecular therapists, and one of the supplements which had a very positive influence upon my situation was a seemingly unimportant additive in the form of oligoelements, containing zinc, copper and molybdenum. One day I decided to stop taking that additive and 2 weeks later all the symptoms returned... it was not a migraine but a very strange and unreal feeling my head/brain through which it was very hard to function normally, I was completely overwhelmed by it..  Some days after I started taking that supplement again, the symptoms disappeared... the last time I did the test was some 4 months ago.. so I am taking that supplement on a daily basis, not knowing exactly why I am so dependent of it.    That is when I started realizing.. oh my goodness... RH- people have copper-blood and something seems to be wrong with my copper balance so that I can not function well.. 

When I was reading the comments below this article, I was reading a comment written by "Bean" that says:"also knowing the 'side-effects' of being O-negative helped a lot, like the importance of balancing a high copper content in the blood."... my heart stopped ! 😊 Is there anyone who can tell me more about this from a RH- point of view? I am proof that things go horribly wrong when my copper is imbalanced..


Today, I did a quick research and found this article... but the guy does not really make reference to RH- people.. I can only imagine that "copper toxicity" has a whole other meaning in RH+ people (iron based) than in RH- people... Please enlighten me on this subject.. 😊according to this guy, my panic/stress is linked to copper imbalance as well as the adrenal fatigue that I suffer from... Maybe the supplement helps me a little bit, but with some extra help from you guys, I can get my copper balanced optimally and get my adrenals strong again.. that would be so wonderful. This has lasted too long already.


How bizarre that I've consulted some of the most respected orthomolecular specialists of the country in the past, and no one has really looked into my copper-influencing supplement as being an important clue, whereas all the symptoms I've had (chronic candida albicans, panic disorder, allergies, thyroid problems, fatigue, restlessness, low energy on cellular level) pointed in that direction. I still don't know if my situation has been a cause of the copper being added or the counter-effects of Zinc and Molybdenum that help copper decrease!


The article seems to say that copper is an important necessity for energy production. That seems to indicate that you need a lot of it to be fit. Why then does the article seem to indicate that we are doing better when we lower copper ?


Thanks for the input !!


hi John 8:32 and welcome to TNL :)

here's a list of some of the symptoms (i'm using this site as a source but not endorsing it)

Symptoms of High (Excess) Copper

  • Feelings of doom
  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Hypothyroid (slow thyroid)
  • Mind is in a fog
  • Headaches, migraines
  • Mood swings
  • Supersensitive, weepy
  • Cold hands, and/or feet
  • Depression
  • Dry skin
  • Chocolate cravings
  • Feeling of loss of control
  • Paranoia
  • Despair, suicidal feelings, hopelessness
  • Arthritis, calcium spurs
  • Constipation
  • Racing heart, pounding heart
  • Adverse reaction to vitamins and minerals
  • Problems with concentration and memory
  • Short attention span, ‘spaciness’
  • Eating disorders: anorexia, bulimia, overeating
  • Panic attacks, high anxiety, free floating anxiety
  • Yeast infections (candida)
  • Aching muscles or muscle cramps
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Mind races -- insomnia, interrupted sleep
  • PMS
  • Mononucleosis
  • Low blood pressure
  • Obsessive thoughts

the source site also has a PDF self-evaluation form.

good place to look up supplements... i've been very happy with them (TNL isn't associated w/the site) Bob Marshall is a QRA (quantum reflex analysis) physician and does a good job explaining how nutrient levels in our blood are what indicates health (why doesn't western medicine practice this?), and how adjusting the blood nutrient levels to normal is key in maintaining health... he talks about cellular resonance and biofield health as well.. i'm not saying he's got all the answers, but he and the QRA physicians around the world are the only ones i've seen get intimately close to the root of health issues in terms of blood levels... he doesn't go into blood types but he does really well explaining concepts... you can navigate to his radio show material on the site. 

copper toxicity was a revelation for me as well, and i'm so thankful to know and understand what was going on and why.. as an O- i also struggled greatly with iron-poor blood and the anemia effect, which seems to be able to push the copper toxicity to the next level of stressful.. for me, the main concerns have been copper, iron, B/complex, D and C.. in that order... removing grain from my diet helped tremendously, as well as consuming a higher ratio of red meat..

i work with a ton of people who are taking an array of drugs for adrenal issues and their struggles are so difficult... one drug to manage symptoms, another to manage the side-effects.. but nothing to actually correct the problem... we know that policy of "treat the symptoms not the cause" is a losing battle especially when the treatments are synthetic or genetically modified versions of something our Creator gave us..

personally, it's been 20 years or more since i've taken anything synthetic and it's such a liberty to not be in the dark about how to recognize and correct nutritional issues, particularly when the issues have such an impact on emotional health, like copper toxicity.

someone once said, "all health problems are either spiritual, or nutritional, or both" and i've yet to see evidence otherwise.. i tried a few different things along the line but found the ultimate emotionally-grounding, high-energy meal for me to be a quality cut of organic, grass-fed red meat, cooked rare.

i also love beets...

here's an article going into more detail about the copper/zinc relationship:

An Unrecognized Danger

...the micronutrient copper is widely available in unrefined foods,2 but the mineral zinc, needed in larger amounts to balance copper, can only reliably be obtained in optimum amounts from land-based animal foods, in particular eggs and red meats.3

These of course are among the foods that have been most stubbornly attacked by mainstream nutrition authorities...


When I was reading the comments below this article, I was reading a comment written by "Bean" that says:"also knowing the 'side-effects' of being O-negative helped a lot, like the importance of balancing a high copper content in the blood."... my heart stopped ! 😊 Is there anyone who can tell me more about this from a RH- point of view? I am proof that things go horribly wrong when my copper is imbalanced..

Thanks for your answers Bean!

I am sure that there is much info around about how to supplement the copper imbalance. For me personally, the "orthomolecular" path has proven to be a very expensive, never ending and stressful route... Before my conversion, I was dependent upon such doctors/specialists trying to find out and fix what went wrong with my body. To a certain degree, it feels like "trying to play God"...trying to control very complex processes. I do not say that it is wrong or that some people might not have had a huge benefit from it. I just say that for me it was  an endless search which cost me tons of money and energy and made me even more exhausted and desperate.

What I have understood from all this is that there is a link between stress and adrenal burn out and copper toxicity/zinc depletion. The solution would be to lessen stress, feed the adrenals and balance copper/zinc. When I came to christ, I was so exhausted and desperate, that the existence of a God who knew all and was a good shepherd was a great relief.. finally I could quit that expensive and exhausting search.. I told God: "I am so tired trying to fix myself.. If you are the God that heals, I want to lay my situation in your hands and trust that you will be my doctor"... I quit all supplements, all doctor visits, all worrying about these things... and over time, my panic disorder disappeared, as well as the nasty food allergy symptoms, the skin rashes, the immune system got stronger, I started to gain energy gradually...

What I want to say is: The difference between ourselves and many others with this problem is that we have a God, that wants us to allow Him to be God in our lives. As soon as we surrender our worries and troubles, God starts to move. I've been instantly delivered from pornography, fear of abandonment and many other things that I would have never dreamed of getting rid of in my own strength, not even with years of therapy. It went away instantly and effortlessly. I've seen many people getting healed from the most complicated and devastating chronic illnesses through one prayer! I am sure that they also had tons of chemical imbalances before the moment they got healed. But it did not take them months or even years of balancing certain things...it took them one intervention of God. It took grace.. :)

I also read in the comments below this topic that a woman with RH- blood did not take the Rhogam shot that was said to be necessary for her to conceive healthy children form her RH+ husband.. she took a leap of faith and had more than 4 healthy children without the shot. I've heard of people with missing organs functioning as if the organ was still in place, through Gods grace.. The thing is: I really appreciate all the knowledge that is available and I truly feel blessed to hear that it helped many, but as children of Yahweh Rapha, we are in a position where we can choose to let loose of all the controlling (which is often the root cause of stress) and trust in the One who knows all.

I still do not know exactly what cured me... whether it was God doing it supernaturally, or the people that prayed for me with laying on of hands, or simply the fact that I was finally able to "let go and let God" since I knew that God was big enough to deal with my issues. We are designed to live in dependence of a caring God. Worrying is a sin, because it harms us, because it gives us stress.. it puts us in a place where we accept the lie from the devil that we have to find it out all by ourselves in the same way that atheists are doomed to, in our own strength if you will... every problem becomes our problem... stress is the natural result of trying to live life separate from God... we are designed to live by the grace of our BIG Daddy, in total dependence of Him... where "our" problems, become His responsibility as a loving Father.

When I starting to dive into the information you gave me, I started to sense something in my body that should not be there.. something that had been part of my life for many years before coming to christ: the immense stress that comes with thinking that I have to understand and apply all the things these specialists say in their mind boggling articles "or else"... the focus on God's provision, wisdom and grace turns back into a focus on my understanding, my effort...

The result is that I sense anxiety and stress popping up out of nowhere, my adrenals are under attack and I don't even want to know what chain reaction that causes to the chemical processes in my body. Again, if anybody is able to use all that info without getting stressed about it, by all means do so... I just want to share my experience... stress is a killer... stress puts everything in a fight/flight mode and turns chemical processes upside down. The elites do all they can to load the masses with stress as much as they can.

I believe that there is a link between stress, adrenal burn out and the chemical imbalances... but (chronic) stress came FIRST. And trusting God for everything has proven to be the best stress reducer imaginable. That is what we are designed for. That reduction of stress has enabled my body to restore itself in ways that that I would only have thought possible with tons of supplements, detoxifications...

There is this christian guy in America (Henry Wright) who has written a great book about illness and its root causes... it is called "a more excellent way"... they also have a website (http://www.beinhealth.com/).. There are many testimonies of people who have been completely cured from severe Chronic fatigue during one of their conferences... We all know that people with severe chronic fatigue issues have a chemical imbalance level beyond understanding! But it sometimes only needs trust from their part and one act of grace for God to turn them into high energetic, balanced people again. We have such a great God.

For anyone who is interested in this, I found an interesting article describing how CFS develops from stress (lack of trust)... and it also explains how all symptoms and illnesses disappear where they came from as soon as TRUST kicks in again... it was a strong confirmation of what I have experienced in the past 10 years... http://injesus.com/message-archives/evangelism-missions/Upstream/he...

What I was really asking for earlier was how the problem of copper toxicity is different in people with RH- copper-blood? I can imagine that people with RH+ iron based blood, react different to certain levels of copper, than RH- people who seem to "need" high copper in their blood in order to have healthy blood. The articles I had already read and the ones you gave me offer general info about copper toxicity, but I wanted to know whether you guys had gained insights on that topic, specifically for RH- people. :) I am sure that the elites with their pure RH- bloodlines know all the ins and outs about their body chemistry and they surely take one specially designed pill a day to keep their body functioning optimally.

Be blessed and be the blessing ! 

Hi, John 8:32. Welcome to TNL. I'm glad your perspective on the origin of rh negative was helped here. No blood but the blood of Messiah can save any of us, no matter our origin and this is really the true thing that matters.

I understand how you feel about our control of health and wellness being one more thing we need to give over to Him. I believe He offered us in His unique construct, all that human life needs to be well but He is the creator of all these things and there is no cure in the remedy without the hand of the Physician.

These things may be used by one who gives glory to Him for the properties He made present for healing in them, but for another perhaps these things become an idol in themselves and faith stumbles at trying to use any means to treat ones-self. I think neither of these people are sinners, but we each have to grow in His trust the way He has planned for us.

You are absolutely right to think that our Father in heaven can take control and balance our system without any control or effort of our own other than faith. Mountains can be moved.

Stress is a form of fear and fear of this world is always shown to us to be a destructive force in our lives. No fear is needed but the fear of the One true Creator. Of course we all know these things and yet stress is a difficult beast to wrestle with. The body defies the mind with chemicals outside the control of one's will but, nothing can supersede His will, even the processes of the natural body. It is a journey of growth in faith to turn these things over to Him completely.

You truly do not need to know the fine details of the body's processes. You only need to know He is in control. The understanding of how things work and what natural things He has provided to help us simply serves to offer us an understanding of how He neglected none of what we need.

That said, many are helped by the understanding and for those, this is the way He has chosen to work a miracle in their lives.

A protein called ceruplasmin is responsible for the balance of both copper and iron in the blood. In some genetic conditions the ceruplasmin is either elevated or reduced resulting in chronic and even life threatening copper toxicity or hemochromatosis. When the article was written it was as yet unpublished that the D antigen was connected to cellular respiration, but these studies have since come out showing that it is the case. It is also evidence based speculation that there is a connection between the absence of the D antigen and ceruplasmin levels. So far we only have the testimony on rh negatives with symptoms similar to yours to look to. The scientific community seems reluctant to give many answers about the rh negative factor and so this is why you find many independent research groups on the internet trying to compile their own.

What is known for certain is that iron/zinc and copper compete with each other and high levels of one diminish the other which in the case of copper toxicity also leads to anemia.A diet rich in iron and zinc can help this balance tremendously without the use of extra supplementation. These minerals are found most in sea food and red meat whereas copper is found in high amounts in more plant based foods, particularly grains and seeds.

Be blessed in Messiah. I pray you find this helpful and that Yahushua is all the healing you'll ever need.

John 8:32 said:

Thanks for your answers Bean!

I am sure that there is much info around about how to supplement the copper imbalance. For me personally, the "orthomolecular" path has proven to be a very expensive, never ending and stressful route... Before my conversion, I was dependent upon such doctors/specialists trying to find out and fix what went wrong with my body. To a certain degree, it feels like "trying to play God"...trying to control very complex processes. I do not say that it is wrong or that some people might not have had a huge benefit from it. I just say that for me it was  an endless search which cost me tons of money and energy and made me even more exhausted and desperate.

What I have understood from all this is that there is a link between stress and adrenal burn out and copper toxicity/zinc depletion. The solution would be to lessen stress, feed the adrenals and balance copper/zinc. When I came to christ, I was so exhausted and desperate, that the existence of a God who knew all and was a good shepherd was a great relief.. finally I could quit that expensive and exhausting search.. I told God: "I am so tired trying to fix myself.. If you are the God that heals, I want to lay my situation in your hands and trust that you will be my doctor"... I quit all supplements, all doctor visits, all worrying about these things... and over time, my panic disorder disappeared, as well as the nasty food allergy symptoms, the skin rashes, the immune system got stronger, I started to gain energy gradually...

What I want to say is: The difference between ourselves and many others with this problem is that we have a God, that wants us to allow Him to be God in our lives. As soon as we surrender our worries and troubles, God starts to move. I've been instantly delivered from pornography, fear of abandonment and many other things that I would have never dreamed of getting rid of in my own strength, not even with years of therapy. It went away instantly and effortlessly. I've seen many people getting healed from the most complicated and devastating chronic illnesses through one prayer! I am sure that they also had tons of chemical imbalances before the moment they got healed. But it did not take them months or even years of balancing certain things...it took them one intervention of God. It took grace.. :)

I also read in the comments below this topic that a woman with RH- blood did not take the Rhogam shot that was said to be necessary for her to conceive healthy children form her RH+ husband.. she took a leap of faith and had more than 4 healthy children without the shot. I've heard of people with missing organs functioning as if the organ was still in place, through Gods grace.. The thing is: I really appreciate all the knowledge that is available and I truly feel blessed to hear that it helped many, but as children of Yahweh Rapha, we are in a position where we can choose to let loose of all the controlling (which is often the root cause of stress) and trust in the One who knows all.

I still do not know exactly what cured me... whether it was God doing it supernaturally, or the people that prayed for me with laying on of hands, or simply the fact that I was finally able to "let go and let God" since I knew that God was big enough to deal with my issues. We are designed to live in dependence of a caring God. Worrying is a sin, because it harms us, because it gives us stress.. it puts us in a place where we accept the lie from the devil that we have to find it out all by ourselves in the same way that atheists are doomed to, in our own strength if you will... every problem becomes our problem... stress is the natural result of trying to live life separate from God... we are designed to live by the grace of our BIG Daddy, in total dependence of Him... where "our" problems, become His responsibility as a loving Father.

When I starting to dive into the information you gave me, I started to sense something in my body that should not be there.. something that had been part of my life for many years before coming to christ: the immense stress that comes with thinking that I have to understand and apply all the things these specialists say in their mind boggling articles "or else"... the focus on God's provision, wisdom and grace turns back into a focus on my understanding, my effort...

The result is that I sense anxiety and stress popping up out of nowhere, my adrenals are under attack and I don't even want to know what chain reaction that causes to the chemical processes in my body. Again, if anybody is able to use all that info without getting stressed about it, by all means do so... I just want to share my experience... stress is a killer... stress puts everything in a fight/flight mode and turns chemical processes upside down. The elites do all they can to load the masses with stress as much as they can.

I believe that there is a link between stress, adrenal burn out and the chemical imbalances... but (chronic) stress came FIRST. And trusting God for everything has proven to be the best stress reducer imaginable. That is what we are designed for. That reduction of stress has enabled my body to restore itself in ways that that I would only have thought possible with tons of supplements, detoxifications...

There is this christian guy in America (Henry Wright) who has written a great book about illness and its root causes... it is called "a more excellent way"... they also have a website (http://www.beinhealth.com/).. There are many testimonies of people who have been completely cured from severe Chronic fatigue during one of their conferences... We all know that people with severe chronic fatigue issues have a chemical imbalance level beyond understanding! But it sometimes only needs trust from their part and one act of grace for God to turn them into high energetic, balanced people again. We have such a great God.

For anyone who is interested in this, I found an interesting article describing how CFS develops from stress (lack of trust)... and it also explains how all symptoms and illnesses disappear where they came from as soon as TRUST kicks in again... it was a strong confirmation of what I have experienced in the past 10 years... http://injesus.com/message-archives/evangelism-missions/Upstream/he...

What I was really asking for earlier was how the problem of copper toxicity is different in people with RH- copper-blood? I can imagine that people with RH+ iron based blood, react different to certain levels of copper, than RH- people who seem to "need" high copper in their blood in order to have healthy blood. The articles I had already read and the ones you gave me offer general info about copper toxicity, but I wanted to know whether you guys had gained insights on that topic, specifically for RH- people. :) I am sure that the elites with their pure RH- bloodlines know all the ins and outs about their body chemistry and they surely take one specially designed pill a day to keep their body functioning optimally.

Be blessed and be the blessing ! 

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