The American people are conditioned to trust government agencies of all types, regardless of what practices and lack of oversight might be involved. Society is not encouraged to be the watchdogs over state meddling in the people's affairs which they should really be. Of all the blindly trusted government action in their lives people are least likely to question, Child Protective Services probably tops the list.

The name of the agency itself strikes right to the heart of a serious reactionary trigger in people's minds. The safety of children is a normal adult human concern. Protecting helpless children from all forms of abuse is a natural and good instinct given by the Creator which, in spite of the depravity of the world, still burns strong in most of humanity. Unfortunately, it is also a target of the enemy to twist and pervert to their advantage, removing what is a matter of common sense defense of children in exchange for the nonsensical notion that the state, and not parents, are what is best for them.

Little known to most Americans, Child Protective Services is not in the business of being the non-profit benefactors of abused children. They do indeed collect profits from each child which is taken from their family. The state receives federal bounty payment on each child adopted out through CPS. What this agency truly constitutes is a legal kidnapping ring, if legalities are to be defined by whatever the government can get away with. We can not even take solace in assuming that those children adopted out go to good families... the CPS has, on numerous occasions, been directly linked with handing over illegally obtained children to international child sex slavery operations. Those that end up in foster care are very often forced onto regimens of psychiatric medication which will irreversibly impair their brain development, all without the consent of biological parents who, in many cases have done nothing, whatsoever to justify the kidnapping of their kids.

It should come as no surprise that the controllers of the nation...and the world's affairs have an agenda to take apart the family unit entirely. As long as the family unit survives, the parents remain the primary educators of their children....this in turn means that those ideals which are passed down over generations, which would oppose the ideologies of a globalist agenda, can persist. The only true way to convert a population entirely to a "New World Order" of thinking is to begin at the cradle, programming young minds to perceive the state as the parental figure of consequence. All teaching must come from the state...the ideologies which are held by the "elite" must be those which are instilled at the most formative moments of a child's life. Likewise, parents must be taught that their authority over their own children is second to that of the state and that it is not a biological right, but simply a privilege, much like a driver's license.

One has only to look at what constitutes a reason to tear someone's child away from them to really begin to see what this supposed benevolent agency is about. Amongst the thousands and thousands of cases anyone can easily pull up of bereft parents who have had their children stolen from them under extremely questionable circumstances, comes the recent and most disturbing tale of John Irish and his fiance Stephanie Taylor.

John Irish is a member of or affiliated with what is known as the Oath Keepers. The Oath Keepers are an association of firemen, police officers and military personnel dedicated to upholding civilian rights afforded under the Constitution and refuse to uphold orders from their superiors which violate those rights. They are non violent, non partisan and wholly legal in the most fundamental way according to what stated in the Constitution.

"Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters who will fulfill the Oath we swore, with the support of like minded citizens who take an Oath to stand with us, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God. Our Oath is to the Constitution

Our motto is "Not on our watch!""

Thursday night, shortly after the birth of their new baby girl, Cheyenne, John Irish and Stephanie Taylor lost their parental rights and their child was stolen. New Hampshire Division of Family Child Services along with police enlisted hospital staff to take the child, telling her parents it was in order for a pediatrician to perform a routine exam. After taking the child, police emerged and demanded Irish allow them to search him, which they did, even after his refusal. Finding nothing more than a lighter and a pocket knife, an affidavit was produced stating Irish's involvement with Oath Keepers as the primary reason for taking the child amongst an array of secondary charges which Irish states are entirely erroneous. One of those secondary charges sited was his refusal to attend anger management courses...a charge which does not remotely constitute a cause for seizing one's child.

According to the affidavit, John Irish was a member of a "Militia called the Oath Keepers". The Oath Keepers are not, in fact, a militia at all. A militia, by definition, would be comprised of a civilians who have trained and are able to operate as a state specific defense force....many of the Oath Keepers are not civilian, but in the employment of the US military itself and the association is not a unified martial defense team, but simply a collection of police, firefighters, military, etc who have sworn to uphold the very oath which was required of them to take in their employment.

What is clearly the case here is that a visible line has been drawn in the sand by the PTB. A statement on free speech has been loudly broadcast..and its intent is to hit the most sensitive nerve of any normal human being...their children. The controllers want all people to know..that speaking your mind, standing up against a dictatorial government and demanding your basic human rights be left intact will cost you, and cost you dearly. You have been can either stand up for what's right..or you can keep your kids...but the two will not be compatible. The enemy knows just how dearly beloved children are to their parents...that a mother or a father has a deep, primal instinct to protect and even die for their kids. They know that just as if the American people were prisoners of war, they are much more likely to bow before their captors if their captors threaten their children than if they torture the prisoners themselves.

John Irish's story has made a lot of noise..and that's a good thing. If the public is aware and outraged, they certainly should be. His is not the first story of it's kind to have taken place though. Irish's position has been the position of many families before him who have stood up against tyranny, we can only hope that his is the one which will be the voice of the many.

In Williamson County, Austin, last April, the scene was not so different. Barry and Candi Cooper were drug reform activists and film makers who has a happy 7 year old son. They feel under investigation from CPS due to rumors that they were "teaching their son to distrust the government". One night their home was raided and searched by police officers claiming that they had heard Barry's voice in the background of a false police report. After discovering an amount of marijuana which equated to a small misdemeanor charge, they were both arrested.

Some days later, while their son was visiting family in East Texas, CPS contacted the Coopers threatening felony endangerment charges. The filed grievances against these parents were officially being unsuitable parents due to teaching their child to distrust the government and aggressiveness toward authorities because they demanded a court order prior to CPS entering their home.

Take a good look at the country you live in...especially if you are a parent of a minor child or might become one. Understand that for every individual who is intimidated into laying down and accepting the harassment of the state in their family affairs out of fear, there is that much more to fear in the future. Every incremental step the dictators succeed in taking, is one step closer to a country where no one will have a secure right to protect their own children from a government who might see fit to kidnap them.

As terrifying a statement as they have made in threatening to steal children due to political is not time to lay down and accept it. If anything, it is time for parents to rethink allowing their children to partake in the system altogether. Babies have been born for millennia outside of hospitals and humanity still survived...take the power out of the hands of the controllers and have your children at home. Don't register them..don't send them to public schools, don't take them for vaccinations. Parents, take your kids from the state before the state takes them from you.

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We are organizing a class action lawsuit against the County of Riverside, the State of California, ALL STATES NATIONWIDE, and all parties involved in unlawfully detaining and holding our children against our will, and without cause.  We have documented the deep, imbedded corruption in the “social services” agencies in California.  We have filed three lawsuits so far, and are looking for other families who have also been annihilated by this evil.  Email us at or go to the link at  to join the fight to save our children. We have also just started a petition that we ask you to please sign and distribute to everyone else you know to sign:  "CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT AGAINST CPS/DPSS/DFS/HRS FOR KIDNAPPING BABIES TO SELL".   Please take a moment to read about this important issue, and join us in signing the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a difference. We are trying to reach 5,000 signatures - please sign here:   Once you have signed, you can help even more by asking your friends and family to sign as well.


·                     CPS manufactures multiple nonexistent/fictitious abuse case scenarios to offset true statistical abuse case information.

·                     CPS concurrently processes these children from foster care to Adoption, in order to obtain perverse monetary incentives in the form of bonuses.

·                     CPS provides a market to neighboring agencies and the courts (Judges, psychologists, visitation monitors, court mandated behavioral class instructors, court appointed legal counsel, etc...), in order for them to financially benefit from the foster care/adoption system they themselves perpetuate.

·                     CPS victimizes innocent financially challenged families, and draws them into a corrupt system to utilize their children as pawns for this corrupt child commerce.

·                     CPS is utilized by family court officials and attorneys as an adverse tool to extricate children from one parent to the other, with reference to "parental alienation syndrome," where in truth, the CPS caseworkers are the ones initiating the alienation of these children from their own birth parents.  Caseworkers are never allowed to testify in court under the cloak of "CPS Authority" due to possible misuse or conflict of interest related to right to privacy laws (Very convenient)

·                     CPS utilizes unlawful & coercive measures to persuade vulnerable parents to submit to statements of nonexistent abuse, forcing desperate parents to "plea bargain" to a CPS fabricated crime, for the return of their children from foster care.

·                     CPS fabricates false allegations and most of their "investigations" to purposely mislead or misdirect a case.

·                     CPS intentionally fails to prosecute Parents accused of child abuse, since in the majority of cases, no initial crime has been committed.  However, CPS continues to claim a crime has been committed, as THEY abuse/neglect the children.

·                     CPS knowingly abandons children into the foster care system, conscious that some individuals in these homes physically and/or sexually abuse those in their "protective" custody.  CPS ignores crimes committed in foster care through failure to investigate.

·                     CPS fails to question these individuals for their abusive conduct, whereby, if it were a birth parent or not a foster care parent, these individuals would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in criminal court.

·                     CPS represents themselves in positive personas by omitting, altering, and falsifying documents, so as to mislead the public and or government of their true actions as listed above.  Thereby publicly grandstanding, displaying an inaccurate social martyrdom for the well being of children..."

Read More:

Illinois and Virginia CPS’ Conspire to Steal and Sex Traffic Children

"When holding on to sensitive information, I have found it prudent to go public as I believe it gives the greatest chance of not becoming a statistic such as Breitbart, Hastings, Clancy and appropriately in this case, Nancy Schaefer. Subsequently, I am publishing notice of the fact that the state of Virginia Child Protective Services is sex-trafficking in children that it illegally seizes and that the Illinois Child Protective Services is cooperating with Virginia in order to complete  a child abduction with sex-trafficking connections.
Obamacare and Child Abduction

Nearly three weeks ago, I wrote an investigative article which exposed a massive conspiracy designed to separate parents from their children and an obscure element of Obamacare would subsequently give the government complete control over your children.

In the article, it was documented that  Human, Health and Services (HHS)  and their state level emissary, Children Protective Services (CPS) are engaged in a conspiracy which will culminate in (1) the Agenda 21 designed breakdown of the family; (2) the eradication of any semblance of parental authority over children; and, (3) unbridled and unfettered access to seizing children from the home in unlimited quantities for whatever nefarious purposes (e.g. child sex trafficking) which might dictate the volume of child seizures.

Based upon the emails and comments the article generated, it became clear that most people saw the threat to American children as being real. However, there were the typical allegations of fear mongering and falsifying facts and conclusions by the programmed sheeple in this country who would have everyone believe that there is no such thing as a conspiracy in which two, or more, bad people would ever jointly plan to do something nefarious. Well, it did not take more than 24 hours after publishing the article for me to receive notification of a case that would parallel the hysteria I was promoting in the April 29, 2014 article.

The case, in question, involves a single mom, Monika Wesolowski,who just happens to be a State Department employee with a security clearance.  I am vaguely aware that some of her work involves ambassadors and the White House. Please note that if Wesolowski can be targeted by the new Obamacare “child protection” guidelines, given her lofty federal employee status, then we should conclude that no parent and no child is safe from the evil intentions of this administration and some of its sex trafficking minions.

With absolute certainty, it can be stated that the Virginia Child Protective Services and its partner, the Department of Family Services, along with the Illinois Child Protective Services are conspiring to steal children and sex traffic these same kids..."

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