The Rabbit Hole

A place to compile and research resources on the history of Mind Control in occult traditions, generational Luciferian families and government/military application.

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  • david omweno ongori

    It needs high thinking of mind before making any judgement in any case before the court law.

  • Franziska von Hacht

    Hello everyone,

    How are you all?

    I just signed up yesterday to this site, and am posting this to all members on here, in the hopes that I will find someone else on here like me... So here is the message... Does anyone else feel mass amounts (constant) deja vu on a continual basis where everything has already happened and just keeps repeating like in a loop... Like we are repeating 2013 from the beginning to the end over and over? I am experiencing this for many years, and I am a Christian and Targeted Individual/ Mind Control victim of the government/ military and fallen angels (so called "aliens") and I sign up to this website every repeat (loop) that I do, writing this exact message each time... I feel very alone in this... I came on here and wrote this because I felt that this website was very close to my own views and thinking about things when it comes to how I view the Bible... And I especially wrote this after I read the article titled, "Breaking through the Ouroboros." I felt that maybe someone else was experiencing being stuck in time like me...

    Please share your experiences.

    Thank you and God bless.

  • Admin

    Prodigal Son


    Podesta is very happy to broadcast his support of 14 + fish. Back in 1987, Michael Aquino founded the satanic church called The Temple of Set. I've omitted a lot of that story, so check out the to get the full read where they discuss very disgusting abuses of the children.
    Then we find this email sent by Amrita, containing an Army Cook Book, to Tony Podesta, John ccd.