
End of English alphabet: Z = Omega ?

  • Tristran Hepburn

    Maybe first wave was Z-Team. Last of the Arabic alphabet and thus "expendable", Z Team or Worst team.

    Maybe Z-Team was set to use old USSR vehicals. Filled with only 1 tank of fuel, told to get into enemy territory as far as possible and be ready for re-supply, that never comes.

    Then they realise that they are simply objects to be vapourised by the enemy on a mission to simply decrease enemy NATO defences of their missile / drone resources.

    Then the better equiped Russian resources move in for the kill after NATO has used up much of its initial defensive resources.

  • Admin


    At least one MSM article i read insisted that it referred to Q. Of course they're generally full of s**** but the "one letter" theme is interesting to note.

    NATO doesn't appear that they're going to do a flippin thing. Trump once called them a paper tiger, implying that they are essentially powerless.

    But, anyway, this "war" is a show. Look in the other direction. Putin is just securing some US biolabs being used to engineer dangerous pathogens.. No big deal and not a bad idea.