"So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her and he ate. Then the eyes of both of them were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings." - Genesis 3:6,7

In these words of Genesis is contained the account of the fall of man, the point at which mankind ceased to be in perfect harmony with their Creator and ceased to be endowed with innate everlasting life. As believers, it is not difficult to understand the moral cause and effect which took place here. Humanity was only responsible to one command from their Elohim, no other forbidden thing had been laid on them to avoid. In their act of disobedience, heeding the misleading words of Satan, they transgressed this one law and so sin entered in upon human existence.

The consequences of this one act of disobedience produced multiple and serious consequences. The greatest of these was the spiritual rift which was created between man and his Maker. No longer could there be direct communion between them, no longer could humans be at peace with Him and receive His close and personal fellowship. They were extracted from this relationship and cast into a state of detachment where they could, from then on, only approach Him from a distance in prayer.

Mortality came as well. Removed from the close presence they enjoyed to the One source of life and the opportunity to be blessed with the fruit from the tree of life, the human body would inevitably perish. From dust they were created and so to dust return.

The Earth itself was alienated from those given dominion over it. Once it yielded all man would ever need and much more without cost or labor, but sin destroyed this perfect relationship which YHWH had established for them as well. Now Earth would not respond as the domain of mankind, but instead respond as the domain of the evil one who had tempted them.

These are the causes and the effects, but there is much more to understand in the mechanics of how these causes produced these effects. It is the case that things of a spiritual nature are usually understood only in very abstract ways. It is strange, perhaps to consider that there is not truly any separation between the physics of material existence and the mechanics of a spiritual one. It is reasonable, though, that One law governs all things and no spiritual event occurs which does not also produce quantifiable physical effects in a creature, such as man, who is equal parts body and spirit.

There is an answer to how the human body became subject to death and how the body produced the effects of spiritual exile within itself as a result of sin. There is an answer to how the earth and the properties which govern its habitable environment were altered to become adverse to survival. I will attempt to provide an explanation for these things here.

Deep within the human brain, between its two hemispheres, is a tiny organ called the pineal gland. It's shape resembles that of a small pine cone. Being only about the size of a grain of rice, it is nonetheless a very important part of the body's endocrine system.

This gland, is actually an eye. It is a small eye lacking some of the component parts of the visual eyes, yet an eye just the same, having a rudimentary retina and the ability to perceive light, though not in the same visual sense as the outward eyes. The Pineal gland produces the very vital substances, serotonin and melatonin as well as Dimethyltryptamine under specific conditions.

We must recall the account in Genesis which said "Then the eyes of both of them were opened". Though it is normally understood in a very metaphorical sense, that their eyes were opened, meaning that they had become aware of things which before they were not, there is good evidence to suggest this verse is much more literal. It has been believed in many diverse cultures throughout human history that the pineal gland, also termed the "third eye" is the physical location in the body where the spirit joins to it and where the physical senses can receive stimuli from spiritual sources.

Some species of animals have external "third eyes", called a parietal eye which have similar physical functions as the human pineal gland. This organ, as the pineal gland, regulates circadian rhythm and is photo-receptive, though it is so on a visual level which the pineal gland is not. This organ is a little understood receptor of stimuli which does not fall into the categories of the usual physical senses as well. It aids in the detection of predatory threats, for example, using a method of sense which is not visual, auditory or tactile.

The monoamine neurotransmitter, serotonin, produced by the pineal gland has several functions, the most well known of which is that it is responsible for producing the sensation of peace and well being. Regulation of the mechanism of digestive tract movement is also a function of serotonin. Memory, the capacity to learn, sense of mood and appetite are all effected by serotonin levels.

When there is a deficit of serotonin, a person can, as a result, feel depressed, have digestive impairment and show an inability to comprehend and retain information. Comparing this to the effects of sin in an individual's life and what that results in as extension of their conscience look similar. Guilt results in a loss of peace, a lack of appetite, physical feelings of illness in the "gut", distraction and often times a subconscious effort to suppress the memory of having done wrong.

Drugs we refer to as "psychedelic" are understood as being drugs which open channels of awareness which are not normally active. Psilocybin, LSD and mescaline are agonists for serotonin receptors, that is they are a substance which is suited to binding at specific receptors and mimic the action of the natural process which serotonin provides. It is no secret that those who use substances such as these do so in order to have experiences which are "spiritual" in nature. Activating the brain in a way that massive amounts of serotonin might creates an effect on the brain that puts in closer connection with spiritual stimuli.

Certain so-called antidepressant drugs of the Serotonin re-uptake inhibitor class (SRI's) are supposedly designed to prevent the re-uptake of serotonin out of the brain by the natural physical process and thus allow the substance to remain in the brain longer. This is claimed to produce the effect of fighting off depression, causing a sense of peace instead. The danger of using these drugs is that after a time of use, the serotonin levels re-uptake at a greater pace instead, forcing the patient to switch medications until they have run out options at which point the natural function of the pineal gland has been so reduced that the end result is much worse than the beginning.

Melatonin, the second major substance produced by the pineal gland is a most interesting one. This chemical controls the circadian rhythm of the body, it regulates the daily "time cycles". It also functions as the most powerful antioxidant in nature, protecting nuclear and mitochondrial DNA from damage.

Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland in darkness and is often called the "hormone of darkness". Blue spectrum light is responsible for inhibiting its production during the daylight hours, and then production peaks in the middle of the night. Though many forms of antioxidants exist in nature which can be processed by the body and used through the consumption of foods which contain them, no other antioxidant has the perfect ability to halt damage to DNA which melatonin does. Where as other antioxidants go through what is called redox cycling, a process of reduction and oxidation repeatedly, melatonin terminates to an unusable form once oxidized. This makes it ideal because it can not break down and conversely oxidize instead of reduce oxidation as other antioxidants eventually can.

The deficit of Melatonin is the answer to aging. The curse of aging and death can be directly linked to the "eye' (pineal gland) which was exposed to sin in the fall of man. Without the continual degradation of DNA, it would forever repair itself and the body would naturally produce those substances like melatonin which prevent any damage being done to it. There would conceivable be no injury which could not be repaired. Melatonin aids the immune system as well and so under perfect conditions no pathogen would have the ability to defeat the fully functioning immune system supported by ideal melatonin production.

This substance also tells time, it is responsible for the biological clock in living things. It records the passing of days, seasons and years in the physical body and the body responds by continually breaking down in response to the passing of time. It is a fact of great interest that melatonin is titled "the hormone of darkness" because it was in ignorance of sin and evil, in that state of innocence that mankind had all that they needed within their bodies to be well eternally. It was not until a false light was shined in their "eyes" that they became subject to death.

Dimethyltryptamine, or DMT is a substance produced by the pineal gland only at moments of extreme spiritual interaction. This chemical is produced at the moment of birth and the moment of death of a human being as well as at points in time which are approaching death or an induced altered state of consciousness. It is recognized medically as a "hallucinogen" It is often ingested in forms which are found in certain plants to obtain artificial states of spiritual connectedness. People who have taken DMT report events of contact between themselves and extra-dimensional beings. This is the hormone which opens the channel to the spiritual realm, which, if in its proper function, would produce the ability to perceive the presence of the Creator and commune with Him. Artificial means to induce such effects in this fallen state will instead form a rift through which unclean spirits may make contact with human subjects.

The so-called "opening" of the eye which Satan had promised was merely opening the eye to the knowledge and the burden of sin. The consequence was the closing of the intended function of the eye, a means by which the spiritual presence of YHWH and the physical existence of man were in peaceful communion with each other.

At birth, the pineal gland functions at its closest it will ever function in mortal life to ideal. As the human body matures toward puberty, the function of the pineal gland begins to drastically degrade by calcification until near death it is nearly completely hardened. It is then, very interesting to understand that the immediate reaction of Adam and Eve after they sinned against YHWH was to become aware of their sexuality. With the sudden reduction of melatonin at puberty, the body reacts by becoming sexually mature. Adam and Eve had the innocence of children and remained naked without shame until this process was initiated in them after their fall.

What people should be aware of in this world where there are powers that are not only interested in destroying their physical lives, but also their spiritual lives, is that many of the adulterating chemicals which are forced on the public are designed to destroy the pineal gland in particular. Fluoride is one of the best examples of this. Sodium fluoride has the effect of rapidly calcifying the pineal gland and by doing so, not only shortens life span and effects several major body functions, but also creates a spiritually blinding effect. When scriptures speak of "hardened hearts", we might reasonably understand that this is directly related to a literal hardening process of an organ designed to conduit spiritual stimuli into the mind.

consider these Hebrew words:

peniyel - the face (presence) of El

used in the verse here: And Ya'aqob called the name of the place Penuw'el, "For I have seen 'Elohiym face to face and my life is preserved." - Genesis 32:30

leb - "heart" used to mean the center of something, figuratively for feelings or intellect, from:

lebab- to be enclosed

Remember that the pineal gland lays within the center or the "heart" of the brain and is enclosed by it.

And Yahuwah said to Mosheh, "When you go back to Mitsrayim, see that you do all those wonders before Par'oh that I have put in your hand. But I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go. - Genesis 4:21

The curse of the Earth can also be directly linked to the function of the pineal gland. The daily fluctuations of the geomagnetic field have been shown to have dramatic effects on pineal gland function and its ability to produce it's vital substances. The magnetosphere of earth serves a very important role in shielding the earth from charged particles of solar wind. If the basic properties which govern the Earth's magnetosphere had been altered, it would directly effect the function of the pineal gland in living creatures on it and even effect what types of foods they were able to digest and process as well as what types of food plants the Earth would most readily grow.

His design is an amazing one and the adventure of understanding it never truly ends.

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i think this article rocks..

it stands to reason that there must exist an acceptable explanation for every thing in reality, from the interior of the mind to the exterior of space, and yet it is widely and often professed by the found and lost alike that the methods of the Creator, as well as things like trust in Messiah and spiritual matters, are not founded on logic.. "faith isn't logical" and so forth.. which doesn't make sense..

the Creator is a designer.. designs are ordered.. rational.. logical.. nothing like chaos or chance.. it makes sense that there is one set of laws drawn up to govern both the physical and the spiritual and that all parties must abide by either the laws or the consequences of violating His law (thankful for His Mercy)

Thank you for adding the picture, Bean. was hoping to add one to the article but had no time to find one.

Who has an excuse for not believing in a Creator? the evidence of His laws are manifested in all things observable to every person.

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