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Hello, Everatesean ..welcome to TNL...
That is true, that sonar does not have to be used as a weapon to be a threat to marine life. Having seen the evidence of what the government Has weaponized (and not publisized), though opens up the question of this being one more of those "black budget" projects.
Those things which have been developed into weapons could already boggle one's warfare for example...and the cost in animal life that may come as a result of testing those weapons pale in comparison to what kind of destruction of human life they were planned for.
I'm not sure i trust Discovery Channel with any pure motives as far as hoping to alert the public to the destruction of marine life...i've become pretty cynical of mainstream sources of information and entertainment alike. It is often the case that these media outlets are used to subtley sway the public mind toward an opinion that generates approval for some globalist goal and, at the same time, toward a disapproval of any ideal or world view which opposes that or opens up one's mind to question it.
Hey Thomas :) your comment raises some interesting points. Let's say mermaids are what they are, chimera creatures.. whether created in labs or born in the wild, and regardless of age.. if they have free will, they have free will to accept Messiah.. right? and anything less than that truth is just what you said, selfish.. and maybe more to the point, prideful.
"And the women also of the angels who went astray shall become sirens." 1Enoch 19:2
the same problem of whether salvation exits for nephilim is so similar, the pride it takes to say "no, God doesn't love them enough, even though they're part human".. it's really sad, and sadly ironic, too, since most modern humans are carriers of some degree, even if minute, of non-human DNA.
Does it really matter how sinful someone has been, or how sinful a dynasty they were born into..? according to reality, sin is sin, and anything else is perfection, and we know that is found in our Creator only. Sinners are who Yahushua saves.. Does it really matter if someone's genetics were modified by someone else.. it's not like the chimera or nephilim Chose to be that way.. and it doesn't make their sin somehow 'harder to forgive' does it? if we have broken the least of YHWH's commands, we have broken them all, and any creature (we are told to preach the gospel to all creatures, right?).. any creature who has free will must have free will to accept or deny salvation in Yahushua. what makes it so sad is the people who believe that isn't so.
Chimera are animal + (either animal, or human, or spirit, or two of these or all of these) and nephilim are human + spirit (such as the giants, the sons of the Watchers and their wives in the days of Noah).
People might doubt the existence of chimera and nephilim, but believers on Messiah shouldn't :) there's solid scripture evidence of other beings in this world.. and there is absolutely nothing in scripture which claims these creatures are categorically denied salvation.. on the contrary, salvation in Yahushua is for anyone who chooses to accept Him of their own free will.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned" John 3:16-18
More info on this topic, here on the site..
the order the enemy groups began affecting Mankind is:
1- Satan, and multitudes of his fallen angles
2. - Shemyhaza, and the 199 other fallen Watchers
3. - Ishtar, and the rest of the human wives, sirens, of the Watchers
4. - the twin nephilim sons of Ishtar and Shemyhaza, and the rest of the nephilim offspring of women and Watchers.
If one is familiar with the history of this time as explained in 1 Enoch, it is understood that this means a corruption of the genetic foundation of all life forms on the earth, man and beast. Rebel angels first introducing their genes into the human population and then also created transgenic chimeras. ...
Those who would say that all transgenic beings were destroyed in the flood, never to be seen again will have difficulty finding ways to explain how it came to be that nephilim were present in the promised land when Israel entered it or how every post flood culture in recorded history insists on the existence of chimera type beasts.
Peace in Yahushua
History has left us with quite a bit in the way of mermaids shown as important symbolism for some so-called elite bloodlines which happens to perfectly match legends common to them all about semi-divine (nephilim) coming out of the sea and teaching humanity lost arts and even intermingling their genes with them.
Here's another article on the site that explains more fully -
The top image below is one of the Merovingian bloodline's crests. The name they bore means "out of the sea". The second image is a carving in Rosslyn Castle of the Sinclairs (my own family). The third is a depiction of aquatic "gods" who taught mystery arts in ancient Babylon.
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