Serpentspeak: Conspiracy Theory vs. Conspiracy Fact

I find it appalling and sad that it should ever be necessary to dedicate a topic of an entire article to defining simple words and concepts like "conspiracy" "fact" or "theory", but here i am. Thanks to media, thanks to the educational system and thanks to the entire beastly, propagandizing machine in which we exist, multitudes of words and phrases have lost their correct definitions and exchanged them for definitions in the language of what i call "sepentspeak". Serpentspeak could be defined as that sneaky, mind numbing use of terms connected emotionally charged themes and designed to make connections in people's minds which shape their ideology and world view in skewed manner. Political correctness could easily fall under the category of "Serpentspeak" in my definition, though it would be only one facet of it.

Taking a correct and realistic look at words like "conspiracy" and "fact" and "theory" turns on its head the emotional reaction to such words which have been drilled into the masses' minds. Truth and reality have the power to radically change one's view of the way the world is, even when applied to small instances such as defining these three little terms. So here it is..let's cut the snake's head off...

Conspiracy : The correct definition of a conspiracy is this - an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot. Now google the word "conspiracy" and see how many of the results you get are related to that definition or describe an event related to just that definition. What you will likely see most in your results are things which refer to conspiracy Theories. In the mind of the average person, the word conspiracy no longer means an evil, unlawful, treacherous or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons. That word now has taken on the definition of the word Theory instead. The moment you say the word conspiracy to most people...the immediate connection which follows is one which is defined as a Theory About a Conspiracy...the the public view, there is no longer any such thing as a conspiracy, there are only conspiracy theories, which are defined in that same public opinion as being the mental concoctions of psychologically unstable people. The concept holds the same ground as the Tooth Fairy.

: The correct definition of a fact is this - An event or thing known to have happened or existed, a truth verifiable from experience or observation. Now take a look at some things that most people regard as fact:

Newton's Theory of Universal Gravitation...while school children are taught the fundamentals of this principal as if it were Fact, and adults everywhere have believed in it's absolute truth all their lives, the "laws of gravity" as defined by Newton are, indeed, a Theory and not verified at all.

Plate Tectonics...again, who doesn't Know that the Earth's crust has floated around the globe and it is this which has been responsible for such things as "continental drift" and earthquakes and volcanic activity? Except it is not a scientifically verified is Theory..a guess, regardless of what you've been taught all your life.

The Theory of Evolution...the creme of the crop of pet hoaxes, it is taught in every public school in the nation and is mandated to be part of the curriculum and yet not only is it not a fact...but it hasn't even achieved the status of a relatively good guess, lacking any and all of even the smallest of fossil evidences that such a thing as macro-evolution has brought human beings out of the trees and into civilized existence.

What passes for a fact in public opinion is simply anything which is taught in a school, is widely accepted as true or seen on the evening news. Personal observation and experience and validation have nothing to do with the modern concept of a fact.

Theory: The correct definition of a theory is this- A system of rules, procedures, and assumptions used to produce a result, abstract knowledge or reasoning, a speculative or conjectural view or idea. Assumptions and speculations are what define what a theory is. In the public opinion, those of us who have observed, experienced and validated data which provides solid and irrefutable evidence of certain conspiracies taking place in the world are no more than "theorists". It seems it is outside the realm of consideration of the majority of people to do what is necessary (which is surprisingly very little) to research and confirm or disprove that those things are facts, and not theories.

For example...HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is not a theory, you can visit their web site right here:

The CIA project MK-ULTRA which tested and perfected mind control techniques on humans, is not a theory. You can take a look at the declassified government documents right here: .

In the public opinion...Theory is whatever the establishment and the media does not mention or tell them to accept.

It may be more important than anyone realizes to comprehend and differentiate between what, in reality, comes down to fact and what comes down to theory. People of this world put on their blinders for a whole host of reasons...they don't think deeply on matters of truth and fiction as it is presented to them oftentimes out of fear, out of societal pressure, or as a result of stunted mental maturity brought on by years of training under the system of Serpentspeak. When we start to force ourselves to define our language, our ideas and our actions within the parameters of logic, and outside the box of social acceptedness...then we have finally given ourselves the freedom to deduce fact from fiction in all matters. It's no theory that there is a conspiracy and it's every person's duty to themselves, to their families, their friends, their find out how far down that rabbit hole goes.

and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free - John 8:32

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Obama & Serpentspeak : "I have two words for you - predator drone. You will never see it coming."

maybe at first this sounds like he said basically "Jonas brothers, i have two words for you - predator drone - you'll never see it coming".. but it's more reasonable to suggest that is not what he meant at all.. but that rather what he most likely meant was this :

1: "Jonas brothers, i have two words for you -'predator drone"

and -

2: "Audience and the rest of America - regarding the onslaught of those predator drones - You will never see it coming."

Obama perhaps really does not want his girls liking those Jonas brothers.. and apparently much more certainly wants the citizenry of the US to be aware that an insurgence of 'predator drones' is near (why else specifically mention them now?).. and that 'we the people' will "never see it coming".

Lies and truth both come out of the mouths of serpentspeakers.. and most of us would, no doubt, be surprised to find out how much of what is said by the likes of the enemy is actually true.. a good reason to pay attention.. a lot of information could be learned by just actively listening to what the enemy says.. reminds me of the old inxs song that went "everybody's down on their knees.. listen like thieves". thieves surely listen for even the slightest inconsistency, lest they be found out and caught in their thievery.. how much more should we closely listen to what is being said by those who seek to steal souls from our King?

"I give unto you power to tread on serpents.. and over all the power of the enemy.." Luke 10:19
"Through You we will push down our enemies: through Thy Name we will tread them under.." Psalm 44:5
Obama, and maybe most politicians, being known for speaking this language of snakes, these statements said by him recently are very interesting. he both refers to black Americans as mongrels and adds a comment about people's "reptilian" brains. perhaps it could be argued that the reference to a reptilian brain is simply a term referring to the part of the brain which governs the most primal instincts, yet the elite literally believe in their own genetic ties to the "dragon".

this being mentioned in context of a discussion about race is maybe no accident and is meant to be understood one way by the public but an entirely different way by his occult affiliated peers.

"When asked about his background, which includes a black father and white mother, Obama said of African-Americans: 'We are sort of a mongrel people.'
Obama noted 'there's still a reptilian side of our brain' that leads people to not trust others 'if somebody sounds different or looks different.'"

Bean said:
Obama & Serpentspeak : "I have two words for you - predator drone. You will never see it coming."

maybe at first this sounds like he said basically "Jonas brothers, i have two words for you - predator drone - you'll never see it coming".. but it's more reasonable to suggest that is not what he meant at all.. but that rather what he most likely meant was this :

1: "Jonas brothers, i have two words for you -'predator drone"

and -

2: "Audience and the rest of America - regarding the onslaught of those predator drones - You will never see it coming."

Obama perhaps really does not want his girls liking those Jonas brothers.. and apparently much more certainly wants the citizenry of the US to be aware that an insurgence of 'predator drones' is near (why else specifically mention them now?).. and that 'we the people' will "never see it coming".

Lies and truth both come out of the mouths of serpentspeakers.. and most of us would, no doubt, be surprised to find out how much of what is said by the likes of the enemy is actually true.. a good reason to pay attention.. a lot of information could be learned by just actively listening to what the enemy says.. reminds me of the old inxs song that went "everybody's down on their knees.. listen like thieves". thieves surely listen for even the slightest inconsistency, lest they be found out and caught in their thievery.. how much more should we closely listen to what is being said by those who seek to steal souls from our King?

"I give unto you power to tread on serpents.. and over all the power of the enemy.." Luke 10:19
"Through You we will push down our enemies: through Thy Name we will tread them under.." Psalm 44:5

Conspiracy Fact – How the Government Conducted 239 Secret Bioweapon Experiments on the American People

"It all began in late September of 1950, when over a few days, a Navy vessel used giant hoses to spray a fog of two kinds of bacteria, Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigii — both believed at the time to be harmless — out into the fog, where they disappeared and spread over the city.

The unsuspecting residents of San Francisco certainly could not consent to the military’s germ warfare test, and there’s good evidence that it could have caused the death of at least one resident of the city, Edward Nevin, and hospitalized 10 others.

Over the next 20 years, the military would conduct 239 “germ warfare” tests over populated areas, according to news reports from the 1970s.

These tests included the large-scale releases of bacteria in the New York City subway system, on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, and in National Airport just outside Washington, D.C...."

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