In the recent years, a genuinely good thing has happened in the body of Messiah. Many believers have begun to take the lesser taught sections of His word seriously and search them out in light of the things taking place in the world now. Since we can sadly track the degradation of church leadership, it's encouraging when there's a revival of basic biblical study.
This has led many Christians to take a second look at obscure prophecies and records like 1 Enoch, Jubilees and certain long overlooked passages in the canon. Multitudes now understand what nephilim are and where they came from. I've been waiting for the backlash though.... Satan never lets a genuinely good thing slide by without having a stab at it.
As often happens when some piece of information comes to light on a growing scale, there come those who set themselves center stage to address the issue and become the loud voices of "authority" on the matter. The subject of modern nephilim has attracted its own center-stagers... their foremost claimed purpose being to minister to victims of alien abduction and SRA (Satanic ritual abuse).
I can't possibly speculate on the true intentions of those who have taken this on...YHWH knows them, but I have serious concerns with the results. I also won't bother to name the sources of what I've read. They aren't difficult sources to find on the internet and most likely anyone really wanting to know could find out, I just have a personal hesitation to sling names. Aside from this, the big sources I have found backing the opinions I'll address almost certainly are followed by many lesser known personalities who have adopted the view point.
First to clarify my own standing on these questions:
Are there people of nephilim descent alive on earth currently?
Yes. I'd find it difficult to not call the alternative impossible by looking at the Bible alone for evidence. Scripture pointedly calls the inhabitants of the Promised Land at the time of Israel's arrival "nephilim". They were not all eradicated. What else could happen but that they absorbed into the world population?
Is there a current resurgence of fallen angels procreating in some fashion with human women?
The evidence says yes. The testimony of countless victims of abduction scenarios, black op programs and SRA coupled with more than one plainly stated Biblical prophecy concerning just this situation in the end times, must reasonably be weightier than the academic speculation of those who deny it.
Is there salvation possible for those of nephilim descent?
Most people should probably hope so if the answer to question 1 is valid... and based on the following verse alone, I'd answer yes:
"And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is immersed will be saved. But he who does not believe will be condemned." - Mark 16:15,16
This stand on the subject (particularly in combination) seems to be a pretty unpopular one. The loud voices in the arena have uniformly taken positions which do not have to deal with extending unsavory notions of salvation to "abominations"...nor having to face any individual with a message of unavoidable condemnation. The first idea is contradictory to human nature...the second idea is contradictory to Christianity. There seems to be a fence that's being ridden to death in this matter.
The loudest voice out there has what is termed a "Ministry" that is set forth as one offering a message of hope to those who have claimed to be nephilim or descended from such. This outreach counsels those who have testimony of abduction experiences, women who have claimed to have been impregnated by fallen angels, etc.
At first glance, it appears like something its not. The message is emblazoned across the site boldly proclaiming salvation for these people. Prepare to be confused if you keep reading the site though... finally it declares that no such things exist. It is, perhaps, the most pointless declaration of the gospel I've ever seen. It reaches an anticlimax of none effect as it denies the claims of those who have come for counseling. It concludes in a negation of its own existence on the internet by basically stating "nephilim can be saved...because there aren't any."
The same group which is behind the above mentioned site, has as it's explanation for the testimony of abductions a completely fabricated "vision" given to abductees to the end that the combined effort of smoke and mirrors will result in people who are either 1. rejecting of those they believe are nephilim or 2. people who believe they have no chance of redemption because they are nephilim.
There is no effort made to provide better evidence for this view at all. It's simply stated as a "belief". Beliefs, I've come to realize, are worthless things to have. I don't think Christians "believe" in a Creator, We Know there is One. We have good evidence of it in our own experience. A belief is a whim without evidence, something that just "sounds right".
On the other hand, there are these individuals who have experienced things first hand, things which are incredibly difficult for them to bring to public light, especially when it is wrapped around concerns of their own salvation. As I see it, no one who has no first hand evidence of their own needs to add their speculation to the scales when the evidence is weighed.
There have been plenty of rebuttals which have come forth from various sources addressed to those who put forth the above site and theories. These generally take seriously the claims of abductees and SRA victims (which is good). They do believe there is a current resurgence in the admixture of fallen angel and human, though they do not seem to want to approach the issue of an ongoing lineage of such in the world. There's a good reason for this... so far I have not seen a single source argue that there is a salvation option for any existing hybrids. If any of these sources were to maintain that position in light of the possibility of actually meeting any...that would certainly put them in a rough spot. There's probably little hope for the ministry who would condemn a person because they believed them to be hybrid.
One source neatly covered the issue by simply stating that hybrids do exist But if a person was even interested in coming to salvation...that Must mean they are not hybrid. That, again, stands on speculation. Is there some way this person could possibly know the ability of anyone but himself to want salvation?
Even the fallen Watchers pleaded with Enoch to petition YHWH on their behalves. What would make every single nephil uninterested in reconciliation to the Creator?
It's a big Pink Elephant. There are uncomfortable ideas in all of this and people really don't like to address uncomfortable ideas. Generally an "us and them" mentality feels best to human nature. If there's no "them", people tend to feel there's less to esteem about "us". It's having to face the blackness of our own individual sins that makes it uncomfortable to put "them"on equal footing in some way. It's more a comfort to tiptoe around some glaring evidence, to deny a necessity to address some point by simply speculating it out of existence.
If someone out there Really wants to be a ministry to help these people, it's going to mean facing the elephant, regardless of what it looks like to the popular mind set.
 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.
And in the days of these kings 'Eloah of the sky will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed and the kingdom shall not be left to other people. It shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever. - Daniel 12: 43,44

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A-and AB- would be the introverted Watcher type; O- would be the extroverted Serpent type.. not sure if that answers the question or not.. someone with a combination of these genetic influences could have traits from both aspects..

All Rh- people will be hypersensitive and generally resistant to communicable diseases which affect Rh+ people... if a disease is targeted at actual Rh+ people (like HIV) then any Rh- type would be resistant..

(Rh+ people) CCR5... is a protein on the surface of white blood cells that is involved in the immune system...This is the process by which T cells are attracted to specific tissue and organ targets...

(Rh- people) CCR5-Δ32... an allele of CCR5... is a deletion mutation of a gene that has a specific impact on the function of T cells...

At least one copy of CCR5-Δ32 is found in about 4–16% of people of European descent... The allele has a negative effect upon T cell function, but appears to protect against smallpox and HIV...

However, CCR5 apparently plays a role in mediating resistance to West Nile virus infection in humans, as CCR5-Δ32 individuals have shown to be disproportionately at higher risk of West Nile virus...

there is some helpful info in an article Prodigal wrote a while back:

It is a fact that HIV is a virus which is much more able to successfully infect those who are of African descent. There are several genetic factors in those of European descent which differ from those of African descent that contribute to the much higher probability of HIV infection in those of African descent. Among those is what is known as the Duffy blood factor.

The Duffy factor is present in most white people a negative Duffy factor being very rare in whites. The contrary is true of people of African descent. About 68% of black Americans have a Duffy negative factor while those living in Africa are nearly 100% negative...

In a study on black American Air force personel it was found that those who carried two copies of the Duffy negative variant had a 40% higher chance of contracting HIV, although once contracted, the Duffy positive individual has a more rapid progression of the disease.

It is also the case that the Duffy negative phenotype inhibits contraction of malaria. Plasmodium vivax thrives on the glycoproteins of the Duffy positive factor.

The perverse philosophy behind the reasoning for targeting minority ethnicities is one which derives from occult societies. It is kept a very well preserved secret and core belief that those of European descent carry the genetic markers of a non-human origin.

The nephilim rulers of the pre flood world exercised tyranny over humanity and they are both the beginning of mystery schools of forbidden occult knowledge and the beginning of eugenics, as they were born in an effort to produce a hybrid creature which would be, in the minds of their fallen angelic fathers, a better product than unaltered humans.

The enemy does cull the Rh- population outside their fold as well:

This does not mean that those in the general populace who have these genes desired by them are safe from their homicidal tactics.

These ones do not only desire a specific bloodline, but also a specific spirit and a controlled population under a specific number.

They will not tolerate opposers to their desired world order, they will not tolerate the mind that craves liberty or the spirit who clings to YHWH no matter the genetic descent of the body which holds them.

Any person who hates evil, who despises the shedding of innocent blood and who loves the Creator is an enemy of these who would cull the Earth's population.

so if an Rh- is not already in the enemy's fold, they are open targets for contracting Rh- specific diseases like WNV or Malaria..

WNV had a huge explosion in 1999 which i recall very well, as it supposedly rode in on a massive hurricane from S. Africa to the southeastern seaboard in the form of 'tiger mosquitoes'.. i did encounter one, which was huge with black and white striped wings, and actually pierced me through my shirt..*not normal* lol

i think the influx of the ramped up versions of WNV in the past 50 years, and the huge growth of off-and-on epidemics since '99 in the European-descended areas can perhaps be explained in that in the past recent decades, the Rh- population has greatly grown, therefore the enemy's culling efforts must proportionately be increased..

thankfully Messiah's blood covers His people, and no matter our type, if He is in us we are in Him, and we have nothing to fear from the enemy.

Hi Debra,

"What then might someone's blood type be if hyper sensitive and tends to resist communicable diseases?"

A hyper sensitive immune system is a very strong immune system. It reacts readily to any perceived "foreign" threat to the body. This is a good characteristic to have in the sense of fighting off most, common communicable diseases, but it can also work against the individual in cases where it is triggered against a pathogen too strongly, (cytokine storm) or reacts to a substance which is not a threat in any other sense (allergy), or becomes so sensitized that it reacts to even the tissues of one's own body (autoimmune dysfunction).

People with a negative rh factor tend to have immune systems like this, which are strong and active and yet can make the body behave like one's own worst enemy under the correct conditions.

The rh factor is a separate group from the ABO groupings. Most people are rh positive (about 80-85% in the US), which means they are O,A,B or AB with a positive RH D type. The minority have a blood type of O,A,B or AB with a negative RH D, meaning they lack the RH D antigen that most others have.

Deborah said:

What then might someone's blood type be if hyper sensitive and tends to resist communicable diseases?
Prodigal Son said:

Perhaps, for the most part, people do not enjoy thinking on the topic because it is attached to emotional ideas of one's personal "value" as an individual. It would be far more beneficial to people, particularly any who have inherited hybrid traits, to take into consideration that their bodies, as well as their minds, work differently than others.

Metabolic and immune processes as well as endocrine processes are the most notably affected. Many O-, having hyper sensitive immune function can find that they react strongly to anything their body considers foreign and in a day when there is much in the environment that is foreign to any organic body, that often means immune system dysfunction.

Rh negatives of all types are more likely to experience the effect of hormone disrupting chemicals, which not only can affect reproductive issues but also cortisol (stress hormone) and adrenaline output.

It might seem there are a lot of physical sensitivities in these groups, and there are in certain ways, but rh negatives do tend to resist communicable disease better than rh positive and when their unique body chemistry is taken into account when choosing diet and lifestyle habits, they can also expect to age slightly slower than their rh negative counterparts.

As you noted, the A negative tends to be an internalizer, an analyzer and avoids negative confrontation. They are good with numbers and facts. The O- is a creative and hot headed type, who does not shrink away from confrontation or an opportunity to speak their mind. These two types can get along well with one another though, it seems, because while the O- is likely to do a lot of talking, the A- does not mind listening.

Interesting thread- there are many incredibly intelligent yet humble people on this site.  I love reading all of the comments and insights that are shared so generously.  My mom is 0- and I always thought it was interesting that she never gets any mosquito bites.  Mosquitos just aren't interested in her and stay completely away.  Her maiden name is MacDonald but not from the Illuminati family although her dad was Minister of Transport in Nova Scotia in the 50's.  They were considered "good" Catholics and their hearts were fixed on whom they called Jesus. 

My dad is A+ and I'm 0+.  They weren't supposed to have babies because of their different blood types but all 5 of us children came out ok without needing a complete blood transfusion.  I know that YHWH took care of us all when we were being formed in my mother's womb.

Interesting thing there about the bug bites. They don't like me either, in fact any sort of blood sucking insect bites me less than most other people. O- blood is the thinnest of all blood types. Maybe bugs don't care for the watered down flavour. haha.
Jeanne said:

Interesting thread- there are many incredibly intelligent yet humble people on this site.  I love reading all of the comments and insights that are shared so generously.  My mom is 0- and I always thought it was interesting that she never gets any mosquito bites.  Mosquitos just aren't interested in her and stay completely away.  Her maiden name is MacDonald but not from the Illuminati family although her dad was Minister of Transport in Nova Scotia in the 50's.  They were considered "good" Catholics and their hearts were fixed on whom they called Jesus. 

My dad is A+ and I'm 0+.  They weren't supposed to have babies because of their different blood types but all 5 of us children came out ok without needing a complete blood transfusion.  I know that YHWH took care of us all when we were being formed in my mother's womb.

Hello Jeanne..

Did doctors not insist your mother take rhogam? That's the usual answer to rh negative mothers having their second, third, etc. child by an rh negative father. It is an anti rejection drug... though i'm quite sure that there is a secondary (or primary) ulterior motive involved in prescribing it. Perhaps YHWH really protected you and your siblings from having that shot administered. Glad He did and glad he brought you all into the world safe and sound... :)

Jeanne said:

Interesting thread- there are many incredibly intelligent yet humble people on this site.  I love reading all of the comments and insights that are shared so generously.  My mom is 0- and I always thought it was interesting that she never gets any mosquito bites.  Mosquitos just aren't interested in her and stay completely away.  Her maiden name is MacDonald but not from the Illuminati family although her dad was Minister of Transport in Nova Scotia in the 50's.  They were considered "good" Catholics and their hearts were fixed on whom they called Jesus. 

My dad is A+ and I'm 0+.  They weren't supposed to have babies because of their different blood types but all 5 of us children came out ok without needing a complete blood transfusion.  I know that YHWH took care of us all when we were being formed in my mother's womb.

Your blood is automatically tested when you donate or can be tested at your request, i'm sure, at a medical facility. I am not necessarily one to recommend doing either thing and certainly whoever offers their blood up in any medical facility will have that blood and DNA submitted post haste to a government database. If there are ways to test the type outside of these options, i'm not sure of it, but it would be worth looking up, perhaps.

One old, crude method of testing for so-called "blue blood" was simply comparing the rate of blood flow from a small cut to someone who was known to either be or not be the same. The RH negative blood tends to flow quicker and longer than rh positive...but i'm not advocating slicing yourself or a friend up

Deborah said:

Wow... thank you for all your feedback everyone! :)

@Bean... i take comfort in your response that, "thankfully Messiah's blood covers His people, and no matter our type, if He is in us we are in Him, and we have nothing to fear from the enemy."

@Prodigal Son... you hit the nail on the head for me. i've known for sometime now that i'm an EHS individual and perplex most doctors. Not many people have an understanding of what i'm going through. How might one be tested for that rh factor?

Hello Cyprium

She never took rhogam- do you know what the side effects of this drug are?

Like most other vaccines, rhogam contains a high dose of mercury along with several other contaminants which attack the immune system, digestive tract and finally crosses the blood brain barrier which can result in autism and schizophrenia (which is seen in high percentage in those who are rh+ born to rh negative mothers).

Some more information on the effects of rhogam here:

The drug can also attack the baby's blood cells in the baby's own body, as destroying the rh positive cells is what it is designed to do should the blood cells enter the mother's bloodstream. The story is that this should Not happen...and only "escaped" cells should be targeted but this isn't always what happens.

Who's book is that from?

Bean said:

i read over that 'ministry' site and wow.. it sure is sneaky in a creepy way.. i imagine it's left a lot of hurt and questioning minds feeling alone and rejected after the downward spiral of 'we'll help you' to 'you don't exist'.. hybrids and mixed individuals know somewhere inside themselves that they do exist, i'm sure. even if not a conscious knowledge, their genetic memory, the unspoken language of their blood and dna would bear records to this fact..


i wonder how many people in their program have a shred of doubt accepting the fact that they are not what they know deep down inside they are.. i assume any in that position would struggle so much more with living a saved life than the same one who had been told the truth.. you do exist and your Savior loves you and has made a way for you to be forgiven and live.. especially for the Rephaim, who it seems, could perhaps desire life more painfully than others.


the 'gospel of non-existence' taught by the unnamed 'ministry'.. i read over their main page and i agree, it's the worst example ever.. the close second worse would be a more well known individual's belief, opinion, that nephilim cannot be saved because they are 'pure evil'.. it's quite sad to see people who have so much information end up making such a fearfully and maliciously flawed statement.


some quotes from one of his popular books..


Because the Nephilim can not be brought back to life through a resurrection, that apparently was the end of them. While the Hebrew word raphah also means "deceased" or "ghost", suggesting the possibility that these creatures may be forced to stay in the netherworld through eternity, there is no indication that this is the case. However, if it were the case, then what people commonly think of as ghosts are what remains of the Nephilim; as such, it is important to remember that such spirits would be purely evil. By the same token, it would appear that the New Age's "spirit guides" might, in fact, be the evil spirits of the Rephaim, taking advantage of human ignorance to mislead and do damage. This may explain why seances and other witchcraft that purports to contact the dead is forbidden by God.59


Exactly why God permits Satan to continue to rule the kingdoms of the Earth rather than chaining him in the darkness some of the fallen angels now endure is unclear (and perhaps impossible for the human mind to understand). However, it does appear that God uses the Devil to "sift" men, by permitting Satan to test them. In the end, many that go through such trials become better people (as in the case of Job).  


Given that God is good and perfect, such a spirit would not be capable of coming from him. Therefore, one might conclude that a lying spirit was a demon, being exploited for God's purposes. 


there are so many wrong things in those statements.. that last one is really weird.. 'God is good and perfect' yet a demon can be taken advantage of, 'exploited for God's purposes'.


Does Perfection take unfair advantage of anyone or anything? of course not.


i hope the aforementioned unmentioned 'ministry' is brought to light and neutralized soon.. with all the plain evidence in scripture, it's a doctrine that's absurd but dangerous.. i hope more people are moved to speak out against this trend and that people who are in need, people who have been hurt and used and who are confused and have been lied to can get the real gospel, and the real truth about how much their Savior loves them.


is there any sin that doesn't boil down to pride? hard-pressed to think of one. and who shouldn't want to err on the side of compassion anyway, especially when it comes to the good news of salvation in Messiah.

Not sure what the title of that is. Searched the content just now and found that it had been hosted on but it's no longer available there. It does not appear to be available anywhere else on the net any longer either, if it was ever somewhere other than his site. Steve Quayle was not the author, however, he just hosted the ebook on his site.

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