The Rabbit Hole

A place to compile and research resources on the history of Mind Control in occult traditions, generational Luciferian families and government/military application.



This is what results from mind control abuse and ritual abuse. He's asked why his head hurts so much and never really answers, but the reason is because rapid switching does this to you. It's as if the brain is being battered about in the skull with the switches. Had the therapist any idea of what she was doing, she probably would have been more careful in inducing the switches.

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    this is really good for understanding a first-person view of dissociation.

    "I do not receive any help for this.  

    I hope this story might contribute to a better understanding of a difficult life, dominated by such experiences."

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    "Know Who You Are at Any Age"

    It seems things are indictive to
    A distinct desire to observe such, heal such
    Behave such that makes this hard for me

    I'm not real and I deny
    I won't heal unless I cry
    I can't grieve, so I won't grow
    I won't heal till I let it go

    I'm not real and I deny
    I won't heal unless I cry

    It seems things are indictive to
    A distinct desire to observe such, heal such
    Behave such that makes this hard for me

    I'm not real and I deny
    I won't heal unless I cry
    I cant grieve, so I won't grow
    I won't heal till I let it go

    I'm not real and I deny
    I won't heal unless I cry
    I can't grieve, so I won't grow
    I won't heal till I let it go

    Cry, cry, cry till you know why
    I lost myself, identify
    Cry, cry, cry till you know why
    I lost myself, identify

    I'm not real and I deny
    I won't heal unless I cry
    I can't grieve, so I won't grow
    I won't heal till I let it go

    Liz Fraser, Cocteau Twins

    baby steps...