This site is user generated with content from many people. Your participation is welcome. Here's how to start...
On the main page center, you will see what is currently going on. This is the latest activity showing you who has replied to what content or added new content the most recently. You can access the content from where those posts come by links in the latest activity feed such as the "replied" link which will take you directly to the reply or the content title which will take you to the beginning of the article or other content.
Status updates can help you make a quick comment to the main page but they will not stay on the latest activity long and then become difficult to access if you want your content to remain where it can be read, it's best to use a reply forum discussion, or create a new discussion if the topic is not yet on the site.
On the left of the Main Page, going vertically, you will see 12 icons which represent our 12 forum categories. If you don't know which category to place your topic...don't your best, we'll move it if we have to and this won't affect its ability to be found. You can also access the forum by the top menu tab which says "forum". This will take you to a page with all the categories.
You may add photos my clicking "add photos" under our slideshow on the top left of the main page under the site description.
Videos may be added going to the "add video" link under our list of featured videos arranged vertically on the right of the main page.
Personal Blog posts may be started or added to or commented to on the left of the main page under the forum icons.
The top menu on all pages has these tabs:
Main...takes you to the main page
Invite...from where you can send invitations to join the site to others
My Page...takes you to your own personal profile page and TNL mail inbox.
Members...takes you to the full list of all TNL members
Forum...takes you to all 12 forum categories on one page
Blogs...takes you to all personal blog posts arranged chronologically
Faith Statement...takes you to a description of where we stand in our faith
Scripture...takes you to biblical and extra canonical scripture resources
About us...describes us a little and our approach to finding truth as a whole
Chat...takes you to the TNL chat room (which is also linked at the bottom right of all pages and which you are automatically connected to when logging on)
A note on discussion decorum...please be good to one another. We don't do "debate for the sake of debate" or have endless argument here. Be kind. Be the kind of person who you would want to meet.
Last but not least...If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the administrators for assistance. Just click the link "send message" on one of our profiles.
Peace in Yahushua
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