is there a natural way to cure rabies?

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In spite of the fact that rabies is Very serious and there are few reported cases of was documented by James Thatcher in 1812 that the known folk remedy for rabies was skullcap. Not surprising that it isn't a known fact today that there was a folk remedy for rabies. It's also important to know that the disease, also known by the name "hydrophobia" is so named because victims have trouble swallowing water and in states of confusion avoid doing so. This is the mechanism by which the virus survives, because water inhibits its life cycle. It is vital that a rabies victim be kept hydrated.

I would never encourage attempting to treat an animal that is rabid once the symptoms appear. I might prior to the manifestation of symptoms (with great caution) but a rabid animal with symptoms is an extreme danger to humans and there is no safe way to treat one.

Rabies vaccinations all other vaccinations...not all they are cracked up to be. They are highly carcinogenic as well as causing a host of other long term or eventually fatal health conditions in animals.

My advice is to never let your pets run wild and destroy any wild creature that shows signs of being rabid immediately.


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