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ha, i had no real idea what V'ger was. but i looked it up. Interesting it says this about it :
"Other novelizations and videogames have strongly implied that V'Ger was the progenitor of the Borg."
Borg: "The Borg are a fictional pseudo-race of cybernetic organisms depicted in the Star Trek universe.Whereas cybernetics are used by other races in the science fiction world (and in recent times the real world) to repair bodily damage and birth defects, the Borg voluntarily submit to cybernetic enhancement as a means of achieving what they believe to be perfection...
In alien encounters, they exhibit no desire for negotiation or reason, only to assimilate. Exhibiting a rapid adaptability to any situation or threat, with encounters characterized by the matter-of-fact statement "Resistance is futile" - Wikipedia
With or without mechanical components or being the "pets" of them, human beings seem to be under the spell of something quite a bit like this in spirit at least. There is a great drive to "assimilate" into the system and the system's response to defiance is "resistance is futile".
Is mankind's quest for knowledge, power and longer life about to backfire and wipe human beings off the face of the Earth?
Interesting, i think, that"fear" is connected in this article with, not only the extinction of humanity but the coming of Messiah. Maybe shows what the spirit that's in the world is really afraid of.
"Secret experiments now underway in the U.S. and elsewhere are sparking fears of a potential extinction-level event hastening the 2nd Coming of Jesus.
For decades now, there have been science-fiction stories portraying a future filled with spectacular abilities for people, where the definition of what makes someone a human being is blurred by blending high technology and even animal traits into the human body"
I watched a kids movie. This kids mom gets taken by the aliens. Its called Mars Needs Mom. So much in your face true lies in this movie. Ronald Reagan having an off world program is mentioned in it. Little kids animated movie. Also in it were Chimera's like the one in the movie that no one talked about much. The scientist raise the chimera as child, with the legs bending like a gazelles? The martian population was all these chimera's. The holly-wood system has been preparing the generations of kids and their parents for this up coming event. It seems its here, nu?
Um, you folk do realize that we will be hated in the end because we will be the true alternative to all of this right?
The whole reason for Yeshua to come was to return us to our prefallen state. In that state we had the ability to walk in both the spiritual and physical realms. We in the Body are not doing the stuff right now.
The early eklesia did what the Apostles did. They healed the sick and cast out demons. Signs and wonders followed them. People were drawn because of the demonstration of power not with persuasive arguments. Where is the power today? The enemy has the show.
When we begin to walk out what we are called and destined to be we will be hated by these people but we will also see a move of The Spirit that will draw millions into The Kingdom. Remember, when the two witnesses speak fire consumes their enemies. These "things" that people are trying to create have nothing on what Daddy has planned through us.
Adam knew nature, he knew the supernatural, he glowed so brightly he didn't even need clothing because of the Glory of Elohim that was upon him. That is who we are becoming and to believe that we don't get any of that until we get our resurrected bodies is shortsighted. It has happened in various times and places before to stir us.
I am not saying to seek it but to seek HIM and as we look a Him we become like Him. As we become more like Him the world will tremble at Him in us and be repelled or drawn just as they were to Him when He walked the earth. We are to be Him here and now. His hands, His Feet. We all need to quit reading the Word allegorically and realize much of it is meant literally. I'm preaching to myself here cause I fall really short in all this but I know that it is true as much as I know that Yeshua is true.
Be Blessed all.
Sinclair said:
I think we're already hated as the alternative to all of this. Exactly what this agenda is about is trying to counterfeit the eternal life and incorruptible bodies that are promissed through Messiah. They want all that, but they don't want to bow down to Him to get it. They want to be like gods, just like Satan said they would be if they ate that fruit.A lot of Christians might fall sadly short of the sort of faith that they could have and should have but just the hint of the promise we're given at eternal life is enough to provoke the enemy into fits of covetous rage.I believe in a much more literal reading of scripture than the average Christian, too. When I read that you can tell a mountain to be moved, I completely believe in that as a literal possibility.You are correct, of course, that ultimately this is a battle and the enemy hates us but I am not so sure just how clearly the battle lines have been drawn yet.By that I mean that for the most part few of us are directly engaged in head to head battle with anyone on the other side. For the most part we stay on our side of the line and they stay on theirs. Many believer are not even aware that the politicians that call themselves "christians" are, mostly luciferian.They still believe that if they just put in a good Republican that says he's a believer it is true when they have sacrificed millions to their gods through wars just like the Dems in the past century.Even the DHS document that came out about potential terrorists being those who believe in end-time events was written during the Bush administration. Yet here we are again looking for someone to be a good Republican Christian President who will slaughter more millions if any that are presently running get elected with one exception.When I said what I said I am talking about seeing werewolves and demons manifest during church services and literally devouring people. They, at present operat at a much higher level spiritually then most of us. Most of our pastors wouldn't have a clue how to deal with something like that or a nephilim.My question is why? Why are we so afraid of touching the things of the Spirit? Not all of us but certainly a large portion of us. I am concerned for the Body because I do not think we are ready nor do we even believe this kind of stuff is real.The world does. Why don't we?
in the news today:
monkey chimeras born in lab.
and yesterday the claim that "they" are only 3 yrs from the 3 person dna'd child.
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