There is a relatively commonplace confusion among many believers and non-believers alike that stems from being misinformed about the dynamic of Messiah with Father and Spirit as being, literally, One. I have heard quite a few adamanent statements by fellow believers, even, who doubt this Oneness, and believe a "doctrine" of seperateness of Father and Son (something I don't doubt is doctrine in one or more church)...despite what is blatantly said in Scripture.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Yahuwah, and the Word was Yahuwah." (John 1:1, KJV, True Names punched in)
"I and My Father are One." (John 10:30, KJV)
You would think that would be enough for believers in question about the matter. ..straight out of the mouth of the Master Himself...
I suppose His Self as Father, Son, and Spirit can be hard to comprehend for corrupted flesh beings, used to only what their perceptions have allowed to this point. Afterall, who comprehends Him perfectly other than Himself? However, compare the very human design to this concept: You, who are reading this, posess both physical flesh body and spirit, yes? Are these different entities? Of course not, they are "you". Contemplate the fact that Man is made in the image of YHWH, and admit the fact that He is beyond the scope of full comprehension of all created beings.