Ydna/Mtdna Haplogroups and History

It is clear that some radically different lines have mixed over the last approx. six thousand years. Be they human/nephil/chimera/everything in between, mixing has occurred among Every human lineage. Regardless, one's Y (deep paternal) and mtdna (deep maternal) DNA persist for many generations. This is a snapshot into one or more Founder group, genetically-speaking. I welcome anyone here to present any known Y or mtdna haplogroup and we can analyze the situation together. Has anyone tried DNA services like Ancestry or 23andme.com? Share information.

I'll share mine I guess:

Y-dna: R1a1a

Mtdna: N1b1b

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    Not directly related to Haplogroups, but just re-checked something on 23andme. Interesting, noticed my mother was found to have a variant for Hereditary Hemochromatosis (ancestry is mostly Danish and Polish-Belarusian. Blood type A-). My father doesn't appear to have any variants (ancestry is German, Danish, and British Isles/Irish blend. Blood type AB+)

    Are iron concerns heavily associated with Eastern Europeans? 

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    I think the greatest incidence of that is in Western Europeans but it can be found in any "white" population and some rare instances in non-white people (African American, Hispanic, etc) that probably have a few white ancestors. My guess is that the mutation is attached to Watcher ancestors.

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    R1a has two distinct branches today (minus minor lineages, these are rare), the r-m417 branch virtually exclusive to Europe, and r1a-z93 which is the asiatic relative, possibly springing as a west-east offshoot. I am wondering if R1a is the Trojan marker. I mention R1a as it is relatively numerous in some of the more southerly parts of Scandinavia, and scandos have a Trojan-connection. I am not set on this and it very easily could be a median-type lineage. For reference, R1a represents about half of Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Russian men, and the Polish schlachta have a tradition they descend in the paternal live to Sarmatians, one of the Scythian-related peoples. Which is the chicken and which is the egg, I wonder...

    Another problem with the previously proposed R1a-Trojan theory is that R1a is low in Iberia and basques are dominated by far by r1b. Now, this doesn’t rule out that a formerly R1a-heavy pop became hijacked by an r1b-heavy elite and retained enough genome-wide Trojan ancestry. Again, chickens and eggs.

    if it is r1b=Trojan, I have additional questions...just one of which is, what of Magog? Can r1b represent both? Are all Of Japheth sons r1? Hmm.