Julian Assange.. by now this name may be familiar to you as the "Wikileaks Guy" who was less recently hailed as one of the few harbingers of gleaming truth, one who seemed to fly high above the vast and murky seas of internet disinformation.

Founded in 2005, Wikileaks rose to sudden fame in April of this year, via publication of the unforgettable decrypted videos of US air military documented in the act of murdering innocent citizens, including children, in Baghdad in July 2007.

The video was released on the heels of US government admittance to attempting to whitewash its killing of civilians in February 2007, by removing the bullets from the bodies of 3 Afghan women who were gunned down during a military "raid".

Wikileaks was instantly accepted by countless numbers of truth-seekers as a trustworthy beacon that shone its light on the veiled activities of immoral government. The Pentagon supposedly became suddenly "very interested" in Mr. Assange, and was purported to have sought his whereabouts in an effort to question him on the circumstances surrounding his receipt of the US military helicopter video.

More recently, on July 26th, Wikileaks published 90,000 secret US Military documents.. but browsing through those communications it becomes alarmingly clear that the sum of them do nothing if not support the on-going war in Afghanistan, and with that, questions began to fly in the folds of those who diligently search out truth.

Who exactly is "Julian Assange" and what exactly is his operation Wikileaks doing? Moving from the present to the past, let's take a look at some of what can be found out about this mystery-man and his past and possible present persuasion.

July 26 2010, the day the cache of war documents was released, Mr. Assage, known for his computer-programming skills, is interviewed by Spiegel Online, and in closing had this to say:

"SPIEGEL: You could have started a company in Silicon Valley and lived in a home in Palo Alto with a swimming pool. Why did you decide to do the WikiLeaks project instead?"

"Assange: We all only live once. So we are obligated to make good use of the time that we have, and to do something that is meaningful and satisfying. This is something that I find meaningful and satisfying. That is my temperament. I enjoy creating systems on a grand scale, and I enjoy helping people who are vulnerable. And I enjoy crushing bastards. So it is enjoyable work." [WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange on the 'War Logs': 'I Enjoy Crushi...]

".. I enjoy creating systems on a grand scale.. I enjoy helping people who are vulnerable.. I enjoy crushing bastards" he said.

Two months earlier Wayne Madsen Report ran a piece entitled "Suspicions abound that Wikileaks is part of US cyber-warfare operations", which was reprinted at the Arthur Zbygniew blog. Following are excerpts from this story:

"WMR has learned from Asian intelligence sources that there is a strong belief in some Asian countries, particularly China and Thailand, that the website Wikileaks, which purports to publish classified and sensitive documents while guaranteeing anonymity to the providers, is linked to U.S. cyber-warfare and computer espionage operations, as well as to Mossad's own cyber-warfare activities.

"Wikileaks claims to have decrypted video footage of a U.S. Predator air strike on civilians in Afghanistan and that covert U.S. State Department agents followed Wikileaks's editor from Iceland to Norway in a surveillance operation conducted jointly by the United States and Iceland. [...] in the case of Wikileaks, countries like China and Thailand are suspicious of the websites' actual "ownership."

"Wikileaks says it intends to show its video at an April 5 press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC but that its presenters may be detained or arrested before that time. WMR's sources believe the Wikileaks "militancy" in the face of supposed surveillance appears fake.

"Our Asian intelligence sources report the following: "Wikileaks is running a disinformation campaign, crying persecution by U.S. intelligence- when it is U.S. intelligence itself. Its [Wikileaks'] activities in Iceland are totally suspect." Wikileaks claims it is the victim of a new COINTELPRO [Counter Intelligence Program] operation directed by the Pentagon and various U.S. intelligence agencies. WMR's sources believe that it is Wikileaks that is part and parcel of a cyber-COINTELPRO campaign, such as that proposed by President Obama's "information czar," Dr. Cass Sunstein.

"In January 2007, John Young, who runs cryptome.org, a site that publishes a wealth of sensitive and classified information, left Wikileaks, claiming the operation was a CIA front. Young also published some 150 email messages sent by Wikileaks activists on cryptome. They include a disparaging comment about this editor by Wikileaks co-founder Dr. Julian Assange of Australia. Assange lists as one of his professions "hacker." His German co-founder of Wikileaks uses a pseudonym, "Daniel Schmitt.""

"..Wikileaks is intimately involved in a $20 million CIA operation that U.S.-based Chinese dissidents that hack into computers in China. Some of the Chinese hackers route special hacking program through Chinese computers that then target U.S. government and military computer systems. After this hacking is accomplished, the U.S. government announces through friendly media outlets that U.S. computers have been subjected to a Chinese cyber-attack. The "threat" increases an already-bloated cyber-defense and offense budget and plays into the fears of the American public and businesses that heavily rely on information technology."

"..on Wikileaks advisory board is Ben Laurie, a one-time programmer and Internet security expert for Google, which recently signed a cooperative agreement with the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and has been charged by China with being part of a U.S. cyber-espionage campaign against China. Other Wikileaks advisory members are leading Chinese dissidents, including Wan Dan, who won the 1998 National Endowment for Democracy (NED) Democracy Award; Wang Youcai, founder of the Chinese Democracy Party; Xiao Qiang, the director of the China Internet Project at the University of California at Berkeley, member of the advisory board of the International Campaign for Tibet, and commentator on the George Soros-affiliated Radio Free Asia; and Tibetan exile and activist Tashi Namgyal Khamsitsang."

"..There are strong suspicions that Wikileaks is yet another Soros-funded "false flag" operation on the left side of the political spectrum. WMR has learned that after former Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN) decided to oppose Soros's choice of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's deputy Mark Malloch Brown as President of the World Bank, succedding the disgraced Paul Wolfowitz, Soros put the Wikileaks operation into high gear. "Daniel Schmitt" hacked into Coleman's supporters list, stealing credit card info, addresses, and publishing the "take" on Wikileaks. Democrat Al Franken, who was strongly backed by Soros, defeated Coleman in a legally-contested and very close election."

"..It is also believed by informed sources that Soros is behind the operation to move Wikileaks to Iceland."

"The following are some of the emails Young revealed in his exposure of Wikileaks's CIA connections (as well as to the Russian "phishing" Mafia, an operation run by Russian-Israeli Jews using Israel as a base) [Note: in the second email, "JYA" is a reference to John Young Associates]:
To: John Young
From: Wikileaks
Subject: martha stuart pgp
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 12:20:25 -0500

Version: None

J. We are going to [*deleted*] them all. Chinese mostly, but not entirely a feint. Invention
abounds. Lies, twists and distorts everywhere needed for protection. Hackers monitor
chinese and other intel as they burrow into their targets, when they pull, so do we.
Inxhaustible supply of material. Near 100,000 documents/emails a day. We're going to crack the world open and let it flower into something new. If fleecing the CIA will assist us, then fleece we will. We have pullbacks from NED, CFR, Freedomhouse and other CIA teats. We have all of pre 2005 afghanistan. Almost all of india fed. Half
a dozen foreign ministries. Dozens of political parties and consulates, worldbank,
apec, UN sections, trade groups, tibet and fulan dafa associations and... russian
phishing mafia who pull data everywhere. We're drowing. We don't even know a tenth
of what we have or who it belongs to. We stopped storing it at 1Tb.
From: Julian Assange
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 13:40:14 +0000
To: funtimesahead[a t]lists.riseup.net
Subject: [WL] cryptome disclosure

[This is a restricted internal development mailinglist for w-i-k-i-l-e-a-k-s-.-o-r-g.
Please do not mention that word directly in these discussions; refer instead to 'WL'.
This list is housed at riseup.net, an activist collective in Seattle with an established lawyer
and plenty of backbone.]

No idea what JYA was saying!

It's clear to me however, that he was not trying to protect people's
identities with his xxxxx'ing, but rather trying to increase the
sexiness of the document. Perhaps he feels WL is a threat to the
central status mechanism in his life? I think he just likes the

He may have done us a great favor. There's a lot of movement in that
document. It's a little anarchist, but I think it generally reads
well and sounds like people doing something they care about.

Btw, I suggest we be careful with Wayne Madsen too. He seems to be
another case of someone who was fantastic a few years ago, but
recently has started to see conspiracies everywhere. Both cases
possibly age related.

I am not spending any more thought on it. Next week is going to be
busy. The weeks earlier stories will be already done and that'll set
the agenda for the rest of the week, not jya's attention seeker.

I'm willing to handle calls for .au, although my background may make
S a better bet."

read article here

And in an article immediately following this one..

"Wikileaks claims it is the first website dedicated to revealing sensitive and classified information. This is false. In fact, Cryptome, founded by New York City architect John Young, was the first and Wikileaks is a mere poor facsimile. [...] Young's Cryptome has gone far beyond Wikileaks by publishing a list of British MI-6 agents, Microsoft's manual on how it conducts surveillance for U.S. law enforcement, photos of Guantanamo and a list of the detainees imprisoned there, and even overhead photos of Dick Cheney's home in McLean, Virginia while it was under construction."

"When John Young pulled out of the Wikileaks operation in 2007, suspecting it was a CIA front, there were also early allegations that Wikileaks was funded by Soros. Soros fronts for the CIA by running the operations of Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty, and Radio Free Asia. In fact, one of Wikileaks's advisory board members, Chinese dissident Xiao Qiang, is a commentator for Radio Free Asia."

read article here

Muddied waters indeed.. but the story is stranger than just another case of a two-faced poseur, as a browse through the Wikipedia entry on Juilan Assange shows:

"According to The New Yorker, Assange was born in Townsville, Queensland in 1971.[2] (In the past, Assange did not publish his exact age,[3] only stating that he was born in the 1970s.[4])

"Assange has said that his parents ran a touring theatre company, and that he was enrolled in 37 schools and six universities in Australia over the course of his early life.[4] From age eleven to sixteen, he lived on the run with his mother and half-brother, avoiding his half-brother's father who was believed to belong to a cult led by Anne Hamilton-Byrne.[2]

"An article in The New Yorker has stated that Assange was married to his girlfriend in an unofficial ceremony at the age of 18 and had a son.[2] The article says she left him while he was being investigated by the Australian Federal Police for hacking, and took their son.[2]

"Assange helped to write the 1997 book Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier which credits him as researcher.[5] It draws from his teenage experiences as a member of a hacker group named "International Subversives", which involved a 1991 raid of his Melbourne home by the Australian Federal Police"

Anne Hamilton-Byrne.. cult-leader of a New-Age compound in Austrailia, commonly referred to as "The Family".. Delving into this plausible facet of Julian Assange's life we find what would easily fit the mold of a mind-altered individual who could be 'switched on' to perform specific duties and live out a life of programmed events.
According to the Wikipedia entry for "Anne Hamilton-Byrne":

"Anne Hamilton-Byrne acquired fourteen infants and young children between about 1968 and 1975. Some were the natural children of Santiniketan members, others had been obtained through irregular adoptions arranged by lawyers, doctors and social workers within the group who could bypass the normal processes. The children’s identities were changed using false birth certificates or deed poll, all being given the surname 'Hamilton-Byrne' and dressed alike even to the extent of their hair being dyed uniformly blonde.[11]

"The children were kept in seclusion and home-schooled at Kia Lama, a rural property usually referred to as "Uptop", at Taylor Bay on Lake Eildon near the town of Eildon, Victoria. They were taught that Anne Hamilton-Byrne was their biological mother, and knew the other adults in the group as 'aunties' and 'uncles'.[4] They were denied almost all access to the outside world, and subjected to a discipline that included frequent corporal punishment and starvation diets.[12]

"The children were frequently dosed with the psychiatric drugs Anatensol, Diazepam, Haloperidol, Largactil, Mogadon, Serepax, Stelazine, Tegretol or Tofranil.[4] On reaching adolescence they were compelled to undergo an initiation involving LSD: while under the influence of the drug the child would be left in a dark room, alone apart from visits by Hamilton-Byrne or one of the psychiatrists from the group.[4][13]"

In a short article appearing on counterpunch.org on November 25/26 2006, we find the following:

"The Anti-Nuclear WANK Worm
The Curious Origins of Political Hacktivism


Real hacktivism is at least as old as October 1989 when the US Deptartment of Energy and NASA machines world wide were penetrated by the anti-nuclear WANK worm. The worm was the second ever to be unleashed, but its provenance was a curious contrast to its forebear. For you see, worm #1 had been traced to the son of National Security Agency chief cryptographer Robert Morris.

That WANK had a bold political intent was immediate. WANK penetrated machines had their login screens altered to:


\__ ____________ _____ ________ ____ ____ __
\ \ \ /\ / / / /\ \ | \ \ | | | | / / /
\ \ \ / \ / / / /__\ \ | |\ \ | | | |/ / /
\ \ \/ /\ \/ / / ______ \ | | \ \| | | |\ \ /
\_\ /__\ /____/ /______\ \____| |__\ | |____| |_\ \_/
\ /
\ Your System Has Been Officically WANKed /

You talk of times of peace for all, and then prepare for war.

In our book Underground, Suelette Dreyfus and I trace the source of the worm to Melbourne, Australia."

At the end of the article we see this: "Julian Assange is president of a NGO and Australia's most infamous former computer hacker. He was convicted of attacks on the US intelligence and publishing a magazine which inspired crimes against the Commonwealth. He is the co-author of Underground and can be reached at http://iq.org/"

A disturbing statement by Juilian Assange regarding '9-11 Truth' has, for many, brought home the very real probability that Wikileaks is another Beast tool.. from belfasttelegraph.co.uk

"I believe in facts about conspiracies," he says, choosing his words slowly. "Any time people with power plan in secret, they are conducting a conspiracy. So there are conspiracies everywhere. There are also crazed conspiracy theories. It's important not to confuse these two. Generally, when there's enough facts about a conspiracy we simply call this news." What about 9/11? "I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud." What about the Bilderberg conference? "That is vaguely conspiratorial, in a networking sense. We have published their meeting notes."

A stunning sentiment when it comes from someone who is supposedly driven by 'truth', considering the mountains of solid evidence that 9-11 was, in fact, an 'inside job'.. but common-place rhetoric when it comes from someone who is being used as a figurehead for false information subsequently used to sway public perception and opinion.

Ultimately, what we may have here is what is so often found elsewhere.. another sad case of an individual with exceptional talents.. in this case mathematics, physics, and programming.. brain-washed and mind-controlled in a government hive to later be let loose, and finally "awakened" to become a figure-head and info-guru weilded by the NWO in an effort to undermine real truth by flavoring it with the most trendy agenda of the moment.. in this case, internet censorship and military liberty.

And "Julian Assange" is perhaps just the next newest name on the long list of 'truth information' specialists, filing in alongside the ranks of Alex Jones (Mockinbird) and others.

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pretty typical of an MKULTRA product.

~~The Children of God (also called the Family) cult in Argentina has been involved in ritual abuse of children for decades, but has evaded conviction, despite voluminous undeniable evidence and victim testimony. David "Moses" Berg founded the church in the 1970's, advocated using sex to entice new members into the church. Berg's own children and former members have stated that they were forced into sex between the ages of 4-10 years with high-level church members. The victims also testified to a sexual blackmail and infiltration campaign aimed at some of the most powerful men in Europe, particularly "in the media, legal community, and government". Powerful figures of political and financial support for the Family include Libyan president Muommar Kaddafi, Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, and King Juan Carlos of Spain. (Constantine pg147) The sect currently estimates its numbers at 300,000 converts in 60 countries. In 1992 the Family children's choir sang in the White House for Barbara Bush to kick off a Christmas show in the East Room. The sect also sang for George Bush Sr. after he toured the damage of Hurricane Andrew in south Florida.
This is what iv'e found to be the general rule on trustworthy news or Christian leadership either one...when it gets big and successful, leave it alone. The most trustworthy news comes from the smallest sources just because those are the sources who have nothing much to gain by being intentionally misleading nor does Big Brother care to interfere with them as much. When it comes to church leadership that also applies, but there is a spiritual element as well there...people in general have itchy ears. They will flock to the congregation in droves which is putting out a half baked and soft message which does not bring into focus their own accountability.

Our own Heavenly Father shows the principle of backing up the "small guy" in His way of dealing with people...exalting the low, bringing down the exalted. As we all know..power corrupts and absolute power ( in the hands of created beings) corrupts absolutely.
JULIAN ASSANGE: [Conference New York] "Every organisation rests upon a mountain of secrets."

Some more thoughts.. Wikileaks is an organization, and according to its leader himself “every organization rests upon a mountain of secrets”.. one may assume the ‘secrets’ of Wikileaks are its sources..but that idea should be tabled in light of the recent circumstances surrounding those individuals..

In the Fowler interview, regarding his sources, Mr. Assange states “..we’re going to protect them and that if they are exposed then we’ll fight like hell to bring attention to their plight and we’ll send lawyers and cash if necessary to try and get them out of that bad situation.”

Yet both the source for the Baghdad video footage and the source for the 90-thousand-plus War Logs – Wikileaks two (if only) major stories – have not been protected.. they were both ‘found out’.

Re-consider the mountain of secrets upon which the organization of Wikileaks rests.. if it sounds like a familiar idea, that’s because it is.

Immediately Satan’s temptation of Eve in the Garden of Eden may come to mind.. how he deceived her by offering ‘secret knowledge’.. but there is a more specific model found in the history of the rebel “Watchers”.

The Watchers descended upon a mountain, Mount Hermon to be exact, and went on to teach secrets to the fallen inhabitants of the pre-flood Earch.. this teaching of “worthless mysteries”, as they are called by the Creator, is where the “Illumination” path was first born.

“Every organisation rests upon a mountain of secrets” rings an MK ULTRA bell.. especially when spoken by the Chief Editor of an organization which claims to be transparent in so many ways.

Amidst the growing evidence there is a growing consensus that Wikileaks is another Beast tool.. an organization protected under the dark encompassing wings of the NWO.

From where do you get your “news”.. and how do you treat it once you’ve found it? There is an increasing number of “alternative” information organizations.. with a handful of more prominent individuals at the summit.. who is protecting them.

There are two possible answers to this question.. one is that the Creator is who provides protection to the most well-known in the ‘independent news’ arena.. but that only applies if everything the individual or organization puts out agrees with and glorifies Him..

How many indie journalists have you seen whose only ‘angle’ was honest truth.. lately, how many truly objective voices have you heard and how many times have you read contradiction after contradiction sourced from one provider?

There is an umbrella effect.. where “out of many” there comes “one”.

Julian Assange and Wikileaks illustrate so well the unseen condition affecting the whole world.

Begin with a child who is raised in mind control – does that sound anything like how you were raised even if your hair wasn’t bleached blonde and you weren’t told you were evil.. watch any soaps or talk shows while growing up?

The child is conditioned then released into society – we graduate into adulthood become participants on a strictly individual basis.

Now an adult participating in society, the mentally-altered individual becomes a tool that the controllers of the system use to facilitate their singular faceted agenda.

All believers know they were tools of the enemy before they were made servants of the Savior.. that knowingly or otherwise, Satan, not Yahushua, was their master.

Satan is spinning an umbrella over all the tools in his mind-control machine.. one lie looks really appealing when it’s surrounded by everything else you want to hear.. his agents operate the same way.

And out of the many cogs and wheels comprised in the enemy’s misinformation mechanism emerges a constant, singular, finely-tuned anti-christ agenda.

Satan’s workshop of deception produces just one product.. but they make that one lie in every flavor imaginable.. including “conspiracy theory truth”.

How are you fixed for good news these days?

“For YHWH so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”

John 3:16,17

“These things I [Yahushua] have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33
In a perfect example of Mockingbird technique.. in the past few days Alex Jones has implored his followers to push searches for the dangers of sodium fluoride up to the top of Google results (where they will be likely banned, of course) and immediately followed that success by posting an article on Prison Planet claiming that Green Tea is dangerous because it contains high levels of sodium fluoride.

The article on Alex Jones' site is from a new-age group called "Prevent Disease".. the article claims that an organic substance is dangerous because it contains a lot of synthetic toxins.. really absurd stuff.. but still effective in casting doubt into the minds of many on whether or not the plants that YHWH gave us are indeed "Good" as He said.



Julian Assange wined and dined at US Embassy

Julian Assange was a guest at a US Embassy cocktail party less than a year ago.


Snowden Is ‘Safe and Healthy’ – WikiLeaks Founder



shout out from a You-Tuber, 6 mos. after the article post..

Uploaded on Dec 6, 2010

Video original en el canal de sgentlemanjack112:


*disclaimer for the host's insulting/ inflammatory style.. reminds me of Alex Jones a little bit.. :/

it's a trip to think about Eric Snowden being from Elizabeth City, NC.. he doesn't seem to use his Southern accent..  he's some kind of icon now i guess..

Published on Jan 8, 2015

The former NSA contractor sat down with NOVA to discuss the future of cyber warfare.

i think he sounds like a tool but lol@goes Jurassic Park his role is perhaps to just put it out there 'yeah they can and will and are doing it all so get used to it, because there's nothing you can do about it'...

Top 10 Data Breaches of 2014

You Are Here: Home » E-Threats » Top 10 Data Breaches of 2014; Lessons Learned for a Safer 2015

Top 10 Data Breaches of 2014


In May, Ebay announced a data leak that exposed email addresses and passwords of 145 million users after employee log-in credentials were compromised and attackers got access to the company network.

J.P. Morgan Chase

The J.P. Morgan Chase hack also made quite an impression when it left 76 million bank customers wondering if their data was compromised. It seems hackers infiltrated the bank’s networks through a zero-day vulnerability in the website and stole credit card data without disrupting banking services.

Home Depot

Home Depot made headlines after 56 million email addresses were stolen from its database. Hackers used a third-party vendor’s credentials to infiltrate Home Depot’s network. With high-level permissions, they navigated portions of the network, found a vulnerability and planted custom-built malware on self-checkout systems in the US and Canada.


The popular image-sharing app’s security issues were laid bare after more than 4.6 million Snapchat usernames and phone numbers were leaked at the beginning of the year when anonymous hackers abused the application’s Find Friends service.

Community Health Systems

Records of 4.5 million patients were stolen when hospital giant Community Health Systems was hacked in June 2014. Fortunately, no Social Security numbers were disclosed. The company operates 206 hospitals in the United States.


The US-based arts and crafts store acknowledged investigating a data breach affecting 1,250 stores after crooks tampered with point-of-sale devices at store registers to steal credit and debit card numbers and associated PINs from its customers.


Some 2% of all AOL Mail clients (roughly 120 million registered accounts) were used to send spam emails after an April breach leaked user information including encrypted passwords, encrypted answers to security questions, postal addresses and address book contacts.

Neiman Marcus

In January, another retailer was hit. Luxury department store Neiman Marcus said hackers breached the store’s network and planted backdoor software to steal customer e-mail addresses, user names and credit card data as well as their encrypted PINs. More than 1.1 million customers were affected.

US Postal Services

The data of 800,000 employees of the US Postal Services was compromised after an intrusion in mid-September. Allegedly, China was behind it, data mining on US citizens.

Sony Pictures

The recent Sony cyberattack and scandal showed, once again, that no organization is safe.

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