Everyone is familiar with the aggravating visits of Jehovah's Witnesses. It's come to be somewhat of a stereotypical joke...how to be rid of them or hide from them when they come knocking on the door in their polished apparel and stacks of pamphlets in hand. Perhaps it is a much better policy to attempt to witness truth to them instead of avoiding the visit, but many who have also know how difficult a task that can be.
For all the well known labels this fringe denomination has gathered to itself ..few people outside of the Jehovah's Witness faith, and perhaps even not a majority within it, have any really good idea what their religion is about or from where it came. For those who have been disillusioned with mainstream Christianity (and rightly so)...the teachings of JW can sound incredibly attractive and reasonable.
In the recent years, because of the notable distrust many believers have developed toward Church-style Christianity, the doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses have made somewhat of a come back. With their negative stand towards allegiance to earthly government, a refusal to participate in Christianized pagan holidays and their disdain for involvement in military affairs... this religion can seem to be the answer to all things that are wrong with both mainstream Christian doctrine and a corrupt government. For this reason, it's good to be armed with some basic understanding of the deeper roots of this denomination so that we are never tempted to confusion when presented with it by one of those door to door visits.
Jehovah's Witnesses have their beginning in the "Bible Student movement" founded by Charles Taze Russell in the late 1800's, the literature of which was published through Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society. The movement was set in motion by Russel's insistence that the Christianity of the day was fundamentally corrupt and restoration of a more true to scripture faith was in order. None of these publicly given reasons were untrue or without merit on their own, yet for all the insistence on a truer Christian doctrine, those which came out of Russel's movement as well as the Jehovah's Witnesses after his death are unscriptural to the point of having a translated version of the scriptures which exist for the sole purpose of supporting them.
The doctrines of the sect in this day are set down by a governing body which has an authority that is put on a near equal level with the scriptures themselves... a practice which is extremely reminiscent of Catholicism which elevates papal decisions and church tradition above the letter of scripture. The Watch Tower society maintains that all doctrinal change is the result of clearer revelation of scripture...revelation which they are open to receiving, by their own admission, through angels as well as Elohim Himself. Lay people of the faith are not permitted to question or dispute the "revelations" given to the governing body and they are routinely discouraged from independent research or study of scripture which might lead to questioning.
It is well known that JW do not believe that Yahushua is Elohim, equal and One with the Father...it is much less known that they ascribe to Him a synonymous identity with both Michael the archangel.... and with Abaddon or Apollyon, the destroyer "angel of the bottomless pit" mentioned in Revelation. There's scarcely any need, i dare say, to point out the unbelievable level of blasphemy in the later comparison. It is, in fact, a degree of blasphemy which is dangerously bordering on, if not completely immersed in, the unpardonable sin. It is also a connection which finds itself a well established precedent in Luciferian belief systems where Messiah is purposely confused with Lucifer.
It is less surprising that we would find a hint of Luciferian doctrine in the teachings of the JW when it is discovered that the organization has, itself, received much funding and support from the Rothschilds, a leading Luciferian globalist family through the foundation known as "B'nai B'rith", a group disguised as a charitable Jewish fraternity. It is, in reality, no more than a sect of Freemason flavored Illuminism dressed up as a Jewsih society. (note all-seeing masonic "eye of Ra", phoenix depiction and multitudes of other occult symbolism on B'nai B'rith certificate below.)

In the 1920's, as eugenics were becoming more in fashion, The Watch Tower Society published very blunt statements of bigotry against minority groups, claiming a biblical foundation for such statements like this one:
"It is generally believed that the curse which Noah pronounced upon Canaan was the origin of the black race. Certain it is that when Noah said, "Cursed be Canaan, a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren," he pictured the future of the Colored race. They have been and are a race of servants, but now in the dawn of the twentieth century, we are all coming to see this matter of service in its true light and to find that the only real joy in life is in serving others; not bossing them. There is no servant in the world as good as a good Colored servant, and the joy that he gets from rendering faithful service is one of the purest joys there is in the world." (The Golden Age, July 24, 1929, p. 702)
The only version of scripture which Jehovah's Witnesses use is known as the "New World Translation". From the start, it's hard to ignore the innuendo of such a name. The "New World" and everything which bears a title referring to it has been singlemindedly established for the long term goal of ultimate globalist rule. Fitting then, if this version of the scriptures should reflect that same agenda.
The NWT was published in 1961 by the Watch Tower society by way of an anonymous committee of translators. Nothing is known about who this group was comprised of other than they were reportedly of multinational origins. The members refused for their names and identities to be made public, insisting that the reason was to avoid being credited with the translation, since that credit belonged to "Jehovah" alone. On the contrary side, neither can anyone verify the honesty, integrity or expertise of anyone who worked on this translation and it is fair to say that while they might go uncredited with the results, they also go uncriticized.
Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Bible Student movement from where JW derive is a person who is highly protected in mainstream research sources from too much scrutiny. If one is to do a cursory, surface level search of this man's history it is likely to show nothing which is not completely benign and all attestations to the contrary are quickly buried. He is simply noted as a "Restoration" minister from PA.
It is worth noting that Russell was quite eclectic in his spiritual tastes as a young man and immersed himself in a number of eastern religious systems like Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. This isn't surprising since the form of "Christianity" which Russel eventually founded has a distinct connectedness with Rosicrucianism, a Christianized Occult belief system which grew out of Eastern and Mideastern philosophy.
Russel apparently had no qualms about ignoring warnings of date setting mentioned in the gospels for the return of Messiah. After a predicted date of return and rapture was set and met with failure, he decided that Messiah had indeed returned in 1874 but did so invisibly and had commenced ruling from the heavens since then. He further predicted that after a period which he called the "gentile times", Messiah would come visibly and rule on Earth in 1914, interestingly coinciding with the start of WW I. This prediction is unlikely to be mere coincidence...Albert Pike, the man famous for having written the script on the three world wars before a single one of them occurred was a known Illuminist Freemason and it is not surprising that anyone of high affiliation with such societies would be well aware of the same plans.
Charles Russell was an outspoken Zionist in the Rothschild, political tradition. The in-gathering of Jews into Palestine was a central component of his beliefs and teachings which he zealously spread at the same time as the Rothschilds were formulating the resettlement. It was Russell's message to the Jews that they need not bother with conversion to Christianity, being already chosen by Jehovah, they need only resettle in their land and receive their blessing. Without a doubt, this Zionist movement was one of the greatest disservices to Jewish people that ever came out of anything calling itself "Christian".
You will find any mention of Russell being affiliated with Freemasonry to be hotly denied by JW and the Watch Tower society and even outright denials of Freemasons that he ever was one of them, but records still exist (at least for now) which name him as being a member of a Templar Mason, York Rite lodge in Allegheny Pennsylvania. He was known for utilizing the masonic pyramid in his publications as well as the "winged disc" of famed, ancient occult symbolism. His own grave site is adorned with a large masonic stone pyramid monument.

He made a public statement on his affiliations with Masons, denying that he had any....sort of.
"Although I have never been a Mason ... Something I do seems to be the same as Masons do, I don't know what it is; but they often give me all kinds of grips and I give them back, then I tell them I don't know anything about it except just a few grips that have come to me naturally"
Anyone who knows the fundamentals of the use of secret handshakes and hand signs by the Masons, understand that its a rather complex, subtle system, not even always visible (in the case of handshakes), but only felt by where and how pressure is placed on the receiving hand. Nothing of the sort would "come naturally" to anyone never made aware of how to return them.
It should certainly be noted that the surname of Pastor Russell is not an unfamiliar one in the world of globalists, Illuminsits and Satanists. One of a number of families who's surnames crop up again and again throughout history attached to secret societies, global influence and royalty...Russel's family belongs to one of the so-called "elite" branches. The family name itself gave homage to the notion of the "red line"...the red serpent or rose line which is traditionally understood to be a reference to the serpent or dragon nephil bloodline.
Charles Russell's uncle, William Huntington Russell, is in fact, the co-founder of the infamous Yale society known as "Skull and Bones". The original founder and trustee of Yale college was also a Russell.
The peculiar occult interests of Russell were not entirely obscured from his followers and he recommended some reading which is a view into his questionable philosophies. A book entitled "Angels and Women", which he supervised the editing of, was dictated to a spiritual medium by a fallen angel. He insisted that the contents were still of benefit to others because there were biblical truths contained in it, in spite of the fact the source of the material was an evil entity.
Russell's successor, Joseph Franklin Rutherford, only pushed the boundaries of acceptable doctrine further, revising many of those left by his predecessor. In spite of Russell's strong Zionist persuasion, Rutherford eventually veered from that so far as to become pointedly anti-Semitic. He began the publication "Golden Dawn Magazine"...the name of which will throw up a red flag for anyone familiar with occult lingo. The name derives directly out of the Crowley styled Thelemic philosophy "Secret Teachings of the Golden Dawn". The term "Golden Dawn" itself referring to the arrival of a New World Order.
Clayton J. Woodworth, writing a commentary on Revelation for the publication called The Finished Mystery, claimed to have been the victim of demonic influence during the process.
"I came directly under the influence of evil spirits, so much so that for three days I was as completely under demonical control as was Mrs. Eddy when she wrote "Science and Health."
Rutherford continued Russell's disturbing reliance upon spiritual mediums and demonic messages to give "good" information, claiming that "honest demons" were helping humanity come closer to the "secret of life".
The name of the Watch Tower Society itself is not original to Jehovah's Witnesses. The term is well known in Hermetic occult practices or so-called "Enochian" magic as a station of one of four spirit guardians...namely Watchers, over one of the four cardinal directions. These "Watchtowers" are invoked during ritual magic and coincide to certain stars; Fomalhaut, Aldebaran, Regulus and Antares.
The connectedness that the Jehovah's Witness faith, it's founder and it's history have to occult practices, Illuminism, globalist goals and a New World Order agenda should not be ignored. For those who are already part of this faith, it should surely be questioned as to why questioning itself, or researching for ones self is so very discouraged. That such a stance shares a parallel with the general long and convoluted trend towards a "Brave New World" should be enough to cause concern. For those who might be persuaded to JW beliefs....now you have some things to think on.