The US caught it's favorite scapegoat? Right, and i'm a three toed sloth. Where's the body? Dumped at sea of course, where else would you bury an invisible, pretend body where no one could ever find out it was invisible and pretend? Now everyone is celebrating like a bunch of lunatics not even asking the obvious question "why didn't they show us the body?".
"Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden has been killed by US forces in Pakistan, President Barack Obama has said.
Bin Laden was shot dead at a compound near Islamabad, in a ground operation based on US intelligence, the first lead for which emerged last August.
Mr Obama said US forces took possession of the body after "a firefight".
Bin Laden is believed to have ordered the attacks on New York and Washington on 11 September 2001 and a number of others.
He was top of the US' "most wanted" list.
DNA tests later confirmed that Bin Laden was dead, US officials said.
Bin Laden was buried at sea after a Muslim funeral on board an aircraft carrier, Pentagon officials said.
Announcing the success of the operation, Mr Obama said it was "the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat al-Qaeda".
The US has put its embassies around the world on alert, warning Americans of the possibility of al-Qaeda reprisal attacks for Bin Laden's killing.
CIA director Leon Panetta said al-Qaeda would "almost certainly" try to avenge the death of Bin Laden."
Views: 208
The Taliban itself is just this side of a myth... in that it was constructed by the CIA, playing on the religious fervor of ignorant Muslims to create just the sort of excuse that's needed to scream "terrorism" when the masses get out of hand.
Clearly this Osama death is a Big, Obvious Fake Event. Elementary school children could have put together a better deception. We're soon to see "photos" of the dead Bin Laden but wasn't he supposedly shot in the face? How convenient..........well at least they have DNA proof. ( Lol...yeah right).
I notice that the mainstream article posted up there by Sinclair has a Warning about retaliation mentioned...of course. Just so we can all be prepared to buy the load of bull they tell us about the next "shoe/underwear patsy" as Bets said.
It makes me wonder about those out there who are believing the party line... don't they get some odd sense of deja vu when the same old, same old gets played over and over again...each time a little less convincing, almost as if they are daring the public to get a clue?
Another thing i want to point out on this..he was shot on the 66th anniversary of what is supposedly Hitlers death. This should bring into question, for those who never considered it before, did Hitler ever actually commit suicide? Consider the following article:
"Hitler Skull Belonged to a Woman:...
A skull fragment thought to come from Adolf Hitler is in fact that of an unidentified woman, according to a US study that has resurrected questions about the Nazi leader's death.
The bone, bearing a bullet hole, has been held up to support the theory that Hitler shot himself and took cyanide in his Berlin bunker as Soviet troops approached in April 1945.
Doubts about the chain of events -- and even speculation that Hitler got away -- have persisted for decades.
The debates made the symbolic importance of the skull piece, which went on display for the first time at Moscow's Federal Archive in 2000, all the greater -- a unique war trophy which gave the Russians enormous pride.
In addition to the skull, Soviet troops said they exhumed Hitler's jawbone and that the bone's identity was confirmed through his dental assistants.
Now, professors at the University of Connecticut say they have debunked the story of the skull, arguing that examinations show it belonged to a woman, probably between the age of 20 and 40.
Archeologist and bone specialist Nick Bellantoni says he immediately suspected the bone belonged to a woman because of its structure...."
Has anyone tried to speak the truth to those mainstreamers out there? I did about this Osama situation. When someone called to share the good news, I just was honest. I told them I saw those pictures 2 weeks ago and they are not real, Bhutto told us about his death in 07 and this is being done for a reason, most likely a political one (o's rise in the polls) and now the talk about Pakistani's having been giving him this haven. I think we may be headed for a war with a new Middle Eastern country, just what we need.
The other thing I added was that they did kill someone on Beltaine day, who that may be we will never know.
The caller??? said she could not understand what I was saying? She could not understand why I didn't want to join in the joy. She Then she said something so strange. She was scared to death of all the evil "out there" in the world. She was ready to be raptured out of here.
Don't be afraid, I said, well you know YHWH has a plan for us all and is in control of even the evil? I reminded her about Balaam and how he could not curse Israel. I reminded her about Saul and the evil spirit YHWH sent to him, that caused David to come to the palace to play for Saul, and how that spirit eventually became the enemy in Saul that David wrote about in Psalms. How YHWH used that evil to do His Will in the end.
But I fear she really thinks I am woo-woo waaaay out there, poor dear.
One thing for sure this event did was to raise everyone's fear level. The enemy must get a thrill of some kind from fear. I fear the event has happened for a very real reason, it is the set up for the next event. Praying no one I know becomes a part of the next "event".
I haven't personally yet talked to any who holds the mainstream opinion on this subject..but if it goes anything like most other subjects like this...i'll feel like taking a spork to my own eyes when it's over. (patience is a process He's still working on in me :( )
"The other thing I added was that they did kill someone on Beltaine day, who that may be we will never know."
Yes, i've been wondering who that poor guy really was. It would be a nice little miracle if someone who knew him came out and made a statement.
I think the reaction of the person who called you, commenting that you didn't want to join in the joy reflects some of the reason this sorry ploy is working on people. Many people are afraid..depressed and confused as they look at what is happening in the world. This event gives them a reason to feel like something good is finally taking place that can somewhat re-enact the frenzied state of bizarre "patriotism" that occurred after 911. That feeling that they are a part of something and the PTB are looking out for them after all. "Go USA" and all that...
I just wish those who go on that mentality would take a breather from that horrid "collective conscious, wherever the wind may blow, let my heart do the thinking" stuff, examine the facts... and stop being afraid of what men can do since we have a Father in heaven who knows the score.
ok here are the pictures, warning very graphic. But tell me which one is Osama? the grey bearded man who has been on dialysis for 10 years?? Does anyone see a dialysis machine?
Has anyone tried to speak the truth to those mainstreamers out there? I did about this Osama situation. When someone called to share the good news, I just was honest. I told them I saw those pictures 2 weeks ago and they are not real, Bhutto told us about his death in 07 and this is being done for a reason, most likely a political one (o's rise in the polls) and now the talk about Pakistani's having been giving him this haven. I think we may be headed for a war with a new Middle Eastern country, just what we need.
Of course many of my Facebook friends, Christians and Patriots alike, had taken up the rejoicing ad nauseam.My simple response was "Gullible Americans" which prompted one "friend" to question my meaning and another to question my "Patriotism"; enough to give me the opportunity to simply question of my Christian friends if their behaviour was based on the teachings of Jesus, and for my "Patriot" friends a simple reminder that in America one is considered innocent until proven guilty.I suggested a list of authors where they might begin to learn a different perspective. And I made one post that shared a link that offered a differing story about the death of Osama bin Laden, along with the comment that now we will just wait, watch and see what happens next to know which of us is correct.Then I removed all posts related to the subject from my wall and requested emailers to stop including me in their discussions as I hold a differing viewpoint.Knowing how long it has taken me to unlearn, relearn and accept a new "truth",and discovering a new appreciation for the teachings of Jesus, I refuse to judge others as ignorant or stupid or any other divisive term; and I try hard not to show hostility because it only keeps us separated.Rather than argue, I just keep trying to put my view out there, letting it fall on eyes and ears as it will, because I am convinced that if Evil is what we are battling, then our response cannot look like theirs if we hope to win.
@ Bets - none of those dead men look anything like this Osama fellow according to the many photos put out there of him before this. All of them look like young men, not older than early 30's.
@ Barry - i believe Hitler lived many years past his supposed date of death. So many Nazi scientists were brought to the US after the war, it's not hard to believe Hitler was brought out safe and alive also.
I'm not a natural born citizen, so maybe i get a break for that, but this Osama thing is not exactly makin me want to adopt the patriotism either. It makes me a bit sick actually. I don't suppose there are any blameless governments on Earth but it irritates me twice as much since this one is advertised "land of the free".
Right, lets all just wait and see what cheap, stupid false flag stuff they pull next. maybe they'll wait a while to see if people generally forget to stop looking for it, but i bet it's coming.
Truth serum in the water and a camera crew to show us the live footage of all the politicians making their giddy confessions. Would be the best thing i ever watched.
I think i recall Obama having said some ominous things about Pakistan just before his "election". He obviously already had it in mind that the US should start something with them.
@ Tristran - "Note. Is it true that a Muslim would never ever kill a fellow Muslim? If Obama (muslim?)"
I know for sure the man isn't Christian, and there's quite a few who believe he's Muslim but i make another suggestion; i think he's a Satanist.
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