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Petition to Declare all anti-predatory animal organizations as domestic terrorist groups
"Declare all anti-predatory animal organizations as domestic terrorist groups
Groups like Lobo Watch, Big Game Forever, Idaho Anti-Wolf Coalition, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, NRA, Safari Club, etc., are a menace in our midst. Not only do many of them want our native predators like bears, wolves, wild cats, and the like decimated to the brink of extinction, but some of them have the nerve to harass, threaten, and downright intimidate anyone who dares to oppose them, even the government. And they've got some powerful people in their corner, too. They throw their mammoth monetary weight around, and think they can buy their way into power in America and put down anyone who's got a backbone and might provide resistance. It's time to put these groups in their place and strike them down. Time to protect our carnivorous wildlife from those who seek to decimate them!"
NRA=Taliban? O.o
It is not a good thing for a few reasons.
Firstly, they are declaring non violent groups of American citizens "domestic terrorists". This will be a label which will likely spread to any group which opposes the NWO agenda in any of its facets.
Secondly, they are declaring an implied terrorism is taking place against animals. When there is suddenly such a thing as "terrorism" against animals, what does this make any hunter, meat eater or leather wearer?
Lastly, the issue here concerns farmers and ranchers who are forbidden by law to shoot animals like wolves which come on to their private property, kill their livestock and pets and threaten their families. These are the sort of people that this petition wants to label as terrorists. Wolves are overpopulated in many of these states which have reintroduced them and the official count is much lower than the reality which has led to people's homes and livelihoods being threatened by packs of carnivorous animals that they are not allowed to kill.
Tabitha said:
Is this a good petition? It seems like it.
Dogs Driving Cars: New Zealand SPCA Puts Canines Behind The Wheel
Ray Kurzweil, Google's Director Of Engineering, Wants To Bring The Dead Back To Life
Inventor Ray Kurzweil hopes to develop ways for humans to live forever, and while he’s at it, bring back his dead father.
Behind him is the support of a tech giant. This month, Kurzweil, a futurist, stepped into the role of Director of Engineering at Google, focusing on machine learning and language processing.
"There is a lot of suffering in the world," Kurzweil once said, according to Bloomberg. "Some of it can be overcome if we have the right solutions."
Since his father's death in 1970, Kurzweil has stored his keepsakes in hopes the data will one day be fed into a computer capable of creating a virtual version of him, Bloomberg reported. Interestingly, one of his novels lays out how humans might "transcend biology."
According to TechCrunch, his controversial theories are rooted in the idea of technological singularity, a time when humans and machines sync up to the point of nearly limitless advancement.
That idea, which interests Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, could happen as soon as 2030, Kurzweil says.
"We are a human machine civilization and we create these tools to make ourselves smarter,"..."
Article and Video: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/28/ray-kurzweil-google-direc_...|maing7|dl11|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D250790
There is a commonly believed myth that forests produce more oxygen than grasslands and that cattle are largely to blame for...i'm not even sure what...lol...something bad.
The truth is that pasture land (specifically grazed pasture land) produces far more oxygen than trees and the natural state of prairie land is to support large herds of grazing animals...like cattle. That would be the case whether they were domesticated or some wild grazing herd animal.
The only case where cattle raising becomes problematic is when they are Not allowed free range pasture, but are raised in tiny cramped quarters and fed grains, which is not the natural food of the grazing animal and which require hundreds of acres to grow. That's hundreds of acres that could have been used as free range pasture, instead of a crop that only cooped up, sick farm animals eat.
I love forests as much as anyone but i would never support prohibiting farming or ranching in favor of allowing thousands of acres of more or less useless forest to remain untouched. No good farmer wants to cut down every tree on his property and the amount that one would leave to allow themselves the renewable resource is more than enough to support wildlife, as well.
We have to remember that "controlling" farm animals (in the sense that the Green movement wants to) means eliminating food sources for people. When people can't afford to buy meat and milk and eggs (or grow those things themselves), they Are being controlled. When cattle are forced to eat grain in small cages, that produces meat which isn't fit for human consumption, and that also controls people's quality of life.
February 5, 2013 by count down to zero time
"Terminator robots are almost here astonishingly lifelike ‘bionic man’: Science Museum unveils $1million robot with his own heart, blood and face
A Team of roboticists build amazing humanoid machine costing £640,000
Bionic man has artificial organs and a functional blood circulatory system
He is modelled on Swiss man Berthold Meyer, who has bionic hand himself
For years it existed only in the wildest realms of science fiction.
But now a team of leading roboticists have created a real bionic man – complete with artificial organs, synthetic blood and robot limbs goes.
The astonishing creation incorporates some of the latest advances in prosthetic technology, as well as an artificial pancreas, kidney, spleen and trachea, and a functional blood circulatory system.
On show: The world’s first complete Bionic Man unveiled at the Science Museum in London today
The 6ft 6in (2m) humanoid shares quite a bit in common with Steve Austin, the original ‘bionic man’ from the cult 1970s TV series the Six Million Dollar Man.
But costing almost £640,000, it is cheaper.
Known as Rex – short for robotic exoskeleton – his hi-tech frame is made up of an array of artificial limbs and organs from around the world.
It was assembled for a new Channel 4 documentary, How To Build A Bionic Man and will go on display at London’s Science Museum this week..."
Read More: http://countdowntozerotime.org/2013/02/05/meet-rex-the-astonishingl...
"Frankenstein-style HEAD transplants could soon be a reality, claims leading surgeon
It has until now been the work of science fiction and horror films, but scientists could soon be carrying out complete human head transplants, a leading surgeon has said.
The procedure has previously been performed on monkeys but recent technological breakthroughs that make it possible to reconnect spinal cords could see the operation carried out on humans.
Neurosurgeon Dr Sergio Canavero, from the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group, believes the operation would take 100 surgeons up to 36 hours and would cost £8.5million.
In 1970, American neurosurgeon Dr Robert White successfully transplanted the head of rhesus monkey onto the body of another.
Then in 2001, doctors in the U.S carried out a similar operation.
The monkey was able to smell, open its eyes and taste food yet because White couldn't reconnect the animal's spinal cord, it was left paralysed and died hours after surgery.
More recent advancements in cell and nerve research could make reconnecting spinal cords possible and Canavero believes this means there is no longer a barrier when it comes to transplanting human heads.
In a paper, published by Surgical Neurology International, Canavero said: 'The greatest technical hurdle to cephalosomatic linkage [head transplant] is of course the reconnection of the donor’s and recipients spinal cords.
'It is my contention that the technology only now exists for such linkage.'
He adds that the procedure would be similar to that used in previous experiments.
Both parties would be put to sleep.
The head to be transplanted would be cooled to between 12°C and 15°C.
Surgeons would then have one hour to remove both heads and reconnect the transplant head to the circulatory system of the donor body.
The operation would have to be carried out within this time because an hour is the longest a human brain can survive without a steady flow of blood and oxygen..."
Full Article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2353402/Frankenstein...
If you still remember a piece of paper called the US Constitution, you might wonder under what section of that document the government is permitted to alter the human species.
A current Pentagon plan to create a biological platform inside the human body, using it to deliver new genetic information, and thus changing what the human body is and does…well, that is about as outrageous as you can get, when it comes to the violation of permitted federal powers.
Yet, the White House doesn’t care, nor does Congress, nor does the Supreme Court, nor does any federal agency or oversight department. It’s all right. It’s not a problem. It’s a “medical” program, you see. And therefore it will help people, and the government’s job is to help people.
This is the new version of the Constitution: “the government is here to help you, and anything it does in that regard is legal.” Sign up now. Get on the list. Help overrides anything written into the Constitution.
“If the government wants to help me, it’s fine. That’s what government is for. It’s like a parent. If the daddy is injecting me with genetic material to make me better, I love it.”
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is preparing to launch these genetic experiments. DARPA is organized under the Pentagon, which is organized under the Dept, of Defense, which is an agency of the executive branch, which means the White House, which refers to the President, where the buck stops. So that’s the chain of command. The violation of the Constitution goes all the way to the top.
Here is a key quote from the DARPA proposal: “…the successful development of technologies for rapid introduction of large DNA vectors into human cell lines will enable the ability to engineer much more complex functionalities into human cell lines than are currently possible.”
DARPA plans to insert a 47th chromosome into human cell lines. That chromosome will serve as a kind of platform that will make subsequent delivery of new genetic information much easier.
New genetic information means alterations in the body, at the level of DNA.
Engineering humans.
DARPA will justify these experiments on the basis of improving soldiers’ performance on the battlefield, their general health, their capacity to recover from illness, injury, exhaustion. They can justify it any way they want to, but it adds up to the same thing.
“We will change you. We will make you better. And, ahem, uh, easier to control.”
But this isn’t a debate about how a human could be made better or what “better” should mean or who should decide. It’s an argument that the whole program is a violation of the Constitution—because if we don’t stand on that, we don’t stand on anything.
Without invoking the law of the land, we allow various people to squabble about lesser issues and determine outcomes based on random and arbitrary factors.
“Well, I don’t think the Pentagon should be in charge of this program at all. It should be moved over to the National Institutes of Health, where it belongs.”
“I see no problem with Pentagon handling it, as long as there is civilian oversight from, say, the FDA. We could also have university scientists act in a consulting capacity…”
“The President should appoint a Genetics Czar. He could supervise the whole thing, with Congressional oversight.”
“It has to be run by the government. Otherwise, we can’t guarantee it’ll be done in an ethical fashion.”
No. The whole effort to engineer humans is unconstitutional, where government involvement is concerned. As for private companies taking part, there are already laws on the books about engineering humans. The adequate enforcement of those laws is another problem.
There’s nothing much at stake here. Only the future of the human species..."
Full Article: https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2013/08/22/the-us-government-is-...
this guy could perhaps try 'standing' on the 10 commandments instead of 'standing' on the Constitution.. prayer is going to be the only thing effective in a wholly corrupt government.. even from his own patriotic perspective, can he say the US version is going to help anyone anywhere else in the world if the UN is the parent participant?
Sinclair - in your post it noted in head transplants, "Both parties would be put to sleep." that sounds a little wrong if one of those 'parties' is supposed to already be a cadaver, no?
some members of the Borg.
Human-pig hybrids for organ transplants could develop into monsters with 'OUR brains'
"SCIENTISTS trying to grow our body parts inside pigs to end the shortage of organs needed for transplants could inadvertently make animals with human brains, it has emerged.
It was revealed today that in a futuristic Dr Frankenstein-like experiment, scientisist in the US have injected human stem cells into pig embryos to produce human-pig embryos known as chimeras.
But, concern has already surfaced that playing God in this way could open the door to pig's developing with human intelligence and too much like us.
There are fears that mixing pig and human genes in this way coud see the animals develop looking like animals but with human brains or boosted intelligence.
The research is so controversial that last year, the main US medical research agency, the National Institutes of Health, imposed a moratorium on funding such experiments.
Its main concern is that the human cells might migrate to the developing pig's brain and make it, in some way, more human.
Pablo Ross, a reproductive biologist who is leading the research, said this is unlikely but is a key reason why the research is proceeding with such caution.
He said: "We think there is very low potential for a human brain to grow, but this is something we will be investigating."..."
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