Natural Health

"For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith YHWH" Jeremiah 30:17

Questions and discussions about biblical, natural health in the age of synthetic convenience.

xylitol derived from non-gmo corn

is xylitol derived from non-gmo corn good?

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    words left unspoken

    why didn't you just add more almond flour?

    Tabitha said:

    It would have to be. Xylitol and Stevia are two of the safest zero cal sweetners out there. Another good thing to sweeten with is star anise seeds. Be careful though. They are strong. You can easily over power something with them. I made some almond flour matzeh and used three of them to sweeten them. It was WAY too strong. I hardly could eat it.

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    Prodigal Son

    Yes, if it is assuredly non gmo. it is safe to be derived from corn. Xylitol can come from many plants. It is a natural sugar alcohol produced by the plant