On August 23, 2010, Dr. Coldwell was a guest on Coast-to-Coast AM with host, George Noory.


Dr. Coldwell: "George, what was so fascinating was that I understood something very fundamental...the only cause of illness is lack of energy, the only. There is no other cause for illness. If your energy level is high, ...there is no place for illness...86% of all illness and doctor visits are related to stress...That is a clinically proven statistic: 86% of all illness and doctor visits are related to stress.

"Stress is the main energy drain on our system, but it is not...physical stress...it is mental and emotional stress. It is living in constant worry, doubt, and fear; having lack of self confidence, lack of self esteem, lack of self love; having no hope, having no goals, having no future. That is basically the energy I am talking about...

"This is what people really, really need to understand: the medical profession is the number one cause of death in the civilized world. The medical profession is the number one cause of death. Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery is killing people, not curing people, because it gets the energy level even more down. And lack of energy is the only cause of cancer."

I was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer in 2003. Everything I have learned about cancer since then concurs with this statement by Dr. Coldwell. In my case, there is no family history of cancer, I engaged in no behaviour that would have or should have put me at risk for cancer; I fit none of the standard molds that traditional doctors use for explaining cancer. In fact, what I had is now being deemed a pre-cancer, but this is for another post.

However, what I did have was high mental and emotional stress: Y2K, 2000-2001; in August of 2001 my husband lost his job of 14 years; the resulting backlog of debt caused us to sell our home to avoid bankruptcy and relocate hundreds of miles from family and community. I was devastated; full of worry, doubt, and fear; grieving, angry, depressed and alone in a community which still regards us as outsiders. My husband worked 6 different jobs between 2001 and 2005 when he finally was employed where he still works today. I was homeschooling my children, another activity which is not for the faint of heart.

Of course, a cancer diagnosis only heightens one's fear. Now I feared I would die. When I had God's assurance that this was not to die for, I began to search for the cause and cure of my illness. I realized my entire life had been lived managing fear. I lived a very narrow, what I thought was a safe, life. What I had become was someone who was extremely unhappy and angry. And all my research into alternative medicine related to cancer indicated that anger was a primary ingredient of cancer. Bingo!

My cancer was not genetic so I have not predisposed my daughter to a similar fate, unless, of course, I have taught her to be angry. Unfortunately, this is something I have actually successfully taught to two of my three children, and my daughter is one. So, the lessons continue.

I become sad and rightly angered when I learn that one more person has been exposed to our traditional treatments of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Needlessly, they are put in harm's way.

Dr. Coldwell says that most cancers can be CURED in 2-16 weeks. God shows us that there is power in the spoken work. I can read all day long, but nothing impacts me more quickly than the sound of another's spoken words. I will burning a CD of this program to pass onto others that they may be encouraged and have hope.


Views: 11

Comment by Cyprium on August 28, 2010 at 5:50pm
I think besides anger, fear can play a major role in developing cancer. That is well played into by the mainstream medical practices of scaring the wits out of people with multitudes of warnings to get screenings, get checked, check this and check that and when someone is diagnosed with cancer they are likely to believe the dire prognosis of the doctor and continue to live in fear.

The mind is powerful and can seriously compromise the body with it's insistent messages to it that it is in a process of dying. I believe that people are completely able to will themselves to die of cancer though they are unaware that they are doing this by way of faith in the usual medical answers to a diagnoses of cancer.

It is very sad to see people having so much faith in doctors and so little faith in the One who made them.

Comment by Bean on August 28, 2010 at 11:15pm
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue.." Proverbs 18:21.. the tongue speaking what the mind dictates.. i agree that people are capable of willing themselves into cancer, or any other curse as well.. (not that all cases are that, but that it's probably a lot more common than one might originally suspect)

Dr. Bob Marshall has some high quality live-sourced items that can assist in regulating the body.. some items are pricey but these people do procure their own ingredients and transport them using their own impenetrable containers.. healthline.cc QRA (Quantum Reflex Analysis) specialists are few and far between, which is a shame, since basically what they practice is returning the nutrients in the blood to normal levels (how simple an idea is that) by using only the most unadulterated natural sources.. they have great results, reversing things like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Diabetes.

it is said that 'where there's a will, there's a way'.. and i think in most cases, including willing curses on ourselves - the way someone can say "watch me fall" in jest, but then really fall - that it's true.

what might be more sad is when deceived people are given the information on how to earnestly remedy their condition, but refuse based on the fact that the solution was not advised by a "doctor".. even though the Creator is the one who established the remedy.


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