Are the Catholics have the future to what they are doing?

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What is a Catholic? Do Catholics have to follow the Pope's every word?

Surely even Catholic's will admit there have been horrible, evil Popes in the past. Not to mention a string of evil cleregymen as well.

This is not suprising since we have seen this throughout history. Even in Solomon's temple priests of the line of Aaron became corrupt, even setting up alters to ba'al in Yah's temple. We have plenty examples of these corrupt priests in the books of Kings, and Chronicles. Does this mean the average Israelite layman shared the corrupt priest's views? I am not saying many were not mislead, even to the point of Yah's wrath on Israel, but His true followers remained and attended the temple including the prophets.

We might have something similar today. Have there been successors of Peter who have shifted to the darkside. Well considering the devil will attack from outside, and from with in the church why should we be suprised by this? (I understand many might not accept the Pope's succession from Peter. That is up for debate. There is a clear formula for successors in both OT, and NT books.)

The Pharisees in the time of Yahushua were quite corrupt, and were condemned by Him multiple times throughout the scripture. The laymen of the temple were still smiled upon however one example can be found in Mark 12:44.

Many leaders of all kinds of Christian denominations are corrupt, and full of deciet. Perhaps a favorite target is the RCC because of their size, wealth, and history. I just read about a baptist minister, a leader of a mega church. this man murdered his wife, and was on a plane to Germany to live a gay life before he was caught, and brought to justice.

I'd like to propose the idea that the true church, the true Body of Christ, is made of many people who are involved in different denominations yet hold certain doctrines to be true and practice those truths in their daily lives. For us to sit in one group, and point at another violates the teachings of the Master in Matthew 7:1-2.

Always remember Revelations 2:23.

I visited most of their churches in these country and out side these country where by I was doing some research a bout them. I found that they are worshiping gods because there are so many Idols inside. The priests do not marry but they do commit a adultery. Now what does our father say a bout these: Exodus 20:3-You shall have no gods before me. Exodus20:4-You shall not make for your self an idol in the form of anything in heaven a above or on the earth beneath or in waters below. verse 5-You shall not bow down to them or worship them for I the lord your God am a jealous God punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me. Verse 14-You shall not commit adultery.

Tristran Hepburn said:

Not quite sure what you mean ?

Are you asking if the catholics will survive the coming turmoil if they obey and follow their pope ?


Will the catholics control the future if they continue with their train of thought ?

The truth of the matter here is am talking of is they are not following the scriptures and that's why am on wondering where they are leading our lords people to.

Matthew Kindle said:

What is a Catholic? Do Catholics have to follow the Pope's every word?

Surely even Catholic's will admit there have been horrible, evil Popes in the past. Not to mention a string of evil cleregymen as well.

This is not suprising since we have seen this throughout history. Even in Solomon's temple priests of the line of Aaron became corrupt, even setting up alters to ba'al in Yah's temple. We have plenty examples of these corrupt priests in the books of Kings, and Chronicles. Does this mean the average Israelite layman shared the corrupt priest's views? I am not saying many were not mislead, even to the point of Yah's wrath on Israel, but His true followers remained and attended the temple including the prophets.

We might have something similar today. Have there been successors of Peter who have shifted to the darkside. Well considering the devil will attack from outside, and from with in the church why should we be suprised by this? (I understand many might not accept the Pope's succession from Peter. That is up for debate. There is a clear formula for successors in both OT, and NT books.)

The Pharisees in the time of Yahushua were quite corrupt, and were condemned by Him multiple times throughout the scripture. The laymen of the temple were still smiled upon however one example can be found in Mark 12:44.

Many leaders of all kinds of Christian denominations are corrupt, and full of deciet. Perhaps a favorite target is the RCC because of their size, wealth, and history. I just read about a baptist minister, a leader of a mega church. this man murdered his wife, and was on a plane to Germany to live a gay life before he was caught, and brought to justice.

I'd like to propose the idea that the true church, the true Body of Christ, is made of many people who are involved in different denominations yet hold certain doctrines to be true and practice those truths in their daily lives. For us to sit in one group, and point at another violates the teachings of the Master in Matthew 7:1-2.

Always remember Revelations 2:23.

Yes,Matthew,you are talking right.

I wouldn't be suprised if many commit adultary. In fact I can site several cases that expose that fact. But thats not to say other "religious leaders" from other denominations don't do the same. The fact that the RCC doesn't allow their presbyters (priests) to marry has been a long standing issue with-in the denomination, and in fact is not biblical. I can only hope in the future this changes so these men, if they do in fact burn with lust (1 Corinthians 7:9) the fire can be quenched in a Godly fashion. I mean lets face it we as humans very well might be programmed to have certain desires. Remember the command in Genesis 1:28?

As far as idol worship goes I'm sure it happens secretly all over. Many agents of the devil infiltrate churches all the time. I can assure you the Catholics I know do worship the Elohim of Abraham Isaac, and Jacob. Also I know of no one who actually worships statues or anything like that.

To make an image of Elohim is clearly forbidden in the OT. But maybe since the advent of Messiah, Elohim taking on a Physical form which humans can see have changed the game a bit. I am still on the fence with this, and am not quite sure which way to swing. All I can say is when Moses spoke with Elohim on Sinai there was no image to see so it makes sense that the Israelites should create no image, because none was given. This is different now.

When attending Catholic mass however we always read from the OT, the Gospels, and from either one of Paul's letters, or another author in the NT outside the Gospels. The communion is taken to remember the last supper, and the psalms are either read or sung. There is no doubt that there is true Elohim worship taking place in many, if not most the hearts of the Catholic laymen.

The term Catholic simply means "Universal Christian" which I believe all Gospel believers are. We should be very careful not to judge His people no matter where they might worship Him.

OK brother here in Kenya,these so called priests they do commit adultery and most of them have been caught live committing adultery and idols are so many in these churches.

His people, His elect can't be bamboozled by some corrupt clergymen (Matthew 24:24).

Mathew 7:21-Not everyone who says to me,lord lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my father in heaven.

Matthew 7:21 applies to all churches with hypocritical Christians. Remember two verses no matter where you kneel in prayer (Psalm 7:9, Galatians 6:7).

Isaiah 60:12.For the nation and kingdom which will not serve you shall perish,And those nations shall be utterly ruined.

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