How is a mortal expected to survive for 7 years without taking the Mark of the Beast ?

The reason why i ask this is due to the fact that the past 7 years has followed 3 and a half visions out of a total of 5.

Vision 5 became reality from Dec 12 2006 and ended July 2007.
Vision 4 started in Feb 2008 and finished Dec 2010.
Vision 3, that i assumed was a paradise after the Rapture, actually happened on this planet and started in June 2012 and ended February 2015.
Vision 2 started in February 2015 and reach half-way in June 2015.

Vision 1 is expected to become reality on Nov 5th 2015.

Now i assumed that the Vision 1 was a message sent to me from YHWH of what Revelation 16:10 will look like and it will have the duration of 7 years. Somehow i survive to the bitter end of it.

So if the vision becomes reality and the anti-christ introduces a false paradise, how can a mortal survive when they don't take the Mark ?

There were negative entities in the vision that took the form of wraiths. The Mark cannot be attached to a bodyless wraith. Nanobots cannot function in a bloodless wraith and wraiths don't drift around holding credit cards. So if i was confronted by my own kind then that might explain how i could survive without food and water for the 7 Year Tribulation.

Now, if YHWH removed His love from this world on the day the US High Court sealed America's fate after the gay/lesbian vote, is it possible that CERN might be able to bridge the gap between this real world and a dark world ?

This will explain how the vision showed a black sky and desolation covering the landscape.

How can i be expected to survive for 7 years on a foodless diet ?

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  • Founder


    The Lord's prayer might say it perfectly, actually...

    "Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven" The prayer contains the components for what we should all remember in communication with Him...thanksgiving, glorifying His name and asking for His provision, as well as allowing Him to have the ultimate power over our fate and having the faith within ourselves to trust that.

  • Tristran Hepburn

    Ok. Even though i always said it firsthand, i always thought it was so general that it was pretty much ignored and classed as bland (not a personal need or unique).

    Thanks for the help and guidance.

  • Founder


    You don't have to repeat the Lord's prayer fact, that can become a "vain repetition" but the model exists so that you understand what communication to Him should be like. When you pray...pray what's in your soul to pray, because He knows that anyway...and ask for what provision you specifically need, and thank Him for being the provider of it