14:21 Ye shall not eat of anything that dieth of itself: thou shalt give it unto the stranger that is in thy gates, that he may eat it; or thou mayest sell it unto an alien: for thou art an set-apart people unto YHWH thy Elohim. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.
do you think it's wrong to eat cheese with animal rennet in it?
Views: 102
rennet is an enzyme, not meat.. the verse you cited directs us not to eat red meat with dairy. rennet from the animal's stomach is actually what allowed cheese to first be made..
Alternative rennet is pretty nasty.. Vegetable rennet is overwhelmingly sourced from non-fermented soybean Phytic acid, which causes a slew of serious health problems in humans.. the soybean market is dominated by GMO Soybeans.
Alternative non-vegetable rennet is made from GMOs in the form of fermentation-produced Chymosin, FPC, from bacteria like E. coli, or from fungi or yeasts, which are then artificially injected with genetic material from the animal's stomach.
About red meat and dairy.. humans consuming red meat and dairy products together will not be able to digest the red meat because of the dairy.. this is what causes things like colon cancer.. humans need about half an hour for digestion to take effect on red meat.
i just ment because of how i read that thye got the stuff out of their stomachs
Dried and cleaned stomachs of young calves are sliced into small pieces and then put into saltwater or whey, together with some vinegar or wine to lower the pH of the solution. After some time (overnight or several days), the solution is filtered. The crude rennet that remains in the filtered solution can then be used to coagulate milk. About 1 gram of this solution can normally coagulate 2 to 4 liters of milk.
This method is still used by some traditional cheese-makers in Austria, France, Greece, Italy, Romania, Switzerland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom (among others).
then the moder one
Deep-frozen stomachs are milled and put into an enzyme-extracting solution. The crude rennet extract is then activated by adding acid; the enzymes in the stomach are produced in an inactive form and are activated by the stomach acid. The acid is then neutralized and the rennet extract is filtered in several stages and concentrated until reaching a typical potency of about 1:15,000; meaning 1 gram of extract can coagulate 15 kg (15 litres) of milk.
In 1 kg of rennet extract, there are about 0.7 grams of active enzymes – the rest is water and salt and sometimes sodium benzoate, E211, 0.5% - 1% for preservation. Typically, 1 kg of cheese contains about 0.0003 grams of rennet enzymes. from what i read it said like lamb in one version and just a kid in another also
Bean said:
rennet is an enzyme, not meat.. the verse you cited directs us not to eat red meat with dairy. rennet from the animal's stomach is actually what allowed cheese to first be made..
Alternative rennet is pretty nasty.. Vegetable rennet is overwhelmingly sourced from non-fermented soybean Phytic acid, which causes a slew of serious health problems in humans.
Alternative non-vegetable rennet is made from GMOs in the form of fermentation-produced Chymosin, FPC, from bacteria like E. coli, or from fungi or yeasts, which are then artificially injected with genetic material from the animal's stomach.
About red meat and dairy.. humans consuming red meat and dairy products together will not be able to digest the red meat because of the dairy.. this is what causes things like colon cancer.. humans need about half an hour for digestion to take effect on red meat.
I might have said one or more misleading thing and helped lead to confusion myself, but how much do you want to eat enzymes extracted from milled deep-frozen stomachs either way? What do you eat for cheese?
there's nothing wrong with rennet from clean animals' stomachs, and it's kosher, so it's not a problem. processing and preserving can be gross though, such as with the sodium benzoate preservative. the best advice is to research for products that are truly clean. Kosher labels go on nasty stuff all the time.. sodium benzoate or GMO originated fake rennet could both be certified Kosher, unfortunately.
we have been getting natural aged Irish cheese from grass-fed cows. GMOs are banned in Ireland, as well as growth hormones and BST, but we hope to be making our own old-fashioned cheese at some point.
Our Creator knows when we have a choice in what we eat and when we don't, and He is certainly able to make clean what we need.
A note about the red meat and dairy.. that verse doesn't actually specify red meat and dairy, it's just the most common verse used in reference to the practice of not mixing red meat and dairy in the same course, but it literally means not to cook the calves in the milk of their own mother.. which makes sense, because that is just morbid, since the milk was supposed to be drunk by the calf to sustain it's life.. it's like insult to injury, so to speak.
Hebrews didn't have the habit of mixing red meat and dairy in the same course, so they would have already been abiding in that health practice.
If we can have a choice in cheeses, the best way to select is to research the ingredients and processing before making a decision.
It my cause digestion problem because its not being examined by the health officers.
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