It appears that there is no level of absurdity too extreme for Big Brother and simultaneously, no level of absurdity which is too intolerable to the citizens of this country. Incrementally, the nit picking controllers continue to administer fatality to freedom by way of thousands paper cuts over decades of time. As no one wound hurts bad enough to galvanize the ever - more intoxicated masses to any sort of action, the process continues.
The latest in ridiculous micro-management techniques employed by the ruling class is trash monitoring. Unbelievable, really, that even the refuse one throws out can't be left alone by this intrusive parasite of a world system which is evolving (or de-evolving). In the name of (what else) saving the planet, US cities are adopting a trash monitoring program much like one which has been in place in the UK for the past few years. Some 2.8 million homes in Great Britain now have trash bins fitted with rfid chips which monitor the amount of trash being disposed of. Some areas are requiring residents to sort their trash by color on penalty of a $1,500 (US) fine.
The US normally follows in Police State tactics one step behind the UK and so it is that now the nosey dumpster-diving mafia has arrived on American shores. Obama has dumped half a million dollars of stimulus funds into an endeavor to produce microchipped trash bins to ensure that US citizens in Dayton Ohio will be good little sheep and recycle. City and Country government supplied another $60,000 of their own. All residents of Dayton will get their microchipped trash bins and the program will be coming out of the tax payers' pockets to the tune of 1.6 million dollars over the next few years. Charlotte NC has also joined the Green Mania movement and the latest city on board is Cleveland Ohio, which perhaps has caught the worst end of the trash bin spy network in the US to date.
In Cleveland the plan is to make you recycle..or else. The plan won't be fully operational until the beginning of next year, but when it is i can safely say that Cleveland has just added one more reason in a long list for residents to find somewhere else to live. The chip will let the city know how often any one household recycles. If a household has not recycled in some weeks, a trash supervisor will rummage through their trash and count the recyclable items which the offenders have instead (gasp) discarded. If the bins are found to contain 10% or more recyclable items....the household is Fined $100. The end goal is to incorporate all residents of Cleveland in this program over the course of a few years. Fines will also be leveled on people who simply put out too much trash..recyclable or not. Those fines run from $250 to $500. You can already be fined in Cleveland for putting your trash out too early or leaving the bins out too late. Who knew taking out the trash could be such a pain in the backside?
If something simple and routine and fairly ignored as a matter of daily thought could be made into a giant irritation, you can be sure that the PTB will find a way to do it. Furthermore if they can manage to force you into a position to have every minute detail of your life examined under a microscope..well that's enough to make them giddy. They also realize that people generally don't like a regular pain in the backside which costs them money besides, and so they realize they need to provide you with some sort of incentive to just sit down and take it. That incentive, these days, comes as the rallying cry "save the planet..recycle!".
Those who are hardcore environmentalists, and even those who are not are entirely convinced that good people recycle and bad, careless people throw things away. They are convinced that we will all find ourselves buried under mountains of trash someday in a landscape barren of trees (since we've used them all for paper) and choking to death for all the pollution and lack of oxygen...unless everyone recycles. The propaganda which demands either you accept giving up some of your natural freedoms or you will die a miserable death on a dying planet is a hit. The compliant masses are given an incentive to feel good about themselves for bowing down to strict regulation. They even acquire a sort of "martyrs complex" whereby they feel such a level of self righteousness that their venom toward non compliant people borders on a hostility one might reserve for serial killers.
It is time to do a little homework on the claims environmentalism makes concerning the impact of the private sector on the planet's ecosystems. Environmentalism is a misnomer...instead of being a movement of the people to help clean up the natural environment, what it is precisely, is a political tool by which government manipulates the masses into accepting the chipping away of their human rights. If you would really believe that there is any attempt within government which remotely resembles cleaning up the planet, consider these things which are never mentioned as environmental concerns by government and mainstream media alike:
GMO crops: an insanely destructive enterprise to the ecosystem, not only will genetically manipulated crops destroy Your health, but will contaminate and eventually destroy their natural counterparts, kill bee populations needed for pollination and pose a threat to any wildlife who eats them. These crops aren't just OK with government, they have gone to great lengths to ensure producers of them don't even have to tell you you're eating them. Ever hear mainstream media or DC griping at you to stop eating GMO produce?
Suppression of free energy: you may believe it has simply been a matter of necessity that energy is produced in the manner it is by means of great amounts of money and fossil fuels, all neatly kept in control by a few companies around the country. Not true by a long shot...the means to produce energy which would be entirely clean and Cost Free to every person on the planet after an initial set up has existed since the early 1900's in the wake of technology brought to light by Nicola Tesla. Why don't we have it? well...ask the government who wants to microchip your trash beats me.
Pharmaceutical Industry waste: Without even mentioning the process of making the pharmaceuticals themselves, let's just consider the ramifications of millions of people popping pills all over the country. Medication, which by the way has never cured anything but has made the drug companies very wealthy, is a serious pollutant in the water supply. These medications remain in the water supply even after treatment at water facilities and as a result they have devastating effects on the wildlife who comes in contact with the residual chemicals. Now we have populations of fish and amphibians who can't produce fertile males and shellfish who have no natural instinct to avoid predators. Since when has the government done anything to try to promote natural prevention and cure over pharmaceuticals?
Water Treatment facilities: Across the nation, water treatment facilities maintain a practice of adding cocktails of chemicals to the drinking water of municipalities..some 400 different sorts of chemicals actually. Among these are sodium fluoride..a horrifically toxic chemical waste left over from manufacturing plants. These chemicals are unspeakably harmful to the human body, not to mention their impact on the environment. Sodium Fluoride is particularly hard to filter out of water once it is in it...even distillation will not remove the chemical. It is a government decision that city water supplies should be a toxic soup of waste chemicals. Feeling less motivated by Big Brother's insistence that you recycle yet?
Recycling itself has no great benefit to the environment as the process itself is a producer of pollution. It does little to nothing to help keep trees alive since the paper industry is responsible for most of the trees planted anyway. At one time in the past there was a perfectly biodegradable, wholly renewable source for paper products which required much less processing than wood pulp and would have done away with the need to ever use wood for paper production altogether. That product was hemp... but the government on behalf of the companies who's interest was in wood pulp quickly found reasons to demonize the reputation of cannabis in the public mind so that a simple wild plant became utterly taboo and a cheap and plentiful resource was abandoned. The entire question of recycling to spare trees would be as easily resolved by substituting hemp for wood pulp now. This does not seem to be of any interest in DC either.
Ever heard of straining gnats and swallowing camels? Obviously there is no point in mandating recycling to any end which benefits the environment while at the same time there is such a complete disinterest in government to address real issues of environmental concern. One might easily brush that off with flippant remarks of some general lack of intelligence on the part of politicians but that is not the root cause suggested by the ever increasing surveillance grid which has been gradually introduced to US citizens. One by one, an individual has to either keep coming up with excuses for measures like these or reasonably decide that they are all to some greater purpose. Answering the issue with "it's just a traffic big deal", "it's just a product big deal", "it's just big deal"...eventually ends at "it's just a national security implantable's no big deal."
At what point do people get sick of it? At what point is it too much invasion? At what point are people willing to say.."forget it, i'm not going to take it anymore."? I don't know what you're planning to do about it, residents of Cleveland Ohio, but i can tell you what i would do...i would outright refuse to comply..period. Perhaps i'd try disabling that nasty little chip with a neodymium magnet or maybe i'd simply think about hiring a private trash disposal company even if it cost more....possibly if all else failed i'd move. Come hell or high water though, $100 fines or $1,000 (which i would also flatly refuse to pay) answer would have to remain "No". I think it's past time for a little civil disobedience.
Humanity is endowed with certain inalienable rights which are by nature the gift of their Creator, not a government privilege.