If you have ever researched the Rhesus blood grouping system, you probably already know that there is something mighty peculiar about the rhesus negative status. The Rhesus blood grouping system is differentiated from the ABO system, dealing with separate groups of antigens. First, to give some foundation information on blood grouping: the ABO blood grouping system reflects whether a person has the antigen "A", or the antigen "B", or has both, or neither. O simply stands for zero, or "null", having no A or B antigens.

The Rhesus blood group system contains some 50 different antigens, but the one of great importance is the "D" antigen. It is the D which determines the rh status of an individual. This, the most immunogenic of the Rhesus factors is key in knowing what individuals can donate blood or tissue to another without complications. The presence of a D antigen will not be tolerated by a body which does not have it, just as an A or B will not be tolerated by a type O.

Most people do have the D antigen, the function of which is said to not be fully understood in the medical field, though there is sufficient evidence to suggest that it plays a role in cellular respiration facilitation, or the transference of oxygen from the red blood cell to tissue and co2 from tissue to red blood cell. If you live in the U.S. , you have about a 15% chance of not having the D antigen present on the surface of your red blood cells. This next statistic is highly speculative, (as i have no way of measuring this) but i will venture a guess that if you live in the U.S. and are reading this article, the chances that you are rh negative are better than 70%. I'll explain that speculation a bit more further on.

The supposition that the scientific community has expected you to believe about the origins of this strange deletion of an blood antigen in some people is that it derives from a completely random mutation of unknown origin. The blood being as highly resistant to random mutation as it is, it would not seem likely that this accounts for it. Furthermore...there is no other known anomaly in all of nature that can literally turn a mother's body against it's unborn offspring as if it were a foreign entity. Where it is found in nature, (not referred to as rh status in all species) the absence of a blood antigen in a parent animal which can destroy it's own fetus that is positive for the antigen, occurs in novelty and hybridized strains, such as mules. In other words, where man has done some selective breeding of animals or the breeding of animals which would not naturally breed together, there arises the potential for haemolytic disease. When we see the body reject some tissue, as it would in the case of organ transplant, we automatically understand that the reason is because the body does not recognize the tissue as it's own.

Rhesus factor Haemolytic disease is offset these days by a drug called Rhogam, which, just as in the case of organ transplant, is an anti-rejection agent designed to stop the rh negative mother's body from attacking the rh positive fetus' body. In the most dire of circumstances, haemolytic disease will cause the rh positive fetus to be killed by it's mother's antibodies...in lesser circumstances, the baby is subject to the possibility of a number a serious congenital deficiencies which might manifest as mental disabilities like schizophrenia.

It has been often reported that there is a list of odd circumstances surrounding rh negative individuals...it's really very unfortunate that the scientific community does not offer the public great quantities of answers related to these things...though it's not impossible to research some of the findings which relate rh status to certain other characteristics...just try it, more often than not, you will run into documents that are provided by medical journals which you will have to pay to read. Not all data requires the input of the medical field to observe though..so i will mention a few that the average person can verify for themselves in everyday life.

Rh negative individuals tend to be "Caucasian"...though it is not impossible to find people of African descent with an rh negative status, these people usually have what is referred to a "weak" or inactive D antigen...a D antigen is present but it is dormant and non-functional. People of Asian origin with rh negative status are almost non-existent. Perhaps in obvious relation to that, rh negatives tend to have blue, green or hazel eye color...though you will find that those eye colors are far more common in rh negative Caucasians than in rh positive ones.

RH negatives think differently....this is where my speculation on the percentage of those who are reading this comes from. Even if you are unaware of your blood type and you did not access this subject because you are already aware you are rh negative, chances are... you are. The reason for this is because it is the nature of the rh negative brain to think in an unconventional way. These individuals seek out subject matters which are beyond the scope of average information, socially accepted answers and assumptions. They tend to gravitate towards challenging information and are not deterred by a sense of "too weird" to look into. They accept the "abnormal" and delve into the unknown with fervor and yet not without a serious bent towards the analytical and technical.

Rh negative people don't assimilate well...this can be looked at in one of two ways. Some might see these types in society as individuals who are difficult to get along with, do not follow rules well or fit into the the mainstream of society. On the other hand, they are greatly resistant to propaganda and do not readily believe the status quo answer to many questions in life. They might seek beyond the teaching of the normal educational system and rh negative children tend to become incredibly bored by the structure of teaching in public schools. The result of this lack of assimilation into "normal" society either seems to produce people who really achieve beyond the norm or become a complete societal "drop out".

Rh negative people have strength but little stamina...there is a tendency in connection with cellular respiration and an endocrine system which functions differently and the rh negative status. These people might very well find that they can produce bursts of strength and speed that seem disproportionate to their size, but for a very limited time. The ability of the adrenals to be kicked into a hyper-drive at the drop of a hat accounts for the bursts of strength and speed, but the lack of a well facilitated system of cellular respiration means that the body exhausts itself quickly. RH negative people might be more likely to lift a car off of a victim pinned beneath it than run a marathon.

RH negatives have hyper-acute sensory perception...while it might seem magical or mystical to talk about such a thing as "ESP"..in reality what accounts for the ability to perceive beyond what seems normal is simply a brain which receives at a conscious level, the very smallest stimuli of a normal sense, such as hearing, vision, touch, etc.. Whereas most would only receive these small stimuli on a subconscious level and not process it to be "surface aware" of it...the rh negative individual will more likely recognize these little cues. Brain waves, as we know, are electrical...they can be heard and they can be felt..but they are not normally perceived. Those who do perceive them would be called "telepathic".

RH negatives have an innate draw towards spirituality, but also an innate reluctance towards YHWH and Christian scripture...Those with an Rh negative factor will often find themselves incredibly interested, in an almost instinctive way, in all things "mythological", pagan and new age. At the same time, there is a pull back from all things which relate to Judeo-Christian teaching. It is interesting to note that a proven phenomenon called genetic memory might be at work here. The process by which the memory of a hundreds of ancestors throughout history will imprint upon their descendant in their very DNA has been called "The Monarch Effect". This makes a tendency toward pagan tradition coming from a bloodline which is the Origin of such, a sensible result. Also interesting to note, is that those rh negatives who do make a decision to follow YHWH often end up being the most zealous and faithful of followers. I have personally never met any confirmed rh negative individual who called themselves an atheist...a belief in some spiritual reality seems to be ingrained in them.

Rh negative people are drawn to one another...it is incredibly interesting to observe. It would seem that whether you might attribute it to subtle chemical signals humans unconsciously perceive through smell..or whether it is the recognition of the similar pattern of brain wave stimuli or simply a case of "birds of a feather"....people of an rh negative status find each other, and stick together. Perhaps the need to find others who understand them in a world which makes them feel so very different from the "norm" is a great driving force that brings them into each other's lives.

There are quite a few other curiosities which surround this blood type...though most of them are much harder to observe or otherwise research. One of those is the connection between the rh negative status and reports of "alien" abduction, another is the reports of certain whistle-blowers who have accused the CIA and other agencies of keeping a database and tracking those with the negative status throughout their lives.

Understanding that world is rife with pride and every person alive has had a pride problem since the fall of man, obviously this often leads those who know they have a negative rh status to find proof of their "specialness". I'm not here to uphold anyone's ego, though...there is nothing "special" about the lack of the D antigen in one's blood...there is something anomalous about it however. This blood abnormality derives from angels who "crossed the line". In all aspects..physically, mentally, spiritually...the result of being rh negative has certain seeming advantages and some disadvantages but one is not despised by their Creator based on the origin of their birth, even if that origin was not in His will....in the same way He would not despise the person who was a child born of rape or unmarried parents. We all have the same choices to make for or against Him. What knowing your rh negative status and what it means is able do for you though...is to help you come to terms with the reasons you have felt "different" all along and to come to understand that your Creator can use what is different about you to work great things in your life for His name's sake. From my perspective..i find it particularly awesome when i come across rh negatives who are called to faith in Him.

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it is good to know that He draws all kinds to Himself, is it not? not being what is normal in the worlds eyes is not such a bad thing when His opinion is the one which matters and it would seem to me that He is fond of using odd things and people to fulfill His will.

maybe it is the case that He uses His curious rh negative people to discover truths that others might overlook and so give them a place of pointing His people towards ideas they have not tested and questions they have not asked.

i would agree it is very, very difficult to try to seem interested in some of the things many people are. i am not sure i even come close to seeming as interested as you manage to. perhaps you should let me know how you relate to "normal" people. i have been told i could use lessons.

i'm a weirdo too =)

actually, learning about the conditions of being rh-negative is something that helped demystify the persistence of "feeling different" for me.. it was good to find out that i wasn't "feeling" different, but that i actually was experiencing the effects of a genetic difference.. also knowing the 'side-effects' of being O-negative helped a lot, like the importance of balancing a high copper content in the blood.

i think this article is a really important one for anyone who feels "torn" between staying on the path Messiah has set, or straying into those deep ditches of temptation.. hybrid types have a great aptitude for evil, and that makes it that much more amazing, the grace that we have in Yahushua.
hey, i'm type O rh negative and i can say that, yes i was definitely a bit of a loner as a kid. for one thing, kids always annoyed me when i was one because they were just so, uh, well childish. i had a brain that was too adult for my age i guess but then adults could also annoy me because it was clear to me that they figured me for naive and that i couldn't understand what they were talking about when they'd go on in their little adult conspiracies right in front of me. except i did understand them the better part of the time which ended up just making me feel like i was being patronized and condescended to all the time. irritated the heck out of me.

this part is going to make me sound like a nut case but since it got a mention in the original article, i'll bring it up. i was always able to hear thoughts (if you can call it hearing) and that can be a pain sometimes because people tend to have all kinds of thoughts you don't necessarily want to know about. i have a list a mile long of weird stuff about me half of which i would hesitate to mention to even the most open minded group of people lol. some of the less crazy sounding things are:

i put out street lights sometimes
watches stop working when i wear them
my average body temp is well bellow normal
i can hear sound frequencies above normal human range
i can remember my own infancy and even have memories of being a prenatal fetus
i knew there was a Creator without being told
Interesting facts, Mutt. I suppose I'd fall under this category myself, as I have an A rh negative bloodtype, although less of an extreme of such abilities. I was quite faithful as a child, broke away during adolescence and acquired a very new-agey sort of thinking. Fortunately, I heard His call by the age of 19 or so.

It's interesting indeed how we all come to meet...
By the time I entered adolescence, I had begun to grow very, very interested in the paranormal and the metaphysical. I suspect this was partly "instinctual", which is indeed the case and similar scenario of a great many genuine hybrids. Part of the initial interest was from "feeling" different from most...realising my ideals, goals, attitudes were far different from my peers...and I never had much of a problem grasping ideas outside of the box (however worthless these self-empowering attitudes were). Of course I had to take a lesson in humility when I was learning more about Him (with an open mind.) and realising what is means to give one self to Him, entirely. Realising one at their best on their own are filthy rags can be tough for many to swallow, and it was at first for me, as well.

To more directly answer, fortunately, I did not get too deep into summoning spirits...or drawing power from them. I was tempted by power in a large kind of way, however, and this alone is despicable. If I was still of the same mind now, who knows what I'd get myself into...

Uncool Sam said:
@Dissident Mutt

This is a long shot but these items are electrical.
Brain waves.
Street lights. Maybe see what happens with candles or gas lights.
Do the street lights fail when you are in a bad mood or in deep thought.
Watches stop working. Is it just battery watches that fail.

The earth is full of charge. The charge (-ve) is in us at all times. This is proven using the 'gold leaf' experiment in physics. It can also be fatally proven by all fools waving their golf sticks in the air on a bad ball when there is a storm overhead. :)

'I was always able to hear thoughts'. It would seem you have ESP capabilities
Posted by Cyprium (see above).
...such a thing as "ESP"..in reality what accounts for the ability to perceive beyond what seems normal...'

...acquired a very new-agey sort of thinking... What areas were you tempted with ?

A question for all of us.
Has the intensity of our unique abilities been increasing over the past (lets say) 10 years ?

Do we all have a strong sense that 'something' unique is going to happen in the next 12 months ?
Also, to muse on your two universal questions:

1) I certainly found my abilities growing some over the years...although now, my focus has changed substantially. As a follower of Yah, my ideals have been less inward "bettering" and development, and more outward. Of course, as a sinner, I largely fail, but His Spirit, when dwelling within a believer, makes the individual improve in every which way. We will not be perfect in this age, but we do become...better tamed.
2)I have some specific expectations and the like, but it is mostly based on what I have been keeping up on, and knowledge He has allowed me digest through Scripture. The enemy's plans are unfolding at rates quicker than ever, and this is tightly knit with how closer and closer we get to the Day of Wrath.

Look foward to your thoughts, and others.

WeightofAudio said:
By the time I entered adolescence, I had begun to grow very, very interested in the paranormal and the metaphysical. I suspect this was partly "instinctual", which is indeed the case and similar scenario of a great many genuine hybrids. Part of the initial interest was from "feeling" different from most...realising my ideals, goals, attitudes were far different from my peers...and I never had much of a problem grasping ideas outside of the box (however worthless these self-empowering attitudes were). Of course I had to take a lesson in humility when I was learning more about Him (with an open mind.) and realising what is means to give one self to Him, entirely. Realising one at their best on their own are filthy rags can be tough for many to swallow, and it was at first for me, as well.

To more directly answer, fortunately, I did not get too deep into summoning spirits...or drawing power from them. I was tempted by power in a large kind of way, however, and this alone is despicable. If I was still of the same mind now, who knows what I'd get myself into...

Uncool Sam said:
@Dissident Mutt

This is a long shot but these items are electrical.
Brain waves.
Street lights. Maybe see what happens with candles or gas lights.
Do the street lights fail when you are in a bad mood or in deep thought.
Watches stop working. Is it just battery watches that fail.

The earth is full of charge. The charge (-ve) is in us at all times. This is proven using the 'gold leaf' experiment in physics. It can also be fatally proven by all fools waving their golf sticks in the air on a bad ball when there is a storm overhead. :)

'I was always able to hear thoughts'. It would seem you have ESP capabilities
Posted by Cyprium (see above).
...such a thing as "ESP"..in reality what accounts for the ability to perceive beyond what seems normal...'

...acquired a very new-agey sort of thinking... What areas were you tempted with ?

A question for all of us.
Has the intensity of our unique abilities been increasing over the past (lets say) 10 years ?

Do we all have a strong sense that 'something' unique is going to happen in the next 12 months ?
"Question. Is this 'genetic memory' have any relation to deja vu experiences when you get a strong feeling that a certain event has happened before and is repeating itself ?"

that's a very good question Uncool..that i wish i could answer..lol. unlike most, i have never experienced deja vu. the idea is a very interesting one to me which many people have tried to explain to me many times...yet it's never personally occurred to me so i have no frame of reference to give an intelligent answer for it. You might be correct in that genetic memory has something to do with it.

"I agree. We all know that world changing events are happening now with greater frequency, yet so many people (athiests) will not listen to our advice until the earth shattering event is 'in their face'. Then after these major disasterous events that changes their lifestyle they will often accuse us of not shouting loud enough."

It is a source of pretty constant frustration to me..since perhaps my greatest passion is trying to equip believers and those who will become believers with information that will arm them spiritually for what's to come...to then find so few able or willing to hear the message. If i knew a remedy for willful ignorance..i would pay to distribute it far and wide.

"What shocks me, is there are so few of us. If RH Negatives are drawn together with this website being a good example, how many people view this website everyday ?"

rh negatives seem to gravitate into small groups..just finding a few that can understand the same thought processes seem to be what is naturally required. I think, though that out of all the "fringe" social networks, message boards and forums out there..there is no doubt a disproportionate amount of them overall. As for us in particular, what we have here is probably a volatile mixture of Christianity and themes which are not necessarily commonplace in the Christian community (too "left field" for the mainstream Christian, too Christian for the secular or pagan "fringe" movement). Truth, however, rarely comes wrapped up in a pre-packaged, pretty cellophane encased basket of socially acceptable goodies..lol. We get about 20 or so views a day on our articles on the mirror site....hopefully not all of them are totally freaked by our content.
gardening is good advice i think. there is something about being with living things who are not interested in forcing strange, petty conversation which is very nice. i like animals for this reason too. i assume most human beings find me pretty boring unless they are also not "normal". it is unfortunate that before i repented i had a much easier time in relation to people. i had experience in the sorts of occult wickedness which people can become easily interested in. now that i am against that, i am much less interesting to many people.

i am certainly not sorry for not being of interest to people's wickedness, it is just a shame that good and true things are not as easy to communicate.

Uncool Sam said:
@Prodigal Son

perhaps you should let me know how you relate to "normal" people.

An insert about 'a prophet' by Chip Brogden, Edited by Gary Amirault

The prophetic savant is a person afflicted with a heavenly autism, making him nearly incapable of normal relations with those around him. Accused of being aloof, cold, and distant, he is apt to hide himself from people, withdrawing into a world of his own. He never seems to be all "there". Even if he forces himself to come down to Earth for a moment, those around him may have the sense that there is an unspoken dialogue going on somewhere inside of him, a secret communion carried on beneath the surface that never allows him to be fully "in the moment".

How often have we felt this way each day. Basically it is painful to try to be 'normal'.

My ideas.
Note I am male so I don't know what I would do to fit in with women that (seriously) watch soap operas every day or watch how Paris Hilton survived the 'nightmarish' experience on her way to prison.
1) Todays 'normal' men (30's - 50's) spend most of their time watching sport. What you need to do is simply watch the match highlights. So when the match does come up in a conversation you will be able to join in easily.
If you cannot handle torturing yourself watching an irrevelent match, watch the highlights on the news and say you had important work to do.
If you have to watch the match with them then join in. Laugh, joke and cheer with a genuine smile.
2) Simply listen to what the others say and join in when you know that you can insert a sentence that will make people laugh.
3) Try to find a hobby that has some connection with sport or physical exercise like gardening. Gardening is good because it is a solo hobby that allows you to be by yourself with no one to interrupt your "unspoken dialogue" with your innermost feelings. This gardening experience allows you to make conversation with the next door neighbour especially if they do gardening as well.

Conclusion. It doesn't matter what people say about you. Just remember you are doing what God has always wanted you to do and that is all that matters. If your partner calls you a 'freak' behind your back whilst in the company of (not even very close) friends, take it as a compliment and not a painful backstabbing insult.

I remember (somewhere in the Bible) it says '..son will rise up against father and vice versa'. This is actually quite good, because when someone (who once loved you) hates you for being a believer and rises up against you, then say to them they are obeying a book that they do not believe in :)
However, the conversation (argument) will probably go quite and they will probably hit/slap you.

At present the http://www.concordbridge.us/forum/ has many readers. I assume that out of the 100% of readers, 50% are believers who follow Jesus Christ and the remaining 50% are conspiracy theorists.

What shocks me, is there are so few of us.
If RH Negatives are drawn together with this website being a good example, how many people view this website everyday ?

Just out of curisoty, are there many 'RH negatives' here that were loners during their childhood ?
I might not categorize our less conventional subject matters and approaches to subject matters as pagan...though i understand what you mean, as pagan belief systems have traditionally been those who have delved into some of the things we talk about, but i think what constitutes our discussions on things like the book of Enoch, nephilim, aliens, blood factors, etc...is just simply reality. Mainstream Christianity has been moved away from reality, driven behind the scenes by powerful "elite" individuals who would not want Christians to be fully armed with the full truth. I think YHWH has used unconventional minds to go where most believers won't and seek out answers which have been mostly lost to the Christian community. It is a volatile situation because most believers have been trained for generations to treat these subjects with a kind of distrustful fear instead of an objective curiosity.

Take for instance an article i posted recently entitled "Rephaim, the Reincarnate Possessors" ( http://timenolonger.ning.com/forum/topics/rephaim-the-reincarnate )....now imagine the most likely response to that title by the average Christian...lol. The mere mention of reincarnation is probably enough to make most decide not to venture reading it even though the point of the article's content does not apply to human reincarnation.

I think what we will face in these last days will be every one of us who are true and faithful to Yahushua being marked with a big red target on their forehead...and it will be our duty to witness to the lost anyway, even putting mortal life on the line if necessary to speak His message and seek people for His Kingdom.

"Everything happens for a reason and I see there is a strong reason (for myself especially) to have been drawn to this great website."

I am a strong believer in there being no such thing as a coincidence...He has all our threads in His hands in the great weavework i think and i'm happy that He lead you here. : )

Uncool Sam said:

As for us in particular, what we have here is probably a volatile mixture of Christianity and themes which are not necessarily commonplace in the Christian community.

Haha, nice one. :)

With this 50/50 Christian/Pagan split (myself especially) I guess we will be classed as half-breeds from either side. We will never fit in or be accepted as friends within the two 'natural' waring factions.

I see the 'volatility' as good because we are quite willing to accept one another as a friend and share our differing talents.

Maybe it is our task to make the 'natural' enemies (mainstream christians vs pagan hard core environmentalists) to not start killing each other when WW3 does begin.
I have always wondered what it is like to be a ref in a boxing ring.
I just hope that the ref doesn't become the 'only' target with a big red circle stamped on their forehead labelled 'hit me'. :)

Like you said, we have to be as 'wise as a serpent and peaceful as a dove' to try to get both sides to repent before they get judged with each others blood on their hands.

Everything happens for a reason and I see there is a strong reason (for myself especially) to have been drawn to this great website.
i did assume it was probably a connection to an electric field around me. the street lights i seem to have an effect on are the yellow/orange sodium street lamps. i have messed around a bit with candle flames in my more bored moments and i can sometimes make one that is threatening to go out flare back up or move the flame towards myself. i haven't really thought to take a note of what kinds of moods i've been in when i turn a street light off, i think the last time it happened i was thinking pretty seriously on something and it surprised me when it blinked off. the only kind of watches i have ever tried to wear are the battery operated kind and those always fail on me. first they start speeding up or slowing down and eventually they just quit.

i don't know if i could say there has been any increase in my weirdness over the last 10 years or not because i went along thinking that i was for the most part experiencing pretty normal things common to most people and also had this idea that if a person could manage anything "unnatural" it was probably evil. i don't guess i really wanted to know how weird i was but i have at least gotten more aware of that and being more aware then seems to make you notice these things more as they happen.

i definitely have a strong feeling something big is going down in the next 12 months. it kind of seems to me like someone would have to be blind and deaf to think otherwise with all this gulf oil spill going on, but never underestimate the power of denial someone once told me.

Uncool Sam said:
@Dissident Mutt
This is a long shot but these items are electrical. Brain waves.
Street lights. Maybe see what happens with candles or gas lights.
Do the street lights fail when you are in a bad mood or in deep thought.
Watches stop working. Is it just battery watches that fail.

The earth is full of charge. The charge (-ve) is in us at all times. This is proven using the 'gold leaf' experiment in physics. It can also be fatally proven by all fools waving their golf sticks in the air on a bad ball when there is a storm overhead. :)

'I was always able to hear thoughts'. It would seem you have ESP capabilities
Posted by Cyprium (see above).
...such a thing as "ESP"..in reality what accounts for the ability to perceive beyond what seems normal...'

...acquired a very new-agey sort of thinking... What areas were you tempted with ?

A question for all of us.
Has the intensity of our unique abilities been increasing over the past (lets say) 10 years ?

Do we all have a strong sense that 'something' unique is going to happen in the next 12 months ?
Dissident Mutt said "but never underestimate the power of denial someone once told me." That power of denial can be strong. Especially when it is an admission to yourself. Many times I've watched my mothers eyes change colors to bright green. Recently I have watched my sons eyes change color to green as well. Never watched my own, but they most likely do the same thing. I've wrestled with the fact that we aren't quite normal, what ever normal may be. Our line carries the rh negative. It came from somewhere. Where ever it did come from, has made for an interesting ride.
In light of this article, I suppose it is no surprise I was drawn to this site, being AB-negative married to a man who is A-negative. Even now I describe myself as living isolated and alone. From a young age, I have always related to God, though not always righteously.

Much of how I have ordered my life as an adult - wife and mother - has always been with an eye to a future time when we will not live as we do now, learning and practicing skills unnecessary in these days of modern conveniences and technology; I cannot do otherwise, to the consternation of my family members who heave sighs and roll their eyes.

"Rh negative people have strength but little stamina" perhaps explains why I hold lofty goals for what I would do but ultimately find myself lacking energy to accomplish it all.

"Rh negative people don't assimilate well"...I am drawn to this site as I have been drawn to others and left for lack of sustainable dialog. Disappointingly, my expectation exceeds the reality.

"RH negatives think differently"...I see this is a fairly new site. With a group of rh negatives, what is the chance of really drawing all members into active discussions? Between thinking "differently" and not assimilating well, how good are the odds?

I find this fascinating and would like to think it has some validity that would excuse what otherwise I have termed "character flaws". Thanks for sharing.

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