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and, worst of all, you have a doctrine which must adhere to the principle that YHWH commanded Adam and Eve to not "have sex" with the "Tree of Life".. if that isn't wicked i don't know what is..
Precisely.. people who subscribe to the Serpent-Seed doctrine rarely take that line of logic and deductive reasoning into account.. if people believe a lie it is because people believe what they want to believe out of selfish Pride... Thankfully, Yahushua delivers us from that trap and sets us on His solid Foundation.
The worldwide church of God and it's splinter groups claim similar things, that Anglo-Saxons are true heirs. They also believe in keeping of the ten commandments, or you will not go to heaven. They shun anything "pagan". These types of cults literally isolate an individual from the community, their families. It's scary. Oh, they can back everything up by Scripture, but it's how they do it to further their agenda.
I know little to nothing about the Worldwide Church of God, and i do not believe in denominations nor the doctrine of British Israelism. Perhaps it goes without saying that Yahushua is our only salvation, but we might do well to heed the ten commandments. Love is our actions of good will toward one another. The same is true for our love toward Him, and so we show that we have love for Him by doing His will.
We might also do well to shun what we know is Pagan, if it is indeed pagan. There is One we need to please, YHWH. We will not always please the people in our lives.
Biblical interpretation should maybe be nothing more than simply reading the plain text of scripture. When it becomes more than that, it is often our own private desires doing the interpreting.
Why isn't Cain listed in Adam's lineage?
Why would he, though? It's Seth's Lineage being given.
"And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat [a son] in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth: " - Genesis 5:3
Abel isn't mentioned either.
"And Seth lived an hundred and five years, and begat Enos:
And Seth lived after he begat Enos eight hundred and seven years, and begat sons and daughters: " - Genesis 5:6,7
Seth had "sons and daughters". Only the line of Enos is followed.
"And Enos lived ninety years, and begat Cainan:
And Enos lived after he begat Cainan eight hundred and fifteen years, and begat sons and daughters: " - Genesis 9,10
Enos had "sons and daughters". Only Cainan's line is followed.
This progression is the line that eventually produces Messiah. Cain really has no more reason to be in it than all the other unnamed individuals who were not part of that line.
The Scriptural account of what transpired btw Chavah(Eve) and the "serpent" regarding the "fruit" of the tree of knowledge of good and evil;the astonishing consequence of the sin in directing the first parents' attention to their genitals & nudity;the nature of Yahuwah's punishment of Chavah regarding labour and chilbirth;the reference made by Yah to the seed of satan(seed means biological progeny);Cain is said to be "of the evil one" and the Hebrew rendition means "to be from the evil one"; both Yahushua and Yohann the immerser referred to evil people as "serpents" and "generations of vipers" - the Hebrew translated as "generation" literally means "offspring","progeny", "fruit"; trees are also used to represent sentient beings in scripture, for instance we know Yahushua is the "tree of life",many references made to cedar of Lebanon and oaks of Bashan in scripture are with respect to powers(men and spirits);the Songs of Solomon mention "fruit" in an imaginative form of male sexuality (Songs 2:3); these are pointers to deeper issues than just plucking and munching some ordinary tree fruit. While we may not split hairs over exactly what transpired, surely the doctrine of the seed of Satan is purely scriptural and of truth, for we know that the miscegenation of fallen angelic seed with the seed of daughters of men happened on both sides of the flood.
Regarding who constitite the physical descendants of the Israelites- surely we must appreciate that the global politics of today and as it relates to end-time prophecy hinges on Yarushalayim, the city with which Yah entered into a covenant (Eze 16:3) and it should not come as a surprise that Satan and his seed should desire to occupy and trample the City till the time of the gentiles be fulfilled. There are pointers in scriptures that may be used in determining who Yisrael is today, especially when employed with records of ancient historians, for truth lovers who are bold and courageous enough to seek and accept, for "it is the honour of Elohim to conceal a matter: and the honour of kings is to search the matter out". Pro 25:2
Hi Olusogo
The first instinct of Adam and Eve after their transgression was to hide. They had procured a broad knowledge of what sin was in that moment that they chose to transgress. That knowledge of what sin was made them accountable to choose the good over the evil they now knew. That there were rules which applied to their sexuality as well as many other things became evident to them at this point. There are two actions which were immediate - hide from YHWH and hide that which they now knew was shame in their own bodies.
Why might they become sexually aware at the same time as they became sin aware? Maybe take a look at this article -
Their Eyes Were Opened: The Mechanism of the Fall
While there is a plain explanation available in the canon as well as extra-canonical books as to when and how angelic interbreeding with humanity took place, that explanation describes an event which began "in the days of Jared". The Watchers did take wives of the daughters of Cain, but if those daughters had already been hybrid, themselves, how then would we describe them as the "daughters of men", as they are in Genesis?
The given details of the pre-flood interbreeding between humans and angels is very straightforward and stated matter-of-factly. In spite of later translations overshadowing the topic, it is clear that there was no original, fundamental obscurity in scripture pertaining to it. It does not require a deep search or piecing together of clues to find it.
When that is replaced with a doctrine which begins this hybridization with Cain, it requires quite a bit of that, and some speculation besides. Its obscurity would have to originate in the true translation, itself, it is so difficult to reconcile.
I am not of the mind that YHWH attempted to obscure important information but that aside, this doctrine and the event it describes would introduce an idea which becomes redundant when the Watchers rebelled. Why treat the Watcher event as if it were a shocking first occurrence of such a thing, so serious a transgression that those transgressors were imprisoned under the earth prior to the flood? Why is Satan not likewise imprisoned or his sexual sin treated with as much gravity and focus in plain scripture?
It would not change much if one angel instead of another had introduced this sin nor would it if it was one woman instead of another who had joined herself to a rebel angel. What concerns me much more is what it means when we begin to attach ourselves to ideas of superior birthrights. There is no blood that saves but Yahushua and whether one is born of untainted human lineage back to Adam or not, none will be saved without Him.
Olusogo Olujimi said:
The Scriptural account of what transpired btw Chavah(Eve) and the "serpent" regarding the "fruit" of the tree of knowledge of good and evil;the astonishing consequence of the sin in directing the first parents' attention to their genitals & nudity;the nature of Yahuwah's punishment of Chavah regarding labour and chilbirth;the reference made by Yah to the seed of satan(seed means biological progeny);Cain is said to be "of the evil one" and the Hebrew rendition means "to be from the evil one"; both Yahushua and Yohann the immerser referred to evil people as "serpents" and "generations of vipers" - the Hebrew translated as "generation" literally means "offspring","progeny", "fruit"; trees are also used to represent sentient beings in scripture, for instance we know Yahushua is the "tree of life",many references made to cedar of Lebanon and oaks of Bashan in scripture are with respect to powers(men and spirits);the Songs of Solomon mention "fruit" in an imaginative form of male sexuality (Songs 2:3); these are pointers to deeper issues than just plucking and munching some ordinary tree fruit. While we may not split hairs over exactly what transpired, surely the doctrine of the seed of Satan is purely scriptural and of truth, for we know that the miscegenation of fallen angelic seed with the seed of daughters of men happened on both sides of the flood.
Regarding who constitite the physical descendants of the Israelites- surely we must appreciate that the global politics of today and as it relates to end-time prophecy hinges on Yarushalayim, the city with which Yah entered into a covenant (Eze 16:3) and it should not come as a surprise that Satan and his seed should desire to occupy and trample the City till the time of the gentiles be fulfilled. There are pointers in scriptures that may be used in determining who Yisrael is today, especially when employed with records of ancient historians, for truth lovers who are bold and courageous enough to seek and accept, for "it is the honour of Elohim to conceal a matter: and the honour of kings is to search the matter out". Pro 25:2
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