Prodigal Son's Comments

Comment Wall (28 comments)

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At 12:08pm on November 23, 2015, Kim Vargas said…
Thank you for the warm welcome.
I'm glad to be here. :)
God bless.
At 8:34pm on November 1, 2015, pamela kay wilkins said…

Thank You!

At 7:32pm on October 10, 2014, Kathy said…

Blue!! :o)

At 2:53pm on February 4, 2014, Letizia said…

Thank you:)

At 4:56pm on May 30, 2013, Carolyn Norris said…

Thanks for the welcome.  It may take awhile it may take some time for me to aclimate to the site.  I'm not from the electronic age.

At 7:49pm on May 1, 2013, yosh stubblefield said…

thanks and you too fill free to send me some teaching s or inspired encouragement

At 11:02pm on April 3, 2013,

Thank You


At 6:44pm on January 4, 2013, Mic said…


At 4:23pm on December 26, 2012, Jacob said…

Thank you! Finally on with big reason because of you!? : ]

At 5:14pm on December 1, 2012, Farida Gillot said…

Thanks for your welcome!

At 1:34am on November 9, 2012, FrankyPistol said…
Thank you for letting become part of this site. I hope that I can offer something worth while and positive to share in the future. I wish simply for humanity to work towards the commen goal of preserving our planet for future generations and expanding human consciousness
At 12:37am on October 16, 2012, Susan Lulladee said…

We seem to be on the same "wave length", thank you for your warm welcome, as an editor-in-chief, I would hire all of you for your excellent graphics. I enjoyed this chat with you and Tabitha this evening. We will chat again hopefully. Keep on with your work, it is sincere and needed.

At 6:06pm on October 15, 2012, Laura Ing said…
Thank you for the warm welcome. What I have seen of this site so far has been simply amazing!
At 5:19pm on October 10, 2012, CATRYNA WHITE said…

Thank you for the welcome.

At 10:06am on September 23, 2012, leanne l dehart said…

Thank you for the warm welcome! I am truly intrigued by this site and can say I have never been in a chat room or have had the desire to. But this is a relief to see others who feel as I do.

At 7:28pm on September 20, 2012, His Glory Alone said…

Prodigal Son, thank you for the welcome. God bless you.

At 7:59am on July 18, 2012, Kerry Kreger said…

Thank you, Prodigal Son for welcoming me to your fellowship.  Much appreciated.

At 11:15pm on July 6, 2012, Cynthia Cronk-Hogueisson said…

Thank you for the welcome to TNL!

At 10:30am on June 13, 2012, david omweno ongori said…

Shalom prodigal son,

Thank you for welcoming me to these site of yahushua am very glad and i think we shall share a lot here.

Thank you be blessed.

At 11:50pm on May 30, 2012, Heather Briggs said…
thank you for accepting me to your site!

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